Research services during the holiday period | |
The following offices will be closed during the holiday break December 27-30: Office of the Vice President for Research, Kansas State University Innovation Partners, Office of Research Development*, PreAward Services*, Biotechnology Core Laboratory**, and University Research Compliance Office***.
*If you have a proposal submission deadline during this period and you anticipate that you will be unable to finalize the required materials for submission prior to the holiday break, contact PreAward Services at or the Office of Research Development at before Monday, Dec. 19. Arrangements can be made to have adequate staffing available to meet your proposal submission needs. Emails may also be sent to Beth Montelone at or Paul Lowe at
**The Biotechnology Core Laboratory will be monitoring email if you need to place orders for oligonucleotides during this time.
***University Research Compliance office will be monitoring email at during the holiday break.
The following offices will remain open during the holiday break except for officially observed state holidays: Biosecurity Research Institute, Comparative Medicine Group, Electronics Design Laboratory, and National Agricultural Biosecurity Center. Offices may have limited staff during the holiday break.
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Science impacts life and life impacts science: A conversation about family, food safety and technology
When a mechanical engineer, a microbiologist and a food scientist collide, big things happen in a very small way. The old adage, “it takes a village,” appropriately describes the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to solving food challenges.
In the latest episode of Something to Chew On, Shih-Kang "Scott" Fan, professor of mechanical engineering at Kansas State, talks about his work on the development of a “lab on a chip” using microfluidics in the identification of Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli and other pathogenic organisms.
Listen to the podcast.
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K-State events and announcements | |
All K-State faculty are invited to attend one of three GRIP Q&A sessions in the coming weeks, hosted by David Rosowsky, vice president for research and Beth Montelone, senior associate vice president for research and director of the Office of Research Development:
11 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Oct. 26 virtually via Zoom — meeting ID and passcode can be found on the GRIP webpage.
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DARPA Forward is taking national security innovation on the road.
From August to December 2022, six regional events held at leading research and development universities nationwide will connect Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency leaders with new communities of talent and partnerships. The ultimate goal: to energize regional and national innovation ecosystems, fuel breakthroughs in national security, and help deliver the U.S. technological advantage.
Virtual events will be hosted by the Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab. Upcoming events will be held:
- November 15-16.
- December 13-14.
For more information or directions, please contact Jeffrey Sheldon
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CNAP COBRE Center soliciting proposals for pilot grant programs | |
The CNAP COBRE center at Kansas State University is soliciting applications for pilot grants that will begin on June 1, 2023. The grants are open to all faculty with appointments at higher education institutions within the state of Kansas, although early- and mid-career faculty will be prioritized for funding.
Proposed pilot grants should seek to enhance neuroscience research in the state of Kansas and/or fit within CNAP’s theme of cognitive and neural plasticity. The center funds basic, translational and clinical research in humans and animals from a wide range of disciplines (e.g., animal behavior, biology, pharmacology, veterinary medicine, cognitive science, human factors, kinesiology, human nutrition, computer science and engineering).
Applicants are encouraged to submit a letter of intent by 5 p.m. CST on Wednesday, Feb.1, 2023. This is highly recommended to ensure that your grant can be reviewed in a timely manner. Applications should be submitted by the applicant’s research office and are due by 5 p.m. CST on Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
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External events and announcements | |
NSF Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure-1 Program Webinar | |
1-2 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 28
The NSF Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 Program, or Mid-scale RI-1, supports either the design or implementation of unique and compelling research infrastructure projects. Mid-scale implementation projects may include any combination of equipment, instrumentation, cyberinfrastructure, broadly used large scale datasets and the personnel needed to successfully commission the project. Mid-scale RI-1 design projects include the design efforts intended to lead to eventual implementation of a mid-scale class RI project.
This webinar will provide an overview of this program that was announced in the recent solicitation NSF 22-637.
Register in advance for this webinar.
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Halo Partnering Opportunities | |
Halo has two exciting webinars with industry partners PepsiCo and Bayer to discuss their research opportunities and directly answer questions from researchers.
