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Remembering Her Majesty on the first anniversary of her sad passing


Our thoughts are with His Majesty The King and the Royal Family as we mark this first anniversary of the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Councillor Neil Knowles, mayor of the Royal Borough, said: "All of us remember the poignant scenes in Windsor in the days following the announcement – crowds of mourners silently paying their respects, the sea of floral tributes, the final slow procession up the Long Walk to Windsor Castle. 

"At the Royal Borough, we continue to feel her loss, but we also use today to again reflect and give thanks for an incredible life of tireless duty and selfless service to the nation.

"We were so proud to call Her Majesty one of our residents – she loved Windsor, and Windsor loved and respected her in return. She will always have a fond place in the hearts and memories of our communities across the Royal Borough.”

Park Smart Maidenhead – make the most of your parking choices 

Whether you’re a savvy shopper, busy commuter, or enjoying an evening out, we all want to find that perfect parking spot that meets our needs. Whoever you are and whatever your reason for visiting, do you know all your parking options in Maidenhead?

Where possible, of course, we encourage people to walk and cycle for many shorter journeys into town, or use public transport. But we know that’s not always possible – so when you have to go by car, we want to ensure you know your full options and can make the most of your choices.

Over the coming weeks, we’re looking at the options for different user groups, as part of our "Park Smart Maidenhead" campaign. Visit our website for details. Today we focus on options for shoppers and blue badge holders. #ParkSmartMaidenhead

If you’re heading to the shops, Hines Meadow, Grove Road and West Street car parks are all within easy reach, for most people, of the Nicholsons centre and other High Street retailers. Hines Meadow (under Sainsbury’s) always has spaces available for shoppers, even at weekends, and has recently seen some improvement works, with lighting upgrades completed and better directional signage due shortly.

If you’ve joined our Resident Parking Discount Scheme, you can get an hour’s free parking each day in all three car parks. You can still apply to join, completely free.

If you’d like to save money and don’t mind a 10-minute walk into the town centre, our brand new Vicus Way car park is affordable and always has spaces available. Three hours parking for £3 is at least £1.50 cheaper than any town centre car park, with all-day long-stay parking just £6.

If you display your blue badge, you can park for free in any bay at all council car parks, including all Maidenhead town centre car parks, providing you don’t park in a reserved bay, meaning there’s a range of options for different destinations.

There are also bays reserved for blue badge holders in Grove RoadWest Street and Hines Meadow car parks for shopping trips. 

You can also park on-street in several locations, including dedicated on-street bays for blue badge holders in Maidenhead – check out the locations on our useful interactive map. (Click on Layers and then select Parking Restrictions - Blue Badge. Other on-street bays are under the general Parking Restrictions tab.)

The Shopmobility Maidenhead scooter hire scheme, run by charity People to Places, is based at 69/71 Queens Walk Mall within the Nicholsons Centre. The Brock Street entrance to the centre can be used as a drop-off point for those unable to walk from the town’s car parks. The nearest parking bay for blue badge holders is on Queen Street.

Outside the railway station, there are a limited number of bays for blue badge holders plus drop-off and pick-up points on the station forecourt.

If your destination is to the southern edge of the town centre, there are dedicated bays at Vicus Way and Stafferton Way, plus dedicated bays for blue badge holders with electric vehicle fast chargers in Vicus Way.

Electoral registration annual canvas: Ensure you’re registered to vote 


Our Electoral Services team is starting the annual canvass, with emails and paper forms being sent to residents across the Royal Borough between now and November.

The annual canvass is undertaken to determine which residents should be registered to vote at each address. This information is used to update the electoral register for 2024.  


Earlier this week, we sent emails to some residents who are already registered, asking them to go to and check the current information we hold for their household. The emails came from


From today, we will start to send out the paper forms to properties. Full details about what you need to do and how to respond will be included in the information you receive from us. 


