Research Training Opportunities & News | |
Elizabeth Crolley has been promoted to Senior Grants Program Coordinator. In addition to her continued assistance to the college, she will be collaborating with the Kentucky Injury Prevention Research Center team, providing essential proposal development support. Congratulations Elizabeth!
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If you are planning a grant submission within the next 3 months to any organization, please email Elizabeth Crolley as soon as possible so that we can begin the proposal process. You can also email CPH Research ( with any questions and someone will reply to your email within 24 hours.
Click HERE to visit the Research SharePoint site where we have a document with a timeline and what is required during the grant proposal process.
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CPH Research Training THIS THURSDAY! | |
The CPH Office of Research is excited to host Jessica Koenigsknecht-Talboo, PhD., Director of Foundation and Corporate Philanthropy and Hannah O’Leary, MPA, Associate Director of Foundation and Corporate Philanthropy who will present on foundation and corporate funding opportunities, the databases UK has invested in and how the office of philanthropy can assist with proposals.
Foundation for Corporate Philanthropy Website
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Scholars@UK is designed to bring focus to your work, drive research collaborations and support institution-wide success. We look forward to making our portal viewable to the public February 15th and encourage you to use this tool to its fullest potential.
Scholars@UK is a searchable database of University of Kentucky research faculty and staff, containing:
- Information about academic appointments
- Research expertise
- Publication outputs and metrics
- Awarded sponsored grants and contracts
- Patents and other intellectual property
- Equipment and laboratory space
- Additional scholarly accomplishments and affiliations
Each profile includes a specialized “scholarly fingerprint” related to the topical area and expertise of the researcher or research unit.
For questions about profile editing assistance, please send an email to For technical support, please email the Scholars@UK team at
We need your help validating and updating your profile. Below are instructions to help you get started or complete updates.
Important Note: When you log into your profile and review your positions—you will see start dates for each position. Please ignore these start dates—the analytics team had to hard-code the dates in order to have the positions display on your profile in a particular order. No need to have those dates corrected, they are not viewable to the public and are not used in any reporting.
Please visit this help page for FAQs and specific help videos and training opportunities:
You can also email with any questions you have and the Research Analytics team will promptly respond.
- Use the one-sheet guide attached to login and find your profile. You can also search for your name to find it. Once logged in you will be able to make changes and updates to some of the content. Any data we “sync” from internal databases will not be editable, but will need to be fixed in underlying data sources. Please contact your department administrative staff if any sync’d data needs corrected.
- You have the ability to add additional positions to your profile, but if one needs modified that we sync from internal databases you will need to contact your college administrator, they will need to make the updates in SAP and/or the faculty database on your behalf.
Research output that is indexed by SCOPUS or available through select online sources will need to be turned on under Automated Search. Once turned on, please allow time for the output to pull in. New searches are performed every 7 days. Examples of available online sources:
- Scopus, Digital Commons, Mendeley, PubMed, Web of Science, Arto. EBSCoHost, and many others
- Not all data is available in our central database or available through online sources. Manual updates will need to be made for the following:
- Research output that is not indexed in large online databases (Presentations, some books, policy papers, posters, doctoral thesis, etc.
- Internally funded research, SCOPE accounts, and some pilot projects
- Projects funded by gifts or endowment funds
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Vice President for Research Lunch & Learn | |
February 16, 2022 at 12PM
Phone: 646-876-9923 Meeting ID: 925 168 6420
Just Get Rid of It? The Importance of Data Annotation and Storage
- Helene Lake-Bullock (Assistant Vice President for Research, Director, Office of Research Integrity)
- Alan Daugherty (Associate Vice President for Research)
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Igniting Research Collaborators
2022 Networking Event (Zoom)
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February 16, 2 - 5 pm
- 2 pm - Introduction (Drs. Cassis and Dwoskin)
- 2:10 pm - Implement team science training (CCTS)
- 2:40 pm - Brainstorming breakout session #1
- 3:35 pm - Review potential outcomes
- 3:50 pm - Brainstorming breakout session #2 (different groups)
- 4:45 pm - Review potential outcomes
- 5 pm - Adjourn
Faculty should contact Doris Castellanos to get an invite for the IRC networking event, during which teams will conceptualize new cross-college collaborations.
