Look inside the IVBM Virtual Conference Bag |
Diamond Level
Welcome Reception Host
Silver Level Academic Supporters
Bronze Level Academic Supporter
HHT Organ and Tissue Samples Available for Research Use
Anatomy Gifts Registry (AGR) recently received an HHT body donation, and the following samples are now available for HHT research:
- Skin - samples of formalin preserved and frozen lesions, about six total, from hand, L axillary, mid sternum and anterior chest locations
- Mammary tumor - fixed and frozen
- Lung Base affected tissue - fixed and frozen
- Lower lobe of liver affected tissue - fixed and frozen
Host Vasculata at your Institution
The summer course on vascular biology has been presented at several different institutions including UCLA, Dartmouth, University of Washington, Cleveland Clinic, University of Virginia, University of California, San Diego, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt University and Georgia Tech. The diversity in the settings keeps the course fresh as each institution highlights their own strengths. Please consider hosting Vasculata at your institution.
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Participate in the Governance of NAVBO
If you are interested in getting more involved with NAVBO, consider running for election on the NAVBO Council. Every year two new Councilors are added and we are seeking volunteers.
Complete an application form . . .
Propose a session for Vascular Biology 2017
We're looking ahead to Vascular Biology 2017 (October 15-19 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds) and we want your input. The NAVBO Council and the meeting organizers (Vicki Bautch, Brian Black, Craig Simmons and Jessica Wagenseil) are seeking proposals from NAVBO members for a new session. This new session may or may not be directly related to the workshop themes. In 2017, we will present the Developmental Vascular Biology and Genetics Workshop and the Vascular Matrix Biology and Bioengineering Workshop. Our goal is to broaden the scope of our meetings, enhance the member experience and respond to our members' interests. To submit your proposal complete this
pdf form and email it to
info@navbo.org. Submissions are due May 1, 2016.
Welcome to our Newest Corporate Member
We are happy to welcome amsbio to our growing list of Corporate Members. amsbio will be exhibiting at the 19th International Vascular Biology Meeting. Be sure to stop by their booth (#18) and thank them for supporting NAVBO. Visit their web site at
Vasculata 2016
August 15-18, 2016
In 2016, we will present the first European Vascu
lata, based in Uppsala, with live web cast to Philadelphia. There will be registration for both sites. The abstract submission sites are now open! See
19th International Vascular Biology Meeting
The registration and abstract submission sites are now open!! Save when you register by August 15, 2016. NAVBO members save even more! The abstract deadline is
July 26, 2016. Go to
Lymphatic Conference in Chicago 2017
June 8-11, 2017
Northwestern University
Vascular Biology 2017
Save the date
October 15-19, 2017 Asilomar Conference Grounds, Monterey, CA
Vascular Biology, NAVBO's annual meeting, will feature the seventh presentation of the Developmental Vascular Biology and Genetics Workshop and the sixth presentation of the Matrix Biology and Bioengineering Workshop. http://www.navbo.org/events/vb2017
Welcome our newest member:
Alan Morrison, Yale University
Book chapter by Sriram Ambadapadi, PhD
Dr. Ambadapadi of the University of Florida, Gainesville, has recently published a book chapter:
Ambadapadi, S., Zheng, D., Chen, H., Liu, L., Dai, E., Munuswamy Ramanujam, G., Fortunel, A., Al-Ani, M., Lucas, A.; Serpins, Viruses and the Virome; New Directions in therapy (2015) Ed. The Serpin Family. Proteins with multiple functions in Health and Disease (2015) Springer-Verlag.
If you have news to share with your colleagues, send it to membership@navbo.org.
Submit your next manuscript to Thrombosis and Haemostasis - International Journal for Vascular Biology and Medicine!
The current average turnaround time from submission to first decision is only 23 days and the Impact Factor 2014 is
The following Manuscript categories are accepted for review by the Editorial Board:
Original Articles: Coagulation and Fibrinolysis; Cellular Haemostasis and Platelets; Blood Cells, Inflammation and Infection; Endothelium and Angiogenesis; Cellular Signalling and Proteolysis; New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs; Stroke, Systemic or Venous Thromboembolism; and Atherosclerosis and Ischaemic Disease
Letters to the Editor (incl. Case Reports)
T&H Images
Trial Design Papers
Review Articles (contact Editorial Office before Submission)
Spotlight on Trainees
(from our 2/11 issue)
Post-doctoral collectives: pathways to a more fruitful experience?