Halo is a technology platform and network where scientific innovators connect directly with companies for research collaborations and funding opportunities.
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Innovation Corps Pilot Overview Webinar | |
11 a.m.
Thursday, Nov. 3
A second webinar about the NASA Innovation Corps Pilot will occur on Thursday, November 3 at 11 a.m.
The webinar will:
- Provide an overview of the NASA I-Corps Pilot.
- Describe the proposal process and requirements.
- Allow for webinar attendees to submit questions.
Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions to the NASA I-Corps Pilot Point of Contact and the National Science Foundation’s I-Corps Program Director, Ruth Shuman.
Proposals may be submitted at any time through March 29, 2023, but applications will be reviewed in intervals on the following dates: Nov. 17, 2022; and Jan 20, 2023.
Register for the webinar.
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Request for Applications
KL2 Mentored Career Development Award
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Key dates
Letters of Intent due: November 11, 2022
Full Applications due: January 30, 2023
Summer 2023 Appointment
Anticipated start date: July 1, 2023
Program summary
Frontiers Clinical and Translational Science Institute at the University of Kansas invites applicants from all Frontiers partner institutions to apply to the Frontiers Clinical and Translational Research KL2 Mentored Career Development Award. The KL2 award is specifically designed to foster the development of junior investigators interested in conducting groundbreaking clinical and translational research. Frontiers is wholly committed to attracting and welcoming diverse early-stage researchers to its institutions. Researchers from underrepresented communities in academia are strongly encouraged to apply.
Program benefits
- Salary support for up to 75% protected time dedicated to clinical and translational research.*
- Two years of training in a collaborative, supportive environment Intensive mentored research experience.
- Formal training in clinical and translational research.
- About $20,000 per year in research funds.*
- Assistance toward securing independent funding by the end of year 2.
Interested applicants should submit the following documents on the Frontiers website.
The committee will notify individuals by December 2, 2022, to submit full applications.
Questions regarding the application process can be sent to Tresza Hutcheson at
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NSF-NSTC Workshop on Advanced Chip Engineering Design and Fabrication | |
NSF DBI Virtual Office Hours: Broadening Participation Programs | |
2-3 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 15
Please join the Division of Biological Infrastructure for their monthly Virtual Office Hour. Program Officers will introduce programs focused on broadening participation, including Research and Mentoring for Postbaccalaureates in Biological Sciences, or RaMP, Research Coordination Networks for Undergraduate Biology Education, or RCN-UBE, and Building Research Capacity of New Faculty in Biology, or BRC-BIO, and discuss recent updates to the relevant solicitations. They will also provide tips on how to write great RaMP, RCN-UBE, and BRC-BIO proposals. It is an opportunity to raise questions and communicate directly with program officers in your field.
Please register in advance for the webinar.
There will be a 30-minute presentation, followed by an open Q&A session with Program Officers.
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Fall 2022 NSF Virtual Grants Conference – Save the date | |
Save the Date! Join the National Science Foundation for the Fall 2022 NSF Virtual Grants Conference, to be held during the week of November 14-17, 2022.
Registration will be free of charge. NSF anticipates that the sessions will reach capacity very quickly, so you are encouraged to register as soon as possible. Be on the lookout for our Registration is Open email, which will provide the registration links and details for this event.
If you have any logistical questions about this virtual conference, please contact
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1:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov .17
The Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowship NSF 23-501 has been scheduled for 1:30-3:30 p.m. on November 17.
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NSF IIS Office Hours: Open Question and Answer; Ask Anything IIS-related | |
Thursday, Nov. 17
During this office hour, the Division Director and Deputy Division Director will answer audience IIS-related questions. The IIS Office Hours are for researchers interested in learning about programs and policies in the Division of Information and Intelligent Systems, or IIS, in the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate, or CISE, at NSF. Office Hours are designed to give current and potential investigators a window into IIS. Attendance at office hours is voluntary and designed to help investigators gain information that can help them strengthen their proposals. Short summaries will be posted after each session. Sessions will be closed-captioned.
