Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, and Research Weekly will be taking a break next week. This is my opportunity to express to campus my thanks for the many talents we have.
I hope you will take a moment to reflect on those for whom you are thankful.
As you have read in this weekly summary of research activities and opportunities,
K-State has had an incredibly productive year in exploring big questions and contributing to the broader base of knowledge.
As measured by grant proposals, the campus exceeded its prior record of submissions; as measured by contracts awarded, we also exceeded previous one-year totals. Faculty, students, and staff generated record numbers of disclosures of invention in fiscal year 2018, and we have developed key partnerships with industry that have supported collaborations on projects, donations of equipment or software, and student internships that provided critical hands-on experiences with their future professions.
I am very thankful for the teams of outstanding people we have in and associated with the Office of the Vice President for Research who have helped to make this possible.
Another measure of research excellence is the recognition our faculty and staff receive for their contributions to their respective fields. Many of you have received a note from me this year congratulating you on an award or honor, but I know that I have missed a few that don’t get reported to me — I’m sorry if I missed your recognition. By my accounting, I have written more notes this year than ever before, which is a testament to how you are impacting your disciplines. Congratulations on your accomplishments! I am thankful for your commitment to research, scholarship, and creative discovery.
As you traverse rivers and navigate the woods next week, or simply gather in Manhattan with family or friends, I hope your travels are safe. Please take time to reflect on the great things you have done and the people with whom you have worked.
Thank you for all you do.