Dear PARIM Members,

It is our great pleasure to officially open Manitoba’s Resident Doctor Appreciation Week 2023! We have many fun activities planned this week to celebrate you! There are over 600 resident doctors across the province. Each and every one of you have a positive impact on the health of those living in Manitoba. Thank you!

It has been a really long few years, and Residents are being asked to do more with less time and fewer resources. You are also expected to do research, teach, learn, have extracurricular activities, and find time for health, wellness, family, and fun. Despite these demands, you are all stepping up to care for your patients. It is a lot on your plate. Yet, you are doing it. And for that, we thank you. You, and your hard work, are valued and appreciated.

Resident Appreciation Week is about celebrating all your hard work over the last year with full acknowledgment of the challenges. We work long hours, still do 24hr call and have little control over our schedule. It is an incredibly challenging time and PARIM is working hard to make things better. And while we at PARIM appreciate you every single day, we hope that this week can also help others highlight the wonderful work that you are doing.

We hope this week you can also find a quiet moment to reflect on the how your work makes a difference to those around you. Think about the families that thanked you, the tricky diagnosis you made, or the surgery you did well. The lives you have saved, helped, and changed because you were there.

We hope you can find some joy in your work this week, and find some fun in the events planned:

1. Headshots with Leif: Photographer Leif Norman will be at the PARIM lounge at HSC this Thursday from 1-4 pm, and at Room A1140, St. Boniface GH on Friday from 11 am-3 pm.

2. Instagram Contest: PARIM Beyond the Perimeter - for Residents at rural sites, tag PARIM in your post or story (#PARIMBeyondPerimeter), and be entered into a draw for prizes!

3. Doughnut days: Doughnuts from Oh Doughuts will be available at the PARIM Lounge at HSC this Wednesday from 11 am, and at St. Boniface this Friday from 11 am.

4. Application for rural / remote site activities: Residents rotating at rural/periphery sites can apply for up to $50 per group to celebrate Resident Doctor Appreciation Week! Just submit your costed out plan to by February 10, and reimbursement will be arranged.

We are also fortunate that Doctors Manitoba is participating in the week. Please see more details on their website:

Resident Doctors of Canada is also participating, and you can find a message from their president here.

Thank you for all that you do!!


Dr. Rachel Bethune, MD, MPH

PARIM President

Dr. Sabrina Lee, MD MSc PARIM Vice-President


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