Research News & Trainings

Facts and Snacks-Meet your

Proposal Development Office (PDO) Liaison


Date: Tuesday, Sept. 12

Time: 12-1 p.m. EST

Where: CPH 207 & Zoom


Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees. Registration is required for in-person attendance. The deadline to register for in-person attendance is September 7th.

Please visit the events page to register, access the Zoom link if attending virtually, as well as read more about our PDO liaison, Marjorie Stanek.

Register Here

"What is REDCap?" ("Show me how to do it") Training for the NOVICE User

NOTE: For this training you should have little to no experience with REDCap. Contact Brent Seeders, the REDCap Liaison, before this class to get a REDCap account.

Class Objectives: 

  • Never logged in/Log in 
  • Orientation to REDCap/Navigation Bar
  • Basic Features & Functions
  • User Rights
  • Reports
  • Create a survey


TODAY Tuesday, September 5, 2023


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Via Zoom


Register Here

RCR In-Person Training

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training applies to ALL faculty, staff, graduate students, undergraduates, and postdoctoral fellows participating in research.

Click Here for full list of available trainings

Responsible Conduct of Research & Scholarly Activity

SUPRA (Substance Use Research Priority Area) Listserv Signup

If you are interested in receiving regular announcements of SUPRA activities and opportunities for intramural funding, please email the CPH Research office and we can work to get you added to the SUPRA listserv.

Email to:


As of September 1st, the CPH Office of Research will require CPH principal investigators to notify the CPH Office of Research of their intent to submit a research proposal at least twenty (20) business days before the sponsor’s submission deadline [at least thirty (30) business days for complex grants; CPH defines a grant as a “complex” if it involves a subaward or totals more than $5 million].

Read More Here

Evidence-Based Ideas for Opioid Abatement Funding Workshop

An upcoming virtual workshop is hosted by the HEALing Communities Study (HCS) entitled Evidence-Based Ideas for Opioid Abatement Funding.

The workshop is scheduled on September 26, 2023 from 1:00-2:30pm and features speakers from our University of Kentucky HCS team and representatives from Voices of Hope and Bluegrass Care Navigators. Speakers will be presenting an explanation of evidence-based strategies that have been successfully implemented in Kentucky counties through HCS.  The presenters will also be providing practical information on the cost of implementing these strategies. The goal of this session will be to inform participants when making decisions about county-level opioid abatement funds.

CE credit: 1 continuing education credit will be offered for registered nurses, advanced practice nurses, pharmacists, physicians, social workers and licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselors. 

To register, visit:

Full Flyer & More Information

Funding Opportunities

SUPRA: Substance Use Priority Research Area Faculty Pilot Grants

SUPRA is pleased to announced a funding opportunity for UK Faculty members interested in substance use research topics. The purpose of this pilot funding mechanism is to support innovative and collaborative substance use research from a basic science, pre-clinical, clinical, and/or community research perspective. 

This grant mechanism will provide awards up to $50,000 for a period of up to 18 months (January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025). 

Applications are due October 20th 2023.

Link to Full Announcement

University of Kentucky and Washington University

Diabetes Research Center

Collaborative Pilot & Feasibility Awards

The Washington University Diabetes Research Center (DRC) anticipates funding new Pilot & Feasibility Awards through an ongoing collaborative program with the University of Kentucky. The goal of this program is to develop preliminary data leading to the submission of new applications for independent (NIH, JDRF, or ADA) research grants. The contact Principal Investigator of this program at University of Kentucky is Dr. Philip Kern.


The following qualify for grant support under the Pilot & Feasibility Program:

  • New faculty members involved in diabetes-related research who have not yet obtained independent funding. Applications from these individuals are most likely to be supported by this mechanism.
  • Established investigators not involved in diabetes-related research who propose feasibility studies related to diabetes.
  • Established investigators involved in diabetes-related research who propose feasibility studies clearly not related to previously supported research.
  • Applicants must hold a faculty appointment and be independent investigators in any department at University of Kentucky. Postdoctoral Fellows or their equivalents are not eligible. There is no specific citizenship requirement. 
  • Previous recipients of Pilot & Feasibility support are eligible, but first priority will be given to those who have not been supported by this program.

Applications due:

October 31, 2023 by 5:00 p.m. CST 

Full RFA & More Information

Request for Applications:


Community Engagement Grants

Award Description: 

UK-CARES is requesting applications from community partner organizations for funding of up to $10,000 including indirect costs (the organization can use their Federal negotiated rate or if they do not have one, they can request a maximum of 10% per Uniform Guidance) to provide a service to the public by supporting community-engaged environmental health projects. Up to five (5) applications will be funded in 2023.

Projects must be conducted in collaboration with at least one UK faculty member and must be implemented and completed no later than June 5, 2024. The role of the UK faculty member in the project must be specified (e.g., survey development, data analysis, etc). If needed, UK-CARES staff will assist in identifying a UK faculty member. Applications must address the award priorities described below. The award will be a subcontract from the University of Kentucky Research Foundation. 

Applications Due:

Sept. 8, 2023

Download the RFA

Engagement Award: Dissemination Initiative October 2023 Cycle



Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)



The Engagement Award Program is now accepting Letters of Intent (LOIs) for the Engagement Award: Dissemination Initiative funding opportunity. You may propose projects that will last up to two years and cost up to $250,000.

Your project must focus on one of two funding tracks—Building Capacity for Dissemination or Active Dissemination—and you will self-select the focus at the time of LOI submission.

  • Building Capacity for Dissemination: These projects lay the groundwork for disseminating PCORI-funded research findings. Applicants to this track may also propose projects to lay the groundwork for the implementation of PCORI-funded research findings.
  • Active Dissemination: These projects spread awareness and increase knowledge of PCORI-funded research findings. This funding opportunity will not support projects that propose passive, untailored and untargeted dissemination strategies.  


Closing Date

Letter of Intent Due: September 28, 2023

Invited Full Proposal Due: January 10, 2024

Link to Full Announcement
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