Register in advance for this webinar.
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Frontiers Professional Development Opportunity | |
Frontiers is currently looking for speakers for the next Frontiers Informatics Meetup and would be honored if you would like to sign up to give a presentation.
or visit Frontiers Informatics SharePoint Site
The Frontiers Informatics Meetups are designed to engage researchers around the greater Kansas City area with a common interest in data-driven clinical informatics research.
"Frontiers: University of Kansas Clinical and Translational Science Institute (KU CTSI) informatics provides capabilities and expertise for clinical investigators/researchers and other health professionals in software engineering, data warehousing, integrating research and recruitment within Epic, data management and administration of clinical trial and electronic data capture systems. Frontiers works with internal and external partners for consultation, training and access to tools enabling research data." collection.
The next meetup is 4-6 p.m. Dec. 15
Join by Zoom meeting
Learn more about Frontiers Informatics.
Please register to attend each Frontiers Informatics Meetup.
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21st Annual K-INBRE Symposium | |
K-State research in the news | |
Agency news and trending topics | |
If you spend much time around kids, you know they never pass up the chance to play with slime. One type of slime in our own bodies is saliva, and a recent study found an interesting way it evolves in different species. NSF
A study of nearly 2,000 children found that those who reported playing video games for three hours per day or more performed better on cognitive skills tests involving impulse control and working memory compared to children who had never played video games. NIH
The Pandemic Uncovered Ways to Speed Up Science
The pandemic highlighted broad problems in research: that many studies were hyped, error-ridden, or even fraudulent, and that misinformation could spread rapidly. But it also demonstrated what was possible. Wired
As a scientist with face blindness, I wish academia prioritized accessibility and inclusion
A few months ago, I logged into a Zoom talk to discover that every little box was labeled “Jane.” The organizer had accidentally sent out the host link, which somehow gave us all the same name. Most of the other 78 attendees found this amusing. A professor even quipped, “Hey, this must be what Daphne sees every day. It’s so cool!” But it really isn’t cool. I have congenital prosopagnosia—face blindness, as it is colloquially known. I can see faces, but the individual details, such as the distance between the eyes or the shape of the nose, are fuzzy. As a result, recognizing faces—something so instant and unconscious for most—is a major challenge. Science
Which COVID studies pose a biohazard? Lack of clarity hampers research
When researchers at Boston University (BU) in Massachusetts inserted a gene from the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 into a strain of the virus from the beginning of the pandemic, they were trying to understand why Omicron causes mild disease. Nature
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The Communications and Marketing Specialist is primarily responsible for supporting the marketing and communications efforts of various K-State Innovation Partners initiatives including, but not limited to, the K-State Innovation Partners technology licensing, corporate engagement, entrepreneurship, economic development and Knowledge Based Economic Development partnership activities. The specialist works closely with the Chief Corporate Engagement and Economic Development Officer and Innovation Partners Leadership Team to design a wide range of media including flyers, brochures, posters, reports, presentations, videos, and designs for web-based publications. This position will also work closely with the Office of the Vice President for Research Director of Strategic Research Communications to ensure alignment with the OVPR communications strategies. The specialist will also lead Innovation Partners’ social media strategy and implementation, and draft press releases and other communications.
Learn more and apply.
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This position does typical hardware and software support and also oversees the cloud-based tools that are extensively used across the OVPR and University. It provides strategic value on business continuity by maintaining existing systems while identifying potential new software solutions. This position is instrumental in the development and implementation of new software and technology solutions to support university research demands. The position leads the technical requirements for several new Software As A Service, or SAAS, solutions and works closely with vendors, such as Microsoft. The position has responsibility for ensuring appropriate security standards for all systems within the central research enterprise and must work collaboratively across the university, particularly with central IT areas, and with external vendors to ensure critical controls are maintained while driving the project to successful completion.
Learn more and apply.
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