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Research News & Trainings

THIS Thursday learn tips on using graphs and illustrations to increase the effectiveness of your manuscript and how to avoid making mistakes.

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Click to Download Outlook Invitation

Communicating the Impact of Your Research to Non-Scientists: How Research Communications Can Help 

Wednesday April 20, 2022 | 12:00-1:00PM

Presenter: Alicia Gregory, Director, Research Communications

This is part of the VPR Lunch & Learn series, registration is not required.

Zoom Link

REDCap Training

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Click Here to Register

2022 John P. Wyatt, MD Environment & Health Symposium on Earth Day, Friday, April 22

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Visit the event website for more details and to register.

Event Website

Funding Opportunities

AHRQ Announces Interest in Primary Care Research

Agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Purpose: This Special Emphasis Notice informs the research community that AHRQ is interested in receiving health services research grant applications to advance the science of primary care. We will use our standing R01, R18, and R03 mechanism to fund primary care focused health services research.

Revitalizing the Nation’s primary care system is critical to achieving AHRQ’s mission of improving the quality, safety, accessibility, equity and affordability of health care. For years, AHRQ has made significant investments in research to understand how to improve primary care—including investing in primary care training and practice-based research networks, integrating behavioral health and primary care, and evaluating the patient-centered medical home and the costs of primary care transformation AHRQ’s continued dedication to advancing the field of primary care research includes the expansion of the capacity of the National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research to promote primary care research.


Related Announcements:

  • PA-18-793 - AHRQ Health Services Research Demonstration and Dissemination Grants (R18)
  • PA-18-794 - AHRQ Small Research Grant Program (R03)
  • PA-18-795 - AHRQ Health Services Research Projects (R01)
  • PA-21-202 - AHRQ/PCORI Learning Health System Small Grant Pilot Program
  • NOT-HS-16-011 - Innovative Research in Primary Care
  • NOT-HS-16-013 - Optimizing Care for People Living with Multiple Chronic Conditions through the Development of Enhanced Care Planning

Link to Full Announcement

Increasing Immediate Engagement and Retention in HIV Treatment with Substance Users

(R01- Clinical Trials Required)

Agency: NIH

Description: The purpose is to support research that addresses limitations in understanding how to ensure all people who use drugs (PWUD) and are at risk for, or living with HIV have rapid access to high quality substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and HIV care services, including Pre-exposure prophylaxis. This FOA is intended to support research that develops and tests interventions at the system, organization, provider, and/or social determinants of health levels to reduce the time between HIV testing and/or diagnosis and linkage to appropriate HIV care for PWUD. In addition to rapid HIV care, projects supported through this FOA should also address the identification of SUD service needs and rapid linkage to appropriate services. Because access to care is also impacted by sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity structural and systems-level interventions paying special attention to equity will be given priority consideration for funding.


Announcement Number: RFA-DA-23-002

Closing Date: August 11, 2022

Link to Full Announcement

Innovative Multi-Level Approaches and Strategies to Prevent, Test and Treat HIV in Primary Care Settings in Health Disparity Populations in Geographic Hot Spots in the United States

(R01 - Clinical Trial Required)

Agency: National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)

Description: This initiative will support intervention research that tests innovative approaches and strategies to prevent, test and treat HIV among health disparity populations or subpopulations within primary care settings located in geographic areas with a high rate of new infections.


Research designs are expected to evaluate comprehensive strategies that address a range of prevention, care, and treatment barriers across one or more phases of the HIV treatment cascade, engagement in care, retention in care and achievement of viral suppression. Projects that test multi-level interventions that evaluate multi-level approaches at the patient, clinician, peer/family, setting, and community level to address social determinants of health are strongly encouraged. Interventions focused solely on the individual level are not a priority for this RFA.


Study designs may involve intervention effectiveness, comparative effectiveness, success of intervention implementation strategies, or optimization of multi-component interventions. It is strongly encouraged that leadership and/or clinicians and other personnel within the primary care setting(s) be involved as research partners.


Application budgets are limited to $500,000 direct costs annually, not including consortia F&A costs.


Announcement Number: RFA-MD-22-009

Closing Date: August 15, 2022

Link to Full Announcement
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