Where possible, we encourage you to confirm your details online using the information sent to you, rather than posting paper forms back to us, as this is the quickest and easiest way to update the details for your household, and it’s more environmentally friendly too.

For more information, visit our website, call our customer services helpline on 01628 683868 or email [email protected]

Attention mums and dads! Is your child going up to secondary school in 2024?

The application process is open today for children moving up to secondary, middle or upper school in September 2024. The closing date for applications is 31 October 2023.

Please see our admissions guide, application checklist and apply on our website.

Top tips for parents:

  • Remember you must include preferences for all six places available on the application form, where multiple preferences exist. This is to ensure every child receives an offer of a school place in their local area 
  • In the case of phases where less than six options exist, you should include all preferences available to you. For example, if you are applying for a middle school, you must include all four middle schools in your application, as only four middle schools exist in the Royal Borough  
  • Where you don’t include all available preferences, they will be added for you in the nearest appropriate distance order
  • Parents applying for upper schools are exempt from using all available preferences, as only one preference will be applicable for each applicant – male applicants will be sent to The Windsor Boys’ School and female applicants to Windsor Girls’ School.

Helping children experiencing difficulties with attending school


We are working with local schools and NHS Frimley Health to support children and young people who have difficulties attending school due to emotional, psychological or relationship issues.


Known as emotionally-related school avoidance (ERSA), this can range from those who are attending school but have anxiety, through to those missing their education for an extended period. These young people often do want to attend school however their anxiety and lack of coping skills leaves them unable to do so.

Over the last year, our children’s services partner, Achieving for Children, has been working with NHS Frimley Health to train school staff at primary and secondary schools to support children with ERSA and their parents or carers. Most local schools have now received the training. The remainder will get training in the new academic year.


If you notice early signs in your child, it is important to contact the school to start support as soon as possible to stop things from potentially getting worse – see our Parent Quick Guide and ERSA webinar for parents for more.

What are the signs of ERSA?

It might be an early sign if your child is:

  • anxious or upset to attend school
  • frequently expressing a serious desire not to attend school
  • showing physical symptoms of anxiety (such as a headache or stomach-ache)
  • absent for several days over a short period.

Amber heat health alert continues this weekend


The Met Office’s amber Heat Health Alert for the South East is due to last until 9pm this Sunday. 

Amber alerts are issued when the level of heat is likely to impact the whole population - healthy people as well as those who are vulnerable. This also means health and social care are likely to experience increased demand and the heat may also affect infrastructure such as traffic delays.

If you can, check in on vulnerable family, friends and neighbours. And also take care of yourself. Heatstroke and heat exhaustion at this temperature is a real danger whatever your age.


For advice on how to keep cool in hot weather, visit the government’s Beat The Heat website

Reminder to stay safe around open water


When we have a heatwave, there can be the temptation to cool off in open water. But even on red hot days, water in rivers and lakes stays cold.

Cold water shock is the biggest killer of people who jump or swim, in open bodies of water. Jumping into cold water can cause your body to go instinctively into cold water shock, which can lead to a gasping response, inhaling water and drowning - even if you're a strong swimmer.

If you have children or grandchildren, please speak with them and make them aware of the risks of entering open water, which also includes hidden depths and currents, and submerged objects.

Our Community Wardens, Thames Valley Police, the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service, and the Environment Agency, are continuing to work together to raise awareness of the dangers.

Last year, there were more water rescues in the Royal Borough than in any other Berkshire local authority. Read more about water safety on the fire service website.

Everyone welcome to attend Battle of Britain Civic Service


You are invited to attend our annual Battle of Britain Civic Service in Windsor on Sunday 17 September.

This is a joint service for the borough to remember those who contributed to Britain’s aerial defence in the Second World War. The service will involve the civic party, Royal Air Forces Association, Air Training Corps units and Parish Church.

