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Full Council agrees Budget and Council Tax for 2024/25

Full Council has approved the Royal Borough’s Budget and Council Tax for the next financial year. The council has taken swift and decisive action to address the significant financial challenges we face. Whilst our financial position remains precarious, we are pleased to have agreed a balanced budget for 2024/25.

Despite the challenges, the council remains ambitious for the borough and will be spending nearly £100m next year on delivering essential local services. While balancing the budget has required some tough decisions, we are also investing in the borough’s critical infrastructure, including highways and schools, and increasing spending in a number of priority areas, such as new homelessness accommodation, adult social care and children’s services. 

Councils across the country are experiencing serious financial challenges and demand is increasing for a range of statutory services including social care. The Royal Borough has specific circumstances which make our position especially challenging. The council’s financial stability remains precarious, and delivery of the agreed budget is dependent on a challenging programme of service transformation, together with external factors outside our control.

Council Tax

Last night (Thursday 29 February), Full Council voted to increase council tax by 4.99%, which includes an increase of 2% in the adult social care precept. This level of increase is being made by most councils, but our low council tax base means that, even at the maximum increase allowed, in pounds and pence this is still a lower increase than in other areas. See our factsheet with comparison to other councils.

In our budget consultation, half of respondents agreed with proposals to increase council tax, compared to 34% who opposed. Thank you to the nearly 400 people and organisations who took part in the consultation. See a summary of the results.

Reminder to register to vote for Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner election

We're reminding voters who are not currently on the electoral register to sign up now if they wish to take part in the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) election on Thursday 2 May.


The last date for registering to vote for this election is Tuesday 16 April at 11.59pm. Registering to vote is easiest online via Those who have recently moved home should also register at their new address.


Voters will have the usual range of options for casting their ballot – in person, by post, or by appointing someone they trust to vote in their place, known as a proxy vote. There are no local elections in the Royal Borough this May.


By law, you will need to bring along and show accepted photo ID in order to vote at a polling station. A wide range of photo ID will be accepted, including passports, driving licences and cards with a PASS Mark.

Read more in our press release.

Brightening up Maidenhead’s urban environment


Work started on Monday in King Street, in Maidenhead, as part of our wider plans to brighten up the town centre’s urban environment as well as create more engaging spaces for walking and cycling.


The work is focusing at this stage on the pedestrianised section of King Street between Broadway and Keys Place. It is creating a new dedicated space along the centre of the route specifically for cycles, with pedestrian areas either side, using clearly defined surface types and tactile boundaries.


Government funding for this work has come via the Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, and it is hoped the scheme will be completed this autumn.

Read more in our press release.

Seven successful projects awarded funding to create community orchards

Seven projects have been awarded grants to create community orchards and give a boost to nature - thanks to national funding secured by the Royal Borough.


The successful organisations are Trevelyan Middle School’s PTA for an orchard at the Windsor school, Braywood Memorial Hall in Fifield and Nature’s Haven, which has plans for an orchard at Maidenhead Community Centre.


The other successful applicants are Boyn Grove allotments, Maidenhead, the Odney Club, Cookham, Cookham Parish Council for a project at the Sutton Road allotments in the village and Thames Hospice in Bray for an orchard in its grounds.


Community groups, schools, landowners and residents were invited to apply for funding available to create their very own orchard in the borough after our Sustainability Team successfully secured £27,000 from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affair’s Coronation Living Heritage Fund. The fund celebrates the Coronation of King Charles III.

Read more in our press release.

Have you responded to your child’s Secondary, Middle or Upper school offer?


Calling all parents! If your child is starting Secondary, Middle or Upper school in September 2024, please respond by Friday 15 March 2024 to let us know if you wish to accept or decline the offer of the school place made to your child.


If you applied online using the portal, you will be able to log into your account to view the outcome and accept or decline your offer and you will also receive an email confirming the outcome of your application. You can also email your acceptance or decline of offer to [email protected]. Please remember to include your child's full name and date of birth.


If you applied using a paper common application form or our Google online form, you will not be able to access the admissions portal and your outcome letter will be dispatched via email or first-class post providing information about the outcome and how to respond.


Further information is available on our school admissions page.

Royal Borough’s library Knit and Natter groups support hospice fundraiser


Our library Knit and Natter groups have created more than 50 knitted chicks to support a fundraiser for the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service.


The Maidenhead and Windsor groups have been taking part in The Big Chick Knit where, each year, knitters from the area make hundreds of adorable knitted chicks, each with a chocolate egg inside. The chicks, as well as several knitted rabbits, are then sold to raise vital funds for the hospice, which is near Maidenhead. 


The knitters have created chicks in range of colours and styles, which will be on sale through Alexander Devine to support its appeal from today.


Read more in our press release.

Update on Broadway car park demolition works

The demolition of Broadway car park in Maidenhead started in January to remove the safety risks posed by the failed structure, while reducing the potential for anti-social behaviour and town centre blight.  

Last week, our contractor discovered asbestos in a contained area of the closed car park, specifically between the wall and cladding on the King Street side of the building. Asbestos is common in many structures of this age.


This material was found in an area of the car park that could not be accessed and was only exposed once demolition work began. We've notified the Health and Safety Executive and are now working with our contractor so that it can be safely removed.

What does this mean?


This doesn’t pose any risk to the public and is located in an area not accessible to the public. However, these unforeseen circumstances will mean an extension to the original demolition programme, expected to be several weeks, while we work with our contractor to resolve this issue quickly and, importantly, safely.


The partial road closure of Broadway, planned for next month, has been rescheduled to run from Monday 13 May to Monday 3 June in order to demolish the spiral ramp. This will include the closure of the current designated Broadway access lane adjacent directly to the car park) with the right-hand lane along Broadway being open to enable traffic to continue to access the town centre.

The full closure scheduled for April, has been rescheduled to run from Tuesday 4 June to Thursday 13 June daily between 9am to 3pm, with no weekend closures permitted – in order to enable the safe demolition of the staircase tower.

Maidenhead Town Team volunteers get set for floral displays

Planters in Maidenhead will be given a much-needed clean by volunteers from the Maidenhead Town Team.


They will be hitting the streets on Saturday 16 March, between 9am and midday, to ready the empty planters, removing rubbish and graffiti ahead of replanting set to take place later in the month.

The replanting will be the team’s first project and has been organised in partnership with Braywick Heath Nurseries, which will be providing plants and expertise for the project.


Read more in our press release.

Join our Youth Council's Political Education Day

Our Youth Council is hosting a Political Education Day on Friday 8 March. This is a free event taking place at the Baylis Theatre in Braywick Leisure Centre, Maidenhead from 1pm to 4pm.

The aim of the event is to introduce young people to local politics, and help develop their political knowledge to allow them to better take part in modern democracy. 

There will have a marketplace of stalls showcasing local services, round table discussions, a panel debate on voting reform and many more topics. They are working with our Democratic Services team to have a mock poll, giving young people the chance to experience what it is like to actually vote. 

If you are a young person interested in attending, please visit the website to register in advance.

Free sports for women and girls

This year’s 7 Days of Focus, run by Leisure Focus and the Maidenhead FC Community Trust, starts tomorrow (Saturday 2 March), and runs until Friday 8 March.

Women’s walking football, indoor cycling, and weightlifting are just some of the free sports being held at Braywick, Windsor, and Furze Platt Leisure Centres, and at Maidenhead United FC.

The aim of the week is to encourage women and girls to try out different sports – especially something new. Find out what’s on offer and/or book your free space. Weekend sessions are being held during the day, and weekdays mostly in the evening.

For more details email [email protected] or call 01753 778559.

Royal Borough Community Spotlight

Here are just some of the upcoming community events and volunteering opportunities in the Royal Borough:

  • Maidenhead's Big Read (Saturday 2 March - Sunday 3 March) - Maidenhead Library. This brilliant weekend of free author and storytelling events for families aims to encourage a love of reading. This year's theme is 'Step Back in Time', covering eras going all the way back to the dinosaurs, taking in Ancient Egypt, the Vikings, the Victorians and Second World War along the way. In addition to the fabulous authors, Once Upon a Bus will be on Park Street (next to the Heritage Centre), and Maidenhead Archaeological Society will have some fun activities including VR headsets and a mini dig inside the library. There’s no advance booking, just turn up. For more information visit the website.

  • Maidenhead Seed Swap (Saturday 2 March, 11am to 2pm) – Eco Action Hub, The Nicholsons Shopping Centre, Unit 5/7 Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1LB. Bring seeds to swap with others. Take seeds to start your growing journey. Seed talk and paper pot making. For more information, visit the website.

  • Pub & Pastries Seniors Social (Monday 4 March, 11am -12.30pm) - The Fox & Castle Pub, Old Windsor. Relaxed, friendly, sociable gathering for our sensational seniors, their friends & family. Warm & welcoming to those experiencing dementia & other conditions, at any age, and any stage. Free entry. Small charge for hot drinks. More information contact [email protected] or call 01784 335 804. 

  • Royal Windsor Rose Show Floral Club demonstration (Tuesday 5 March, 2.30pm) - Gardeners Hall, St Leonard’s