As we prepare for the repopulation of Fresno State, the following information is provided as guidance for research activities for fall. Effective fall semester 2021, RSCA Ramp Up proposals will no longer be required.
● All students, faculty, staff and research fellows, vaccinated and unvaccinated, will be required to wear face coverings while conducting research in classrooms and laboratories on campus where more than one individual is present in the facility.
● For outdoor field research, face coverings are not required regardless of vaccination status, but are highly encouraged.
● There are no longer physical distancing requirements in laboratories; however, a 6-foot physical distance must be maintained when students or faculty remove their face covering to eat or drink.
● Eating and/or drinking is prohibited in areas where chemical, radiological, and/or biological materials are used or stored.
We look forward to welcoming faculty/staff back safely this Fall. If you have any questions about your ongoing research activities on campus, please contact Lisa Kao, director of Environmental Health and Safety/Risk Management, at