No two post-doctoral experiences are the same, running the gamut of rearview mirror descriptions from "...the best time of my working life..." to an angst-filled "...three years to lay the golden egg." Traditionally relying principally on one's advisor, labmates, and collaborators for support (both material and psychological), post-docs now have dedicated professional organizations in their corners. These include the
National Postdoctoral Association
and several unions, the first of which (
) was chartered within the University of California system in 2008. These organizations focus on improving
compensation, health care options, benefits, and overall working conditions for post-doctoral workers. As with all matters subject to the ebb and flow of research funding, some
question the sustainability
of solutions offered through unionization. What say you?
Recent Publications by NAVBO Members
LDL-Related Intolerance to Glucose, Diastolic Hypertension and Additive Effects of Smoking Were Found with Three Female Study Groups Scientific Research
Initial prodiabetic risk profiles were invented here with three female study groups consisting of primarily healthy women (A1: 1990-1999, n = 160; A2: 2009, n = 88; A: n = 248, 36 ± 14 years; B: 2014: n = 65, aged 37± 11 years). Significantly higher blood pressure was found comparing intolerance versus tolerance to glucose (p< 0.05, IGTT, 22 of 68).
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Age-dependent impact of CaV3.2 T-type calcium channel deletion on myogenic tone and flow-mediated vasodilatation in small arteries The Journal of Physiology
The myogenic response and flow-mediated vasodilatation are important regulators of local blood perfusion and total peripheral resistance, and are known to entail a calcium influx into vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and endothelial cells (ECs), respectively. CaV3.2 T-type calcium channels are expressed in both VSMCs and ECs of small arteries.
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Targeted nanoparticles containing the proresolving peptide Ac2-26 protect against advanced atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic mice Science Translational Medicine
Chronic, nonresolving inflammation is a critical factor in the clinical progression of advanced atherosclerotic lesions. In the normal inflammatory response, resolution is mediated by several agonists, among which is the glucocorticoid-regulated protein called annexin A1.
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Reactive Center Loop (RCL) Peptides Derived from Serpins Display Independent Coagulation and Immune Modulating Activities Journal of Biological Chemistry
Serpins regulate coagulation and inflammation, binding serine proteases in suicide inhibitory complexes. Target proteases cleave the serpin reactive center loop (RCL) scissile P1-P1' bond resulting in serpin-protease suicide inhibitory complexes.
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Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in Cardiovascular Disease: Searching for the Sweet Spot Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
One of the seminal discoveries in biology was the discovery of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, by James Watson, Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin that led to the later deciphering of the genetic code by a series of exceptional researchers.
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Job Postings
Job Title
Columbia University
New York, NY
Post-doctoral Fellowship
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
Alpert Medical School at Brown and VA Providence
Providence, RI
Assistant/Associate Professor
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Oklahoma City, OK
Industry News
(from our 2/11 issue)
Federal budget includes targeted boost for the NIH
President Obama revealed his eighth and final
White House budget on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, outlining plans for spending priorities in fiscal year 2017. In the healthcare realm, the president's budget included few surprises. The budget proposal would give the National Institutes of Health $33.1 billion, a 2.6% increase over 2016. The funding would include $680 million for Vice President Biden's cancer initiative; $100 million more for the Precision Medicine Initiative's 1-million person cohort study; and $45 million in added funds for the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative. Aside from these three targeted programs, all of NIH's 27 institutes and centers except the National Cancer Institute would receive no increase compared to FY2016.
Safety of resorbable vascular scaffolds
The Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) is on par with a traditional everolimus-eluting stent (EES) when it comes to safety (with the exception of a stronger link to target vessel-related myocardial infarction) a meta-analysis of one-year outcomes has found. As reported in
The Lancet
, recipients of the Absorb BVS and the Xience EES had similar combined rates of mortality, myocardial infarction, and revascularization within 12 months. The authors of the study concluded that "...the aggregate of available evidence supports the safety and effectiveness of BVS at 1 year for treatment of patients with stable coronary artery disease and stabilized acute coronary syndromes."
Vascular growth factors in kidney function
[Bartlett et al. (2016) Annual Review of Physiology] The filtration apparatus of the glomerulus comprises four specialized cell types: fenestrated endothelial cells, podocytes, perivascular mesangial cells, and parietal epithelial cells. A variety of growth factors, notably VEGF, ANGPT, EGF, SEMA3A, TGF-β, and CXCL12, signal in paracrine fashions among these cells to create and maintain filtration barrier function.
Virally-delivered VEGF-A in microsurgically engineered muscle
et al. (2015) Journal of Tissue Engineering]
The authors here report a modification of a published model of tissue engineering, based on an arterio-venous loop encased in a collagen-glycosaminoglycan matrix that serves as an isolated niche for angiogenesis and new tissue formation. A muscular flap harvested from the pectineus muscle was so embedded and transduced by an AAV vector encoding human VEGF-A165. VEGF expression resulted in enhanced tissue formation, with a significant increase in the number of arterioles within the chamber.