~ Abril 2017  ~
WHP Logo
Western Hummingbird Partnership Logo
WHP Executive Committee
John Alexander 
Klamath Bird Observatory

Maria del Coro Arizmendi 
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Susan Bonfield 
Environment for the Americas

Barb Bresson
Avian Conservation Program
USFS, Pacific Northwest Region

Greg Butcher 
Migratory Species Coordinator
USFS, International Programs
Sarahy Contreras
Universidad de Guadalajara

Geoff Geupel 
Director, Emerging Programs and Partnerships Group
Point Blue Conservation Science
Cheryl Carrothers
Wildlife Program Leader
USFS, Alaska Region

Western Hummingbird Partnership
Western Hummingbird Partnership (WHP) is a collaborative approach to hummingbird research, conservation, and education. Working with partners in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, WHP strives to understand what hummingbirds need to survive in a changing world. Our newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the latest in hummingbird news. Thank you for joining us!
Keep Up with WHP
Keep up with the latest in hummingbird news via Facebook or the WHP newsletter. Both are provided in English and Spanish. Find the Spanish version on our website:   Spanish Newsletter
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Image of a male Anna's Hummingbird. 

UC Davis Study Finds that California Hummingbirds are Exposed to Pesticides

Lisa Tell, a researcher at the School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis, received a grant from WHP to help fund a project that evaluated the presence of insecticides on hummingbirds in California. This project developed a new method to detect both the external and internal presence of eight insecticides used in California. Samples from Black-chinned and Anna's Hummingbirds were used for the study. 
Results from Tell's research confirms that Anna's and Black-chinned Hummingbirds are exposed to a suite of insecticides. More birds were exposed to insecticides externally than internally. The most common were carbamate and neonicotinoid insecticides.
Birds and other animals are indicators of environmental health. If hummingbirds are exposed to pesticides, humans may be as well. Read more to learn about the potential impacts of these chemicals on both birds and humans. 

2017 WHP Grants Program Update   
WHP will not be offering its small grants program this year. Please check back in 2018 for any updates. 

Thank you!
Preventing Window Collisions at Jardín Botánico
In an effort to make their site bird friendly and bird safe, the Jardín Etnobotanico in Puebla, México has put decals on windows that were known for bird collisions. The decals were 
T he garden placed decals on windows to prevent bird collisions. 
immediately successful, and t he garden has seen a dramatic decrease in bird collisions and potentially even the elimination of window strikes at their garden facilities. This is an action  everyone can take to immediately and significantly benefit  hummingbirds and other bird species.  
Documenting the Pollen Collection Process

Capulin Volcano National Monument will host a second Environment for the Americas (EFTA) intern this summer. In collaboration with the National Park Service, EFTA and Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) work to provide 10-week work experiences for young people who identify as Latino/Latina at National Parks around the United States through  the Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP).

At Capulin Volcano
A spectacular aerial view of Capulin Volcano. 
 ( CAVO), the LHIP intern will participate in hummingbird research. To learn more about hummingbirds and their floral nectar resources, a focus of the work this summer is to gather information on pollen to help researchers identify the flowering plants in the area. The intern will document the steps in a written and video format so that it is accessible to all banders who are interested in identifying flowering plants through their pollen . CAVO would also like to build a pollen library in order to compare pollen from different regions. WHP is looking forward to helping accomplish these goals

WHP Website in Spanish
The Western Hummingbird Partnership website is now available in Spanish. Visit the site and explore the pages!

Western Hummingbird Partnership | sbbonfield@gmail.com | http://westernhummingbird.org
Environment for the Americas, 5171 Eldorado Springs Drive, Suite N, Boulder, CO 80303