April 5, 2023

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Featured funding opportunities

Young Investigator Program

The Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research is interested in receiving proposals for its Young Investigator Program. The Young Investigator Program seeks to identify and support academic scientists and engineers who are in their first or second full-time tenure-track or tenure-track-equivalent academic appointment, who have received their PhD or equivalent degree on or after January 1, 2016 and who show exceptional promise for doing creative research.

Director's New Innovator Award Program

The Department of Health and Human Services, NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Program supports early stage investigators of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative research projects with the potential to produce a major impact on broad, important areas relevant to the mission of NIH. 

ORD Opportunities

GFS Seed Grant Program update 

Due to the most recent Global Food Systems seed grants featuring a two-year offering, a decision has been made to put the GFS Seed Grant program on hiatus for the upcoming fiscal year. There are currently seven research projects in process under GFS funding and we look forward to their completion in 2024.  


We are also excited to see the Game-changing Research Initiation Program, or GRIP, gaining traction and look forward to re-engaging in the GFS seed grant activity next year.

Welcome our newest development directors

The Office of Research Development is excited to announce the addition of two new development directors — Ramasamy Sakthivel and Gina Becker. 


Ramasamy comes to the ORD team with years of experience in both academia and with biotech companies in research and development. His time in academia included stops at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, University of California Berkeley, Penn State, Hershey, Temple University and Case Western Reserve University. In the private sector, he worked for StemMed, Inc., Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. 


Gina joins the ORD with many years of experience in research and development and has technical expertise in a variety of fields. She has worked for The Dow Chemical Company, DynaSim Technical Services, Manhattan Area Technical College and K-State's Technology Development Institute. 


Ramasamy and Gina will begin on May 1. Please join us in welcoming our newest team members!

K-State events and announcements

Maureen Olewnik's Retirement Reception

3-5 p.m. — Come and go

Wednesday, April 19

117 Fairchild Hall

Maureen Olewnik will retire on May 2 after six years in the Office of Research Development. Please join us to celebrate Maureen! 

Call for Pilot Project Applications Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, a NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence at Kansas State University - Applications due April 20

The KSU NIH CEZID COBRE will provide investigators with support for research activities, mentoring, and access to Core Lab Services. Up to two pilot projects at up to $50,000 total direct costs starting on May 1, 2023, are anticipated. Each pilot project is for one year of initial funding and is potentially renewable for a second year, pending scientific progress and available funds. The CEZID pilot grant program is intended to enable junior and senior investigators to generate preliminary data for submission of competitive grant applications, develop new technologies, and/or achieve other goals that will better position the applicant and institution to conduct biomedical research. Applications must describe a pilot research project that fits well with the scientific theme of CEZID and must incorporate substantial use of one or more associated core labs at KSU. The competition is open to all full-time faculty at any State of Kansas Regents University. Tenure-track is not required.

Applications are due April 20.

Click here for more information on this opportunity.

Grad Alumni fellow meeting with post-docs

Kamesh Sirigireddy, one of the first recipients of the Sarachek fellowship as well as a 2003 and 2007 graduate of Kansas State University. He is the Graduate School’s alumni fellow this year. Sirigireddy is the epitome of what one can achieve after pursuing graduate education at K-State. 

You are invited to meet with Kamesh Sirigireddy for lunch at 11 a.m. on Friday, April 14  in Eisenhower 121.

Please let the Graduate School know if you are able to attend by completing this RSVP.

Demonstrate Broader Impacts at the GROW/EXCITE Summer Workshop on June 7-9, 2023

K-State faculty, staff and students are invited to design and facilitate a hands-on activity for the workshops. There is no set theme for the summer workshops. The goal is to provide students with hands-on experiences in a broad range of STEM disciplines, and introduce them to career options in STEM. For more information about facilitating at the workshops and for activity proposal templates, visit the website. The KAWSE office is happy to provide letters of support to grant agencies for those who collaborate with us. Activity proposals are due by May 17.

Any questions about the GROW/EXCITE summer workshop may be directed to Stephanie Wacker, KAWSE Program coordinator, at swacker@k-state.edu

External events and announcements

NSF, MCB Virtual Office Hours: How to Write a Great NSF Proposal

Noon-1 p.m.

Wednesday, April 12


Join the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) at the National Science Foundation for our next virtual office hour. On Wednesday, April 12, the topic will be “How to Write a Great NSF Proposal.” Program Directors will be present to address your questions.

Register to attend.

Human Networks and Data Science Program Office Hour

8:30-10 a.m.

Thursday, April 13


Please join the Human Networks and Data Science Program to discuss questions about the program with the program director.

Join the Zoom meeting using this link.

April Virtual Office Hours with the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems

Noon-1 p.m.

Thursday, April 20

Join NSF on Thursday, April 20 for the IOS Virtual Office Hour. Both Program Officers and members from the Division of Grants and Agreements will present strategies for writing a great (and compliant!) budget and answer questions audience members have. To participate, please register, using the link below. Upcoming IOS Virtual Office Hours are announced ahead of time on IOS in Focus; sign up to follow the blog, from the same page, so you don’t miss anything.

Register to attend.

Virtual Listening Session on the NIH Public Access Plan

Noon-2 p.m.

Wednesday, April 12

NIH will host a virtual, public listening session to hear community feedback on the NIH Plan to Enhance Public Access to the Results of NIH-Supported Research (NIH Public Access Plan). The NIH Public Access Plan is currently available for public comment through a Request for Information that NIH issued in February 2023. Written RFI responses on the NIH Public Access Plan will continue to be accepted until April 24, 2023.

Learn more.

