"Reaching 200 hundred discipleship communities, one disciple at a time, through the local church with the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Matthew 6:33

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Walk It Out: Putting Last Week's Locker Room Call Into Action: Equip!

Art Pender

St. Charles, Missouri

(636) 866-4491

“The first thing I think about is me, selfishly… To be prepared, so I can serve others; how I spend my time, the things that I think about, my actions throughout the day, and how they impact others.”

“I think the largest benefit I’ve had is the level of communication as opposed to shallow… bantered type of conversation.“

“It comes from a will to serve in order to help or join arms in celebration to give them praise in the good things and the struggles that we have in life.”

James Gainey

Baltimore, Maryland

(443) 878-9621

“Over the years… I felt called to equip other men, so I’ve tried to know of resources, trying to prepare myself to share those resources with other men as best we can.”

“I think you can equip better in areas where you’ve been tested.

“I think it gets to the point of each generation helping one another. Inter-generational discipleship is important, and sometimes we can talk to and lead men of our same age, our same culture, our same background… But no two men are alike; there are some manhood questions we all need to answer along the way.“

This week's topic: RESET

Jeff Draughon: "Keeping Our Vows"

Alexandria, Louisiana

(318) 446-4944

“When we say “yes, I will “, that is a vow to someone. That’s telling somebody that you’re going to do something.”

“Jesus knew how important it would be, that we keep our vows; so important that He did a section of the sermon on the mount devoted specifically to this.”

“What other men are you discipling? And that’s the whole crux of inviting another man to the Summit. That should be the most natural thing in the world. “Hey, I am bringing who I am discipling”. We shouldn’t be searching high and low for who I’m going to invite to the Summit. Who are you discipling? Bring that guy with you.”

Question: What is a “yes“ that you’ve said that you followed through with?

Chris Summers

Jackson, Missouri

(573) 579-4321

“At the beginning of the year, I devoted to praying with my wife more consistently… I’ve seen a lot of fruit from that in my marriage, and in my home.”

“You’re not going to lead someone where you’re not yourself.”

“Family discipleship is definitely forefront in my mind all the time mainly because I wasn’t discipled when I was younger and now God has entrusted me with four young ladies.”

Question: Tell us about a vow you didn’t keep that you now regret.

Chris Taormina

(573) 382-0605

Fort Myers, Florida

“How many three strands have I started in and not committed to?… I think I was called to lead a three strand, not to sit and wait for somebody else to lead it. I think it’s laziness on my part.”

“You say “yes“ to something and that “yes “almost doesn’t mean anything anymore. Most “yeses“ are “maybes“. I’ll do it if I feel comfortable.“

Question:  Since we are a discipleship ministry, how important is it that you keep your “yeses” to your Timothy?”

Colin Lebeau:

Alexandria, Louisiana

(253) 970-0112

“If I’m not keeping my “yes” to my Timothy, it erodes my credibility. It absolutely is an obstacle to my ability to disciple these young men if I’m not doing what I say I’m going to do; if I’m not walking out what I say I’m going to walk out.”

“Without that integrity, all credibility is lost. My ability to have that Paul – like influence in their life is sometimes irreparably eroded if I’m not walking in integrity.”

Marc Harris: "Importance of Accountability"

Jackson, Missouri

(573) 382-2323

“We should absolutely be pushing every day for accountability in every way, but we are just not.”

“With accountability, we shouldn’t be able to get it off our hands. That’s who we are. We shouldn’t be able to get it out of our minds. That’s who we should be. We should never, ever want it to be far away from our heart, because our heart is wicked. Our heart will tell us things that just aren’t true.”

Question: Why is accountability important?

Bobby Vozar:

Sikeston, Missouri

(573) 380-3767

"I don’t feel like I need to chase somebody to have a conversation with them… But like we have said before, if you’re going to love a man to Jesus, you should chase that man to the end of the earth if you really want to bring him to God.”

Robert Taylor:

Alexandria, Louisiana

(318) 446-8303

“We have to ask someone to hold us accountable. We have to be humble enough to go to someone and say “Hey, I need an accountability partner.“

“It’s almost like one of those things where you’re begging to be better, but you’re asking a brother to hold you to that better life.”

