November 1, 2017
Funding Connection

ORSP Opportunities
K-Staters have had significant success in recent years in applying for prestigious national awards for early career faculty. These include programs from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, and the National Institutes of Health. 

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs staff members have worked with these young faculty to help them find opportunities and craft their proposals, especially those to DoD agencies with processes that are unfamiliar to many faculty members. ORSP also conducts training sessions annually on the NSF CAREER program and piloted a novel writing clinic last year. Eight faculty have won NSF CAREER awards in the last five years.

The next training session to be offered by ORSP on Tuesday, November 14, 3:00-5:00 p.m. in Union 206, will cover the multiple opportunities open to early career faculty. The session will feature a panel of faculty members who have recently obtained awards. Panelists are:

  • David Cook from plant pathology, DARPA Young Faculty Award;
  • James Chen from mechanical and nuclear engineering, Air Force Young Investigator Program;
  • Melanie Derby from mechanical and nuclear engineering, NSF CAREER; and
  • Nick Wallace from biology, CDRMP (Army) Career Development Award.

These panelists will discuss their application processes, share insights obtained as they prepared their proposals, and talk about what the award has meant for their career.

— Beth Montelone, senior associate vice president for research
Events and announcements
  • The Hidden Signals Challenge calls upon innovators to develop concepts for novel uses of existing data that will identify biothreats in real time. A webinar TODAY (November 1) at 1:00 CDT will give an in-depth overview. Find information and register.

  • November 6-11 is Science Communication Week at K-State! See below for more information.

  • The National Postdoc Association is seeking nominations for the 2018 NPA Garnett-Powers & Associates, Inc. Mentor Award. The award recognizes a faculty member or advisor who has engaged in exceptional mentoring of postdoctoral scholars. Find more information about the nominating process.

  • Representatives from the U.S. Economic Development Administration Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship will host a webinar on November 8 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. EDT to discuss the Regional Innovations Strategies program, recent awards, and tips on building a competitive proposal. Find more information about the program or register for the webinar.

  • The BioKansas Annual Member Reception is Thursday, November 9, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City. Find more information and register.

Join the Kansas Science Communication Initiative in engaging communities in understanding, enthusiastically promoting, and actively participating in science and research during Science Communication Week November 6-11!

Help K-State communicate value and impact of research by:

Agency news and trending topics
Thanks to our appetite for novelty, innovation is requisite. It’s not something that only a few people do. The innovative drive lives in every human brain, and the resulting war against the repetitive is what powers the colossal changes that distinguish one generation from the next, one decade from the next, one year from the next. The drive to create the new is part of our biological makeup. We build cultures by the hundreds and new stories by the millions. We surround ourselves with things that have never existed before, while pigs and llamas and goldfish do not. But where do our new ideas come from? 

Applicants must use FORMS-E application packages for due dates on or after January 25, 2018 and must use FORMS-D application packages for due dates on or before January 24, 2018 (see  NOT-OD-17-062  for details). Applicants are encouraged to submit early to allow time to work through any unforeseen issues. 

With the academic job market in full swing, people are applying to multiple positions, in hopes of landing a faculty job somewhere, anywhere. For those who don’t make the shortlist — or who may have decided that a professorship isn’t for them after all — a big market for people with Ph.D.s has emerged at Amazon, the retail behemoth.

This year, I've spent a lot of time working with graduate students on their writing. They were preparing manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication, and wanted to lead the writing process from first cut to submission. The result, in addition to a stack of drafts, has been an unexpected and welcome education for me — a raft of challenges in learning to write, in teaching writing and in the craft of writing. Writing is hard work, even for people who enjoy it. In my most impatient moments, I think of what William Shawn, legendary editor of  The New Yorker magazine, once said to writer John McPhee: “It takes as long as it takes.”

Researchers have traced the origins of dozens of alabaster sculptures dating from the twelfth to the seventeenth centuries using chemical-isotope signatures. Medieval trade routes are a mystery to historians because written records are rare. So Wolfram Kloppmann at the French Geological Survey in Orleans, France, and his colleagues analysed the isotopic composition of sulfur, oxygen and strontium in alabaster works of art from the period. They then matched these isotopic fingerprints with geographical locations.

On October 2, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross released the Streamlining Permitting and Regulatory Burdens for American Manufacturers report that was submitted to President Donald Trump. The report, which gathered input from domestic manufacturers and industry stakeholders, identified 20 sets of regulations and permitting issues as being a top priority for reform and immediate action to begin unleashing of the domestic manufacturing industry.
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