or select your discipline:
The National Science Foundation’s Critical Aspects of Sustainability program seeks to support basic research through core disciplinary programs aimed at improving the sustainability of resources for future generations while maintaining or improving current products in order to offer technologically-advanced, economically competitive, environmentally-benign and useful materials to a global society.
The National Science Foundation’s Mind, Machine, and Motor Nexus program supports fundamental research at the intersection of mind, machine and motor. A distinguishing characteristic of the program is an integrated treatment of human intent, perception, and behavior in interaction with embodied and intelligent engineered systems and as mediated by motor manipulation.
VPR Brown Bag: Research security, integrity and academia
Thursday, April 29
Join Beth Montelone, interim vice president for research, at noon on Thursday, April 29 for a Brown Bag virtual lunch on research security, integrity and academia.
The Brown Bag will focus on new federal government policies on research security, including:
- New requirements related to conflict of interest and conflict of commitment disclosures.
- Foreign government talent recruitment programs.
- International travel outlined in the January 2020 National Security Presidential Memorandum 33.
We will also discuss the role of the newly formed K-State Research Security and Integrity Working Group and how this group is addressing these new federal requirements.
Register in advance for this meeting. Please use your K-State email address to register for this event.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Minerva Research Initiative Information Session
2:30-4 p.m.
Thursday, April 29
This session with the director of the Minerva Research initiative will provide information on how Minerva supports social science research aimed at improving basic understanding of security.
All supported projects are university-based and unclassified, with the intention that all work be shared widely to support thriving stable and safe communities. The goal is to improve the Department of Defense's basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the U.S. In addition, updated information on the pending funding opportunity announcement will be provided.
Please register to attend. A Zoom link will be provided a few days before the session.
Showcase your research at the GROW & EXCITE Summer Workshop
K-State faculty, staff and students are invited to join KAWSE for the annual middle and high school outreach summer programming, the Girls Researching Our World, or GROW, and Exploring SCience, Technology, and Engineering, or EXCITE Summer Workshops June 9-11, 2021. This year, our popular camps will be offered virtually, featuring synchronous and asynchronous opportunities.
We hope to include a large variety of STEM topics in our activities, and all interested parties are encouraged to sign up, including K-State faculty, staff and/or students. Activities should capture the attention of middle and high school students by including an engaging component. Examples include: designing and facilitating an activity for students that demonstrates your research, covers fundamental concepts, or showcases interesting phenomena in your discipline; or providing a virtual tour of your lab or research facility.
Activity proposal forms are now available on the KAWSE website in Qualtrics or Excel format, and are due by May 7, 2021. KAWSE can assist you in your session in the following ways:
- Reimburse facilitators for supplies purchased.
- Purchase and mail supplies to registered students for hands-on activities they can do at home.
- Provide recording assistance.
If facilitators require assistance, KAWSE recommends submitting activity proposals as soon as possible so that we have enough time to accommodate the request.
Questions? Please contact Morgan Greene, KAWSE program coordinator, by emailing kawse@k-state.edu.
US Agency for International Development Information Session
1 p.m.
Wednesday, May 5
Zachary Stewart, production systems advisor for the Center for Agriculture-Led Growth in the Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, will present an overview session via zoom on the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID.
The USAID is the world's premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID's work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. The majority of USAID’s funding opportunities are awarded through a competitive process.
Plan to attend this session to find out more about this directorate and learn more about funding protocol, opportunities and when opportunities will become available.
Please register to attend. A Zoom link will be sent a few days prior to the event.
NASEM to Host Workshop on Strategies for Effective Data Management and Sharing
On April 28-29, 2021, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, or NASEM, is hosting Changing the Culture of Data Management and Sharing, a virtual public workshop to examine strategies for effective data management and sharing.
The workshop will discuss challenges to and potential solutions for data management and sharing across scientific disciplines and ways researchers can integrate data management and sharing practices into their routine research conduct. The workshop aims to inform implementation strategies for the new NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing.
Additional information, including the workshop agenda and registration portal, is available on the workshop website.