If you wish to attend, please be in the vicinity of the war memorial, in the High Street, by about 10.50am, to watch the procession and short wreath-laying ceremony at 11am. The memorial is set into the wall in front of the Parish Church.

After the wreath-laying, you are then welcome to join the service itself at the Parish Church. Roads will be closed temporarily for the duration of the procession and wreath-laying, and for a few minutes after the church service.

Reminder: Flu and Covid autumn vaccines brought forward

Due to the new Covid BA.2.86 variant, this year’s autumn Flu and Covid vaccines in England will start earlier than planned as a precautionary measure.

This means vaccinations are now due to start on Monday 11 September with adult care home residents, and those most at risk, to receive their vaccines first.

The following groups are currently be offered the Covid vaccine this autumn:

  • Residents in care homes for older adults
  • Adults aged 65 plus
  • Ages six months to 64 in a clinical risk group
  • Frontline health and social care workers
  • Ages 12 to 64 who live in the same house as people with weakened immune systems.

People in these groups will receive an invitation when it’s time for their vaccinations. Read more details about this autumn's vaccinations

Royal Borough Community Spotlight

Here are just some of the upcoming community events and volunteering opportunities in the Royal Borough:

  • Cox Green Horticultural and Craft Show (Saturday 9 September, 2.30pm) – Cox Green Community Centre. Classes include vegetables, fruit, flowers, flower arranging, handicrafts, preserves, cooking, art and photography for adults and children. Anyone can enter. Free entry for children under 14 years. View the schedule with more details on their website or [email protected] Show open to the public from 2.30pm when the exhibits are on display, plus other attractions including a market produce stall, craft stalls, raffles and cream teas

  • Signature A Cappella Singers – Do you love to sing low? We are looking for women with low voices to join our Windsor-based choir. We rehearse every Thursday at St Edwards Parish Centre, Windsor, SL4 3BA. For more details, or to join us at one of our rehearsals, contact [email protected]

  • Holyport Village Show (Saturday 9 September, from 2pm) – Holyport War Memorial Hall. Now in its 26th year, the show is open to residents of Bray Parish, including Broom Farm and The Willows. Entry is also open to families not living in these areas provided that one of the family is a member of a society, club, school, business or group located in the parish. Classes include vegetables, handicraft, cooking and floral classes. There are also categories for children or all ages and this year there is a Coronation theme to the children’s pictures and photography sections. Admission to the show by donation

  • Heritage Open Day at All Saints Church, Maidenhead (Saturday 9 September from 9.30 am to 4.30pm, and Sunday 10 September from 12pm to 4.30pm) – Boyn Hill, SL6 4HE (parking outside). We will be pleased to welcome everyone to visit the Grade 1 listed Victorian church with its parochial buildings around an enclosed quadrangle, designed by George Edmund Street (who also designed the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand). Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be available. There will be an hour's talk at 2pm on Saturday and 3pm on Sunday, and a 30-minute organ recital at 2.30pm on Sunday. See the church website or visit for other Heritage Open Days

  • Cookham and Maidenhead Arts Trail (Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 September, from 10am to 5pm each day). There will be 51 local artists showing their work in 19 venues in Cookham and Maidenhead. A variety of art will be on display, and available for sale, including paintings in various mediums, ceramics, jewellery, glass, and more. Entry is free and some venues provide disabled access, cake and drinks, and toilets. You will be sure of a warm welcome and will meet the artist and be able to discuss their work if you wish to. Full details of the venues, artists and a map are available on their website

  • Windsor Soundswell Choir - If you feel like singing, why not join? (every Tuesday from 12 September during term time, 7.30pm to 9.30pm) - Oakfield First School, Imperial Road, Windsor, SL4 3RU. This small, friendly community choir always welcomes new members aged 18 upwards. It’s a mixed choir singing a wide repertoire of music under the skilled hand of music director Guy Bunce with accompanist Ben Norris. There are no auditions and no experience is necessary, so just come along. For more information visit their website or call Ros 07814470814 or leave a message for Sue on 01753 868468