Projects must be new cross-college collaborations between faculty from at least 2 colleges.
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Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) | |
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) mandatory RCR training applies to all full-time faculty, staff or trainees that participate in research or creative work. This includes staff supported in part or fully through research funding, grants and contracts, or who execute research and/or creative work, and trainees (undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, visiting scientists) participating in part or fully in research or creative work.
If you have completed the RCR Basic course, a refresher course must be completed yearly by your certificate expiration date to stay in compliance.
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KY One Health Conference
Save the Date!
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Sharing drafted agenda; registration details forthcoming. | |
Learn more at our Office Hours Q&A on February 8th at 12:00pm!
Do you have an idea or a product to improve patient care or enhance human health?
KYNETIC provides pilot funding to bring groundbreaking health-related innovations to the marketplace.
Faculty, staff, trainees, and students are encouraged to apply!
Pre-Application Deadline: February 14, 2022 at 5pm ET
Funded by the NIH, KYNETIC offers entrepreneurial education and proof-of-concept/product development grants to accelerate the translation of academic innovations into biomedical products by investigators throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. KYNETIC is led by the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, and Kentucky Commercialization Ventures (KCV).
Register Here:
Request a Consultation
KYNETIC Project Managers are ready to help and provide feedback at every stage!
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AHA – Health Equity Research Network (HERN) on Disparities in Maternal-Infant Health Outcomes |
Agency: American Heart Association
Description: The AHA has committed $20 million to establish this HERN -- an opportunity to significantly advance our understanding of the factors underlying the disproportionate impact of maternal mortality and morbidity on Black women, Native American women, and those living in rural areas. Heart and vascular issues account for about half of these deaths, uniquely positioning the AHA to address this critical issue.
The Health Equity Research Network (HERN) on Disparities in Maternal-Infant Health will be a single Network that will include multiple projects. An overall project plan will be developed by self-identified sites and submitted to the AHA as a coordinated submission. Proposed projects will have a common fundamental theme that will assess pathophysiologic mechanisms, an intervention or approach to the optimization of health outcomes for mothers and/or infants. All aspects of the network application (each Project and the Coordinating Center) will be reviewed as a collective program. The successful Network application will be one wherein each Project and the Coordinating Center are judged to be exemplary, and thus all components will be funded (i.e., either the entire Network [with some possible budgetary adjustments] will be funded, or the entire Network will not be funded).
Each Network application will include a minimum of three and no more than five projects. Each project will be at a distinct institution, and each will be led by a Project Principal Investigator (PI). Each project must have the necessary research team, required infrastructure and ability to recruit and retain a diverse group of study participants.
At the agreement of the Project PIs during the development of the Network application, one Project investigator will be designated the HERN Coordinating Center PI. The Coordinating Center PI is not required to also be a Project PI, but this individual will be at one of the institutions submitting a project application and have some scientific role in a project. The Coordinating Center PI will have an additional set of responsibilities to coordinate the efforts of the funded projects, facilitate and manage communication among the HERN Project awardees, and establish collaborations and resource sharing as appropriate. The Coordinating Center PI will coordinate the dissemination of all findings resulting from this award mechanism.
Amount: Up to $20,000,000 for 4 years
Closing Date: Pre-proposal Due: March 8, 2022
Full Proposal (If invited) Due: April 21, 2022
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NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): COVID-19 Pandemic Mental Health Research | |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): COVID-19 Pandemic Mental Health Research
Issued by National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Purpose: NIMH is issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to highlight interest in basic, translational, intervention and services research relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. NIMH is especially interested in research to provide an evidence base to understand how mental illness contributes to COVID-19 risk and mortality, how incident mental illness develops with COVID-19, and the development of scalable interventions to meet the public mental health needs during and resulting from the pandemic both specifically related to the virus but also at a broader population level that is impacted by stress, disruptions, and loss of lives in the pandemic. Research addressing the intersection of COVID-19, mental health, and HIV treatment and prevention are also of interest to NIMH. Research is anticipated to focus on particularly vulnerable populations based on existing evidence of increased mental health symptoms and illness and preexisting and worsening health disparities.