Building Bridges to Use-Inspired Research and Science-Informed Practices

You're invited to participate in a workshop aiming to strengthen partnerships among academic, private, and government organizations.

Supported by NSF's Directorate of Biological Sciences, the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, or EPSCoR, and the Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, or TIP, this workshop will build new connections among key biological sciences communities to successfully conduct use-inspired research.

The workshop will consist of a series of events facilitated by KnowInnovation:

  • Two free virtual Pre-Workshop MicroLabs (for an unlimited number of participants) 
  • 1-3 p.m., Friday, April 14
  • 1-3 p.m., Friday, May 12
  • In-person workshop held June 12-14, 2023 in Boise, Idaho (for 120 selected participants representing diverse groups and organizations; applications will open April 14, 2023).

Participants of the workshop will co-create the structures and processes that guide how diverse organizations support and value use-inspired science and will guide NSF to create use-inspired tracks within the Directorate for Biological Sciences and the Office of Integrative Activities. Participants will build connections to new funding and partnership opportunities within and associated with NSF's new Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships. Participants will gain insight from government and private organizations who want their science needs to be more broadly understood and incorporated into research priorities.

Learn More

NSF GRANTED Office Hours

2-3 p.m.

Wednesdays through April 26

Heard about the new Growing Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity, or GRANTED, and you want to learn more? Thinking about applying to our most recent Dear Colleague Letter? Then NSF invites you to GRANTED office hours, held every Wednesday from 2-3 p.m. to meet with the GRANTED team of Program Directors.

  • All meetings during office hours are 1-on-1. Guests are seen in the order they join. You may have to wait if others join before you.
  • If you need captions or other accommodations, please contact Dina Stroud in advance.

Learn more.

NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments Office Hours

NSF Program Directors will be available at virtual office hours to answer your questions about NSF's Revolutionizing Engineering Departments program solicitation 23-553. The RED program supports radical changes to the training of undergraduate engineering students to help them establish identities as professional engineers with the technical and professional skills needed to solve the complex problems facing society.

RED solicitation 23-553 is limited to the RED Two-Year track. RED two-year projects will develop radically new approaches among multiple two-year institutions to expand the path to engineering and engineering technology four-year programs from two-year institutions with programs such as pre-engineering, engineering and engineering technology.

At RED office hours, come prepared with your questions or simply join in to listen. Responses will be provided to questions typed into the Zoom chat window or you may use your microphone to ask a question. Office hours will not be recorded. Feel free to join/leave at any point during the meeting. To join, simply follow the event registration link below. 

Expand AI Virtual Office Hours

April 18, May 16 and June 20



ExpandAI Office hours are provided for your convenience. NSF Program Directors representing different categories of of MSIs will be available on the days and times listed to answer your questions about the program. Feel free to join/leave at any point during the meeting. To join, simply follow the event link below. You do not need to turn on your microphone or share your camera to join. Responses will be provided to questions typed into the Zoom chat window. Office hours will not be recorded but will be held regularly as advertised. Come prepared with your questions or simply join in to listen.

Join the Zoom meeting using this link.

NSF Building the Proto-OKN Program Webinar

Join this webinar to learn more about the Building the Prototype Open Knowledge Network, or Proto-OKN, funding opportunity, a $20 million initiative that will build a prototype version of an integrated data and knowledge infrastructure.

Learn more and register to attend.

Office Hours: Preparing your Phase I Proposal for America’s Seed Fund at NSF

1-2 p.m.

April 6

Join this open-ended session to ask questions about what’s needed when creating a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer proposal. An SBIR/STTR program director will answer questions and point you to resources. Prior to this session, you're encouraged to learn more about the proposal process, then come prepared with any questions you have.

Register for the Preparing your Phase I Proposal for America's Seed Fund webinar on Zoom.

Visit our full calendar
Visit Faculty Resources

K-State in the news

Why Money Makes Everyone So Anxious DNYUZ

‘Silent Killer:’ K-State launches effort to raise awareness of hypertension The Newton Kansan

Agency news and trending topics

GPT-4 Is Here. But Most Faculty Lack AI Policies.

A few short months after OpenAI released ChatGPT—a large language model with an unusual ability to mimic human language and thought—the company released an upgrade known as GPT-4. Unlike the earlier product, which relied on an older generation of the tech, the latest product relies on cutting-edge research and “exhibits human-level performance,” according to the company. Inside Higher Ed

Higher Ed’s Research Footprint Is Growing

Higher education’s hunger for conducting research is typically measured in terms of grant dollars. Another way to look at the sector’s deep investment in the research enterprise is by looking at how much space it develops and dedicates to this purpose. Recently released data from the National Science Foundation show that research space at colleges and universities increased by more than 30 million square feet over a decade. Chronicle of Higher Ed

Researchers work to reduce precious metals in catalytic converters

Precious metals in catalytic converters such as platinum, palladium and rhodium attract thieves, but University of Central Florida researchers are working to reduce the amount of precious metals the converters need — down to single atoms — while still maximizing their effectiveness. NSF

Horse Nations

Scattered across the prairie east of the Colorado Front Range are rings of ancient stones. The rings were used to anchor tipis, and they measure barely 2 meters across. Matt Reed, the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma’s tribal historic preservation officer, says that tiny footprint comes as a surprise to modern Pawnee, whose traditional tipis are big enough to fit whole families. Science

Wheeled robot measures leaf angles to help breed better corn plants

Researchers at North Carolina State University and Iowa State University have demonstrated an automated technology capable of accurately measuring the angle of leaves on corn plants in the field. The U.S. National Science Foundation-supported technology makes data collection on leaf angles significantly more efficient than conventional techniques, providing plant breeders with useful data more quickly. NSF

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