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June 4, 2020
Wave 2 Reactivation Begins Monday
Last Friday our research community received a message from Dr. Kunkel describing how reactivating research at BSRB as a pilot has proven safe and a success, and as a next step, labs participating in that pilot wave can add a second shift in the second week of June.

Due to this success, he also announced that Wave 2 of reactivating research at the U-M Medical School can begin on Monday, June 8. The following buildings have been approved by UMOR for reopening as part of this next wave:

  • MSRB 1, 2, 3
  • MBNI
  • NCRC 14, 23, 35, 36, 60, 90

As with BSRB, these buildings will reopen in compliance with the guidelines from both the governor and central campus, with an initial 30% of personnel capacity allowed access to the buildings. Department leadership will communicate directly with those who will be a part of this wave. Remember that all personnel participating in Wave 2 must complete the MyLinc training module " COVID 19: Working Safely in U-M Research Areas."

The UMMS Office of Research has received much helpful feedback from some of the 400+ who have been part of the first wave. CLICK HERE to read the comments from Renee Beardslee, a lab specialist who provided some very thoughtful observations and photos that describe what it’s like to return to work at BSRB.

CLICK HERE for more details about Wave 2, and CLICK HERE to read more about the overarching reactivation process.

Questions? Contact
Town Halls on Racial Injustice
Current events of the past few weeks have placed a spotlight on racial injustice across the United States, and are at the forefront of our national dialogue. Researchers and staff are a part of that broader community conversation, and many are experiencing pain, anger, and feelings of helplessness.

In a message to the entire university, President Schlissel said "...we all have a responsibility to advance justice, equality, peace and understanding. Our university community will never fully thrive without a constant shared commitment to these, our highest values." All are invited to attend the virtual events below, intending to "come together in an attempt to heal and examine these essential issues."

University of Michigan "Constructive Conversations for Societal Change"
12:00PM, Friday, June 5

Michigan Medicine Town Hall
2:00PM, Friday, June 5
CLICK HERE for login and more details

Michigan Medicine Community on Racial Disparities Virtual Forum
1:00PM, Monday, June 8
CLICK HERE, password 462759

CLICK HERE for other messages from university leadership.
Ramp-Up Reminder: Verify Controlled Substances and Related Documentation
As a reminder to laboratories ramping up their animal-related research projects after a period of inactivity, controlled substances and documentation should be verified upon return to the lab.

To assist with this process, the U-M Office of Research Controlled Substances Monitoring Program has created a short, three-step ramp-up checklist for labs to follow.

Questions? Contact the Controlled Substances Monitors at
New Reagent Suppliers
Procurement Services has announced four new suppliers of reagents available on M-marketsite:

CLICK HERE for the Lab and Research Supply page on the Procurement website. Purchase orders will be required and will be generated through M-marketsite, and special orders for products that are unable to be placed through M-marketsite will require ePro requisitions generated in M-Pathways.

Questions? Contact Video Sarma at
Funding Opportunities
Wellcome Trust COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator (CTA)
Foundation Relations has shared that the Wellcome Trust CTA’s scope has now expanded. Under the expanded scope, the CTA will consider proposals to conduct pre-clinical and clinical phase projects on a range of therapeutic modalities for the following COVID-19 use cases:

  • High risk pre-exposure prophylaxis (e.g. health workers).
  • High risk post-exposure prophylaxis (e.g. close contacts).
  • Mild disease treatment (outpatient).
  • Moderate disease treatment (early hospitalization).

CLICK HERE to submit a proposal for consideration.

Questions? Contact Joe Piffaretti in Foundation Relations at
Funding Resources for COVID-19 Projects

In addition to these websites, below you'll find this week's roundup of funding opportunities.
June 5, 2020
June 10, 2020
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
June 16, 2020
June 17, 2020
June 24, 2020
June 26, 2020
June 29, 2020
June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020
July 1, 2020
July 14, 2020
July 15, 2020
July 16, 2020
July 31, 2020
August 30, 2020
September 1, 2020
September 15, 2020
Virtual Events
Small Group Discussions: Coping with COVID-19
The Office of Faculty Development is continually creating workshops to help faculty cope with the stress of COVID-19. Topics include parenting help, stress management/self-reflection, managing the "new normal," dual-frontline families, meditation, and more.
Commercialization Webinar Series: Idea to Impact
Join Fast Forward Medical Innovation for a series of live webinars intended to educate and connect life science researchers and academic innovators interested in the commercialization of academic research.

The series will outline the significance and critical milestones of developing novel therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics, and digital health innovations, as well as essential collaborations with industry partners to translate a research-based idea into a product of impact.

The first webinar, "Finding Your “WHY”: The Significance and Incentives to Commercializing Academic Research," is Wednesday, June 17, 2:00PM-3:00PM.

ClICK HERE for login details and more info about other sessions in the series.

Questions? Contact
11:00AM-12:00PM, Friday, June 12
CLICK HERE for login and more details.
12:00PM-1:00PM, Wednesday, June 24
CLICK HERE for login and more details.
12:00PM-1:00PM, Thursday, June 25
CLICK HERE for login and more details.
3:00PM-:00PM, Wednesday, July 8
CLICK HERE for login and more details.
Looking for additional information about changes to training & events? Visit...
To better navigate the complexities of the U-M biomedical research enterprise, visit the Research Project Lifecycle . This interactive tool provides an overview of the resources available to you, not only within the Medical School Office of Research but also across the University. The "stops" along this lifecycle are highlighted above, and more information is available online .