Rusty Statler:

Oak Ridge, Missouri

(573) 513-5531

“I truly want to… try to do better myself at responding to text messages in a more timely manner, or phone call or whatever because, what if somebody needed something at the time? They could have been standing on the ledge and just needed somebody to say, it’s going to be okay.”

Question: What is one thing you hope to get out of the Project in 2024?

Marcus Harris:

Denver, Colorado

(573) 837-2806

“This year, I want there to be more of a presence in the Project that I get to do life with here locally on the ground in Colorado.

Pastor Phil Roop:

Cape Girardeau, Missouri

(573) 450-1513

“I want to finish the last half of my life as a follower of Christ discipling better than I did the first half of my life. I want to be able to pour into men the life of Christ that He’s poured into me.”

Beachhead Focus:

10-40 Window/International Missions

Project 200 member, Believer Mensah lives in Ghana. Let us commit to pray for him and the people of his country.

Prayers from Ghana

Our dear Father, we lift up Ghana unto your throne of grace, offering appreciation for the resources you endowed us with.

We are grateful for the gold, bauxite, oil, beautiful beaches, vast forest, flower, and fauna, among others. We thank you, particularly for your grace and mercy that has protected us since independence in 1957, even though it has been a difficult journey. You have sustained us through all the coup d’états until the 4th Republic, which has seen stability since 1992. We are grateful for your presence in all our elections, even the chaotic ones when we were all on edge. Lord Jesus, we thank you.

As we go through our daily struggles, you have always remembered us. We ask for your guidance for peasant farmers, who are mostly women without access to technology and loan facilities to improve their lot. We are praying for all children but particularly those who are in the rural setting and have limited access to the necessities of life. We pray for all trafficked children and women who are abused physically, psychologically, and emotionally. May you give them peace.

We pray particularly for girls who are used on farms, fishing, and illegal mining, asking for your grace to lead us as we seek to liberate them. Grant us your favor in this endeavor.

Lord, we come before you in all humility, requesting you to have mercy on all leaders, especially political, religious, traditional, and other duty-bearers. May you give them knowledge, direction, and wisdom as they seek ways to help the citizens of the country.

We are at this time praying particularly for the restoration of our ailing economy, a response to food insecurity and extreme poverty. The political environment is charged as parties prepare to elect their flagbearers and representatives to parliament. Lord, please help us to choose the right persons who will serve your people.

Lord Jesus, we pray for the Christian Council of Ghana and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana as they begin the year 2023. Help them to develop good action plans that will help your people. Enable them with the needed resources to be able to carry out the needed advocacy and effective service provision for your people at all levels. We trust that you are always with us. Amen

Beachhead Focus:

Addiction/Mental Health Beachhead:

Check out this important resource submitted to us by Todd King:

How to recognize shame in yourself or others:

  1. There is a fear of exposure and intimacy
  2. There is a feeling like we never do well enough
  3. Criticism is devastating to us
  4. We become overly critical of ourselves or others
  5. We swing between bitterness towards people and needing to please people
  6. We are primarily motivated by what other people think

This video deals with recognizing and dealing with shame. It is a part of a bigger series called "The Overcoming Life". I have found these lessons to be freeing in so many ways. I hope they bring you the same benefit.

Beachhead Focus:

Fatherless Homes/College Campuses

Pray for these 5 athletes, Darnell, Kaitlyn, Abby, Lance & Brody. These five athletes are the FCA leadership team at Brescia University. I have been discipling them through an FCA Resource called The Core and they are going to launch FCA on their Campus when they return next semester. Our first FCA Meeting is scheduled for Feb 5. Last night, after our last meeting, I gave them each an FCA Athletes Bible. 

Pray for Jeff Moran as he leads this effective ministry.

Men's Summit is coming soon!

Every Man Bring Another Man to Summit.

“The real cost of the Summit is bringing someone with you to the Summit.“

“I don’t look for some ball to drop in some city far away that signifies I should get up and do better, but I think every day is that for a Christian. Every day we get the opportunity to do that with God and certainly it’s purpose for our lives.“

-Marc Harris


51 days till the Summit, men!!! In order for us to get the numbers right, please fill out our form below!

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