This Month's Topic: 
Integrated Education and Training
To register for webinars and access resources, you will need your COABE membership ID number. If you have questions about membership, please contact [email protected].
Our October webinar presentations focus on Integrated Education and Training.  Register today for the October 21 webinar and watch a replay of the October 4 webinar.

Ability to Benefit: Improving Access to Career Pathways Programs for Adult Students
Monday, October 21 at 1:00 PM (ET)

Presented by: Casey Sacks, Aaron Washington, 
Laurie Kierstead-Joseph, Nikitna Barnes, and Erin Berg

This webinar addresses Ability to Benefit (ATB) provisions of the Higher Education Act (34 CFR ยง668.141-668.156). This topic will be of interest to adult education, career and technical education, workforce development, and postsecondary practitioners and advocates, including those working with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Perkins V programs.

Fulfilling one of the ATB alternatives allows a student without a high school diploma or its equivalent to receive Title IV federal student aid (e.g., a Pell Grant or Direct Loan) to pay for postsecondary education if the student is enrolled in an eligible career pathway program. This webinar will deepen your understanding of the potential of ATB by explaining what it is, the history behind it, examples of its current use at a community college and in a state community college system, and how you could start the conversation at your college or in your state to expand or institutionalize ATB use.

This webinar is sponsored by:


Planning for Integrated Education and Training: Tips and Tools
Integrated Education and Training (IET) is a useful career pathways strategy to help adult education and English language students accelerate occupational skill building and job preparation while building academic and language skills. This webinar will outline the essential steps needed to plan and implement IETs successfully in the context of WIOA as well as provide tips for building partnerships and addressing local system issues. A planning tool will be shared and discussed.


Access archived webinars and resources by national level presenters and experts here
Read current and past journal articles on the topic of Integrated Education and Training.

COABE Journal, Spring 2019
"Pathway to Success: Creating Individualized Career Pathways for Inmates and Reentrants" 
COABE Journal , Summer 2018
"Integrated Career Pathways: Lessons from Accelerating Opportunity"
COABE Journal , Summer 2018
"Developing Integrated, Contextualized Industry Mathematics Curricula in Short Term Certificate Programs"   
Read the Article>>>

Did you know that COABE members can purchase a one year subscription to the COABE Journal for only $35? Add to your professional library with this vital resource written by adult educators in the field. Click the button below to purchase a hard copy subscription today.

The following Integrated Education and Technology resources can be found on our COABE AER website.*  

"Integrated Education and Training (IET) Implementation Clinic: Innovative Approaches to Professional Development"

Access more FREE resources on the Adult Educator's Resource website. 

*Please note that you must login to the AER website in order to download these resources.
Spring 2019  COABE Journal

Check out the latest edition of the COABE Journal. The focus of this special edition is prison literacy. We hope you enjoy this free PDF version of our spring 2019 issue.

COABE offers professional development on topics of interest identified by you, the practitioners in the field. You should also refer to your state policies and guidelines on these topics when implementing activities at your programs.