Research News & Trainings

Save the Date!

Facts & Snacks, the CPH Office of Research presentation series, is gearing up for the 23-24 year.

Save the date for the first presentation of the semester and other important information below:

Date: September 12th

Time: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EST

Where: CPH 207 & Zoom

Stay tuned for more information about topic and speaker for the September 12th session!

Students who participated in summer research can now register to attend the 5th annual Summer Research Symposium on Monday, August 28 in the Gatton Student Center Ballroom B from 4:30 – 6:00 PM! 


The Summer Research + Creative Symposium is an informal, interactive presentation opportunity that allows students to present their summer research or creative works in a small group setting via a 3 – 5 minute "elevator pitch" or lightning talk. The Symposium cultivates students’ presentation and research communication skills and challenges them to describe their research within five minutes to a diverse group. This is a terrific opportunity for UK’s undergraduate students to learn these critical communication skills and represent the diversity of scholarly work at UK.


No research posters or slides will be needed. Each small group is hosted by a faculty mentor.


There will be catering, fun, and door prizes. 



Register for the Summer Symposium

The Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) Annual Conference is a premier event in the healthcare industry, focused on person-centered care and collaborative approaches to improving patient outcomes management. Students can network with professionals in the field – including healthcare executives, researchers, and policymakers, -- gaining valuable insights into potential career paths and the challenges and opportunities facing healthcare today. Common conference themes include the importance of collaborative approaches to healthcare management and the need for innovation and creative thinking to achieve transformational outcomes in healthcare.

The annual conference will be hosted in Lexington, KY this year! It will take place October 4-6 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Downtown Lexington.

Students are encouraged to submit a poster abstract by August 26 for a chance to present their posters, and to attend the conference to engage in meaningful conversations with professionals, exchange ideas, and learn about the real-world challenges and successes of healthcare management.

If you have any questions about registration, please send them to

TCOM Conference Event Page and Registration

The Office of the Vice President for Research hosts a series of lunch and learn workshops. The workshops for the Fall 2023 semester begin on August 23rd, led by Dr. Lisa Cassis

Title: The State of UK's Research: Resources, Infrastructure, & Future Plans

When: August 23rd

Time: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EST


Events Page with Zoom Link

NIH All of Us Research Program

UK is part of a national network of university CTSAs that has received an NIH grant to support researchers and students to access and analyze data from the NIH All of Us Research Program. Funded by NIH, the purpose of the All of Us program is to establish a cohort of over 1 million participants who represent the rich diversity of the U.S. population. Nearly 500,000 participants have already completed health, environmental and psychosocial surveys and have donated biosamples; nearly 400,000 have permitted access to EHR data. Greater than 80% of participants are persons underrepresented in biomedical research including over half who are from historically minoritized racial and ethnic groups. Supported by the NIH All of Us grant, the team at UK includes researchers, a data manager and a statistician who are available to assist anyone interested in using the data.

The team would like to identify opportunities to present information about the NIH All of Us Research Program to students, researchers and clinical faculty who could benefit from learning about and potentially using the database. Please let us know if there are student groups, classes, research faculty or clinical faculty who may be interested and we will be glad to arrange a presentation or one-on-one meetings, whichever would work best. We would also be glad to consider other methods that would support spreading the word about this rich resource.

The NIH All of Us team’s data manager and analyst have virtual office hours from 12pm – 1 pm the second and fourth Monday of each month. Anyone can join using the following Zoom link:

For additional questions about the NIH All of Us program or to arrange a presentation or similar, contact the UK All of Us grant Program Manager, Lynn Warneke (  

If you would like CPH to host a presentation on this topic, please let us know via the research office email

NIH All of us-Learn More

RCR In-Person Training

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training applies to ALL faculty, staff, graduate students, undergraduates, and postdoctoral fellows participating in research. The deadline to complete RCR In-Person Training/Discussion has passed.


The following sessions are being offered in-person:

August 9, 2023

9:00 am - 10:00 am

William R Willard Medical Science Building


August 9, 2023

10:00 am - 11:00 am

William R Willard Medical Science Building


Responsible Conduct of Research & Scholarly Activity

Funding Opportunities

Early Stage Investigator and Innovation/High Impact Pilot Funding Awards

The CCTS is now accepting applications for two types of pilot funding awards. Within the general guidelines outlined below, the types of projects that will be considered within these funding mechanisms include projects that: 


  • Promote translational science 
  • Provide support for early career investigators.
  • Stimulate the development of new clinical and translational inter- and multidisciplinary teams.
  • Promote community-based research.
  • Develop new methodologies to leverage institutional strengths and new initiatives. 
  • Pursue high-risk, high reward studies.


This award is intended to support pilot studies by early stage investigators (NIH definition- see below) to obtain preliminary data for an extramural grant submission. The maximum award will be $25,000 which must be spent over 12 months. This award is only open to investigators in the early stage of their career, or investigators who are transitioning into a new area. Applicants must identify a mentor to assist with the investigator’s training. 



This award is for investigators at all stages of career development; early career, midlevel, and senior investigators, and is intended to stimulate innovation and to support pilot studies that will lead to extramural funding. The total award is limited to $50,000 which must be spent over 12 months. 

 Letters of Intent due Aug. 16, 2023

Full Application due October 12, 2023 

Link to Full Announcement

2024 COBRE Research Project Funding

Request for Applications

The UK Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Translational Chemical Biology (CTCB) is currently seeking applications for new COBRE projects. CTCB, an affiliate of the College of Pharmacy’s Center for Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation (CPRI), is a comprehensive multidisciplinary center focused on advancing translational chemical biology. The overarching goals of CTCB are to support junior faculty career development, advance impactful translational chemical biology research/tools, and stimulate transdisciplinary collaboration, research innovation and early translation. Within this context, the CTCB supports up to four COBRE research projects each year with an annual maximum budget per project of $175K (direct costs). For more general COBRE information, see the NIGMS COBRE program.

Research Project Leader (RPL) Eligibility: RPLs must tenure track or equivalent UK faculty and qualify either as NIH Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) or as New Investigators (NIs). COBRE PIs are required to commit 50% effort to the COBRE project during their appointment.

Important Dates:

Phase 1 Pre-application deadline: September 5, 2023

Phase 2 Full application deadline: November 2023 (by invitation only)

Anticipated award start date: February 2024

If you have questions regarding this RFA, here are some important contacts: COBRE Project Coordinator Tonya Vance (; COBRE PI, Jon Thorson (

Full Announcement and More Information

HRSA-24-097 Centers of Excellence

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration


Description: The COE program institutionalizes a commitment to underrepresented minority (URM) students and faculty to provide educational and training opportunities focused on increasing racial and ethnic diversity among health professions and addressing minority health issues.


Announcement Number: HRSA-24-097

Closing Date: January 23, 2024

PLEASE NOTE: This is a forecasted opportunity.

Link to Full Announcement 

HRSA-24-029 FY2024 Quality Improvement Fund

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration 


Description: The purpose of QIF funding is to support health centers to develop and pilot innovative, patient centered, scalable models of care delivery to reduce health disparities and address the clinical and health related social needs of patients.


Announcement Number: HRSA-24-029

Closing Date: December 4, 2023

PLEASE NOTE: This is a forecasted opportunity.

Link to Full Announcement
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