NSF Virtual Grants Conference — Save the date
Join the National Science Foundation for the Spring 2021 NSF Virtual Grants Conference, to be held during the week of June 7-11, 2021.
Registration will be free of charge and opens at 11 a.m on Wednesday, May 5. The sessions will reach capacity very quickly, so you are encouraged to register as soon as possible.
Please feel free to check nsfpolicyoutreach.com for the most up-to-date information and view recordings of sessions from previous years. You may also view the Fall 2020 Virtual Grants Conference recordings on our YouTube page. For those who cannot attend the live conference, all recorded conference sessions will be available on-demand shortly after the event and posted on our website and our YouTube page.
U.S. Economic Development Administration Unveils Updated Investment Priorities
The U.S. Economic Development Administration, or EDA, has updated its investment priorities.
EDA’s investment priorities provide an overarching framework to ensure that our investment portfolio – ranging from planning to infrastructure construction - contributes to local efforts to build, improve, or better leverage economic assets that allow businesses to succeed and regional economies to prosper and become more resilient.
The updated investment priorities support the U.S. Commerce Department’s agenda, which is driven by four pillars to increase American competitiveness:
- Revitalizing U.S. manufacturing and developing advanced industries
- Building a 21st-century workforce
- Maintaining leadership in global innovation
- Promoting American businesses, at home and abroad.
EDA’s updated investment priorities are:
Equity: Economic development planning or implementation projects that advance equity across America through investments that directly benefit 1) one or more traditionally underserved populations, including but not limited to women, Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders or 2) underserved communities within geographies that have been systemically and/or systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic prosperity such as Tribal Lands, Persistent Poverty Counties, and rural areas with demonstrated, historical underservice. For more information on these populations and geographies see: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-advancing-racial-equity-and-support-for-underserved-communities-through-the-federal-government/.
Recovery & Resilience: Economic development planning or implementation projects that build economic resilience to and long-term recovery from economic shocks, like those experienced by coal and power plant communities, or other communities impacted by the decline of an important industry or a natural disaster, that may benefit from economic diversification-focused resilience.
Workforce Development: Economic development planning or implementation projects that support workforce education and skills training activities directly connected to the hiring and skills needs of the business community and that result in well-paying, quality jobs.
Manufacturing: Economic development planning or implementation projects that encourage job creation, business expansion, technology and capital upgrades, and productivity growth in manufacturing, including efforts that contribute to the competitiveness and growth of domestic suppliers or to the domestic production of innovative, high-value products and production technologies.
Technology-Based Economic Development: Economic development planning or implementation projects that foster regional knowledge ecosystems that support entrepreneurs and startups, including the commercialization of new technologies, that are creating technology-driven businesses and high-skilled, well-paying jobs of the future.
Environmentally-Sustainable Development: Economic development planning or implementation projects that help address the climate crisis including through the development and implementation of green products, processes (including green infrastructure), places, and buildings.
Exports & FDI: Economic development planning or implementation projects that enhance or build community assets to support growth in US exports or increased foreign direct investment.
K-State RSCAD in the news
Agency news and trending topics
The National Institutes of Health will fund a large, randomized, placebo‑controlled Phase 3 clinical trial to test several existing prescription and over-the-counter medications for people to self-administer to treat symptoms of COVID-19. nih.gov
The long-awaited first results from the Muon g-2 experiment at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory show fundamental particles called muons behaving in a way that is not predicted by scientists’ best theory, the Standard Model of particle physics. This landmark result, made with unprecedented precision, confirms a discrepancy that has been gnawing at researchers for decades. fnal.gov
The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Association of American Universities (AAU) today released a Guide to Accelerate Public Access to Research Data with recommendations for how institutions can develop and promote systems to support sharing of research data. aplu.org
The National Institutes of Health is awarding up to $33 million over two years to fund projects at 10 institutions across eight states to build evidence on safely returning students, teachers and support staff to in-person school in areas with vulnerable and underserved populations. nih.gov
A clinical trial testing the safety and efficacy of an investigational monoclonal antibody for treating people who are hospitalized with respiratory disease and low blood oxygen due to infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has begun. nhi.gov