Application and Submission Information
This notice applies to due dates on or after February 15, 2022 and subsequent receipt dates through January 8, 2025.
Submit applications for this initiative using one of the following funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) or any reissues of these announcement through the expiration date of this notice.
PA-20-141 Formative and Pilot Intervention Research for Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)
PA-20-144 Innovations in HIV Prevention, Testing, Adherence, and Retention to Optimize HIV Prevention and Care Continuum Outcomes (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
PA-20-145 Innovations in HIV Prevention, Testing, Adherence, and Retention to Optimize HIV Prevention and Care Continuum Outcomes (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
PA-20-184 Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)
PA-20-185 NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
PA-20-194 NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Clinical Trial Required)
PA-20-195 NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
PA-20-196 NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)
PA-21-235 NIMH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
PAR-19-189 Pilot Services Research Grants Not Involving Clinical Trials (R34 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
PAR-21-130 Clinical Trials to Test the Effectiveness of Treatment, Preventive, and Services Interventions (R01 Clinical Trial Required)
PAR-21-131 Pilot Effectiveness Trials for Treatment, Preventive and Services Interventions (R34 Clinical Trial Required)
PAR-21-132 Confirmatory Efficacy Clinical Trials of Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Mental Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Required)
PAR-21-316 Innovative Mental Health Services Research Not Involving Clinical Trials (R01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and the funding opportunity announcement used for submission must be followed, with the following additions:
· For funding consideration, applicants must include “NOT-MH-22-100” (without quotation marks) in the Agency Routing Identifier field (box 4B) of the SF424 R&R form. Applications without this information in box 4B will not be considered for this initiative.
Notice Number: NOT-MH-22-100
Release Date: January 19, 2022
First Available Due Date: February 21, 2022
Expiration Date: January 8, 2025
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NIH - HEAL Initiative: Advancing Health Equity in Pain and Comorbidities
(R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required)
Agency: NIH
Description: The purpose of this FOA is to solicit applications to develop, test, and implement novel, culturally-appropriate pain interventions and/or adapt, test and evaluate efficacy and effectiveness of existing pain interventions, in populations that disproportionately experience negative health outcomes. Desired outcomes of these interventions include reduction of pain and pain-related symptoms, and improvement in overall health outcomes, including function and quality of life. Interventions that target populations that experience health disparities with chronic pain in addition to at least one comorbid condition (OUD, mental health disorders and/or chronic health conditions) are of the highest priority.
Announcement Number: RFA-NS-037
Closing Date: March 22, 2022
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NIH - Urgent Award: COVID-19 Mental Health Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | |
Description: NIMH is issuing this FOA in response to the declared public health emergency issued by the Secretary, HHS, for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). See "Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists Nationwide as the Result of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus" as renewed in "Renewal of the Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists Nationwide as the Result of the Continued Consequences of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic". This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) aims to address urgent, time-sensitive mental health research questions related to COVID-19, including broader secondary impacts of the pandemic as well as research on the intersection of mental health, COVID-19, and HIV. Research supported will improve public health in the near term by informing responses to the current pandemic through 1) understanding mechanisms by which mental illness impacts SARS-CoV-2 morbidity and mortality, 2) exploring how COVID-19 contributes to incident mental illness or HIV-outcomes, 3) identifying modifiable targets uniquely or robustly implicated in the pandemic that are relevant to new and worsening mental illness, and 4) conducting mechanistic trials probing biological or behavioral processes of those targets that may be pursued in future mental health therapeutic development. Research is anticipated to be informed by and directed towards vulnerable populations based on evidence of preexisting and worsened health disparities.
Announcement Number: PAR-22-113
Closing Date: April 25, 2022
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