  • The Maidenhead Women’s Group for European Friendship lecture (Wednesday 13 September, 2.30pm) – United Reform Church in Maidenhead. You are invited to a lecture by Dr Nigel Hewett OBE on “The Pathway Homeless Project”. Guests entry is £5 including refreshments. Further details about the group on their website  

  • Harvest Bazaar (Saturday 16 September, 10am to 11.30am) – St Marks Crescent Methodist Church, Allenby Road, SL6 5BQ. Stalls selling various items including home-baked cakes, stationery, books, CDs, DVDs and a bric-a-brac stall with many lovely items for gifts and home. A raffle will be organised with various prizes. Coffee is served all morning in the hub. Come and view the harvest decorations in the church. Bring family, friends and neighbours. We look forward to meeting you there. Free entry - all welcome. All funds raised to St Marks Crescent Methodist Church Fund. Contact email: [email protected]

  • Maidenhead Music presents “Facade” (September 20, 7.45pm) – Norden Farm. William Walton’s musical entertainment – a quirky jazz-inspired music is set to the words of the eccentric Edith Sitwell, and was first performed 100 years ago. It is played by the Berkeley Ensemble, on flute, piccolo, clarinet, cello, saxophone, trumpet and percussion. Tickets are £20 (£15 for members) from Norden Farm box office or on the door. Under 18s are free with a ticketed adult. It is the first concert of the 77th season, with seven more to come. Details on the website. [email protected]

  • Quiz Night (Saturday 23 September, 7pm for 7.30pm start) – Woodlands Park Village Centre, Manifold Way, SL6 3GW. Table of six or enquire about individual entries. Price is £7.50 per person. Bring your own food, drinks, glasses. A raffle will also be held with prizes. An enjoyable evening where you can relax and meet others in the community. Book at [email protected] or call 01628 623263. All funds go to St Marks Church Boiler Fund.

  • WEA Maidenhead branch courses (starting 26 September) - St Mark's Methodist Church and St Joseph's Parish Centre. Courses include Art appreciation: Early Renaissance; History: The Best Prime Ministers We Never Had; and Art appreciation: Caravaggio-the Bad Boy of Baroque. Details can be found on their website (enter Maidenhead branch in the search box).

  • Volunteer Treasurer for the Pinder Hall, Cookham. The Pinder Hall Trust Committee is looking for someone to take over as treasurer and join this friendly, supportive charity. The accounting is not very strenuous: it is a matter of bill-paying, as users mainly pay by BACS. If you could help, please contact [email protected]

  • Volunteers needed. Maidenhead Heritage Centre. We are looking for volunteers to enable us to open every Sunday afternoon, also 1pm to 5pm. For more information, visit the heritage centre website.

  • Volunteer directors needed at Filling Good, Maidenhead’s community zero waste store. Not-for-profit and primarily run by volunteers, its purpose is to help people reduce their plastic consumption and waste by refilling their containers instead of throwing away lots of packaging. Four roles need to be filled - a compliance director, finance director, marketing and communication director and a people and HR director. The closing date for applications is 9 September. If you are interested, please email [email protected]

If you have an upcoming not-for-profit community event or appeal for volunteers you’d like to promote in this newsletter, simply send basic information about your event to [email protected] and it could be shared with more than 21,000 local residents.

You just need to include a brief description, when and where it takes place, and a link to a website/social media page/contact where people can find out more.

Local Travel Updates

Council highways works

Essential maintenance work has started to repair the A355 and A332 Royal Windsor Way, which will ensure this key transport link is ready for winter and for years to come.

This involves a number of overnight closures on several nights on the section of road between the B3024 Dedworth Road roundabout in the south and the roundabout at the junction with the M4 in the north. Read more on our website.

For details of further council works on highways, visit our website. For full local roadwork details, including work by utility firms, please visit the One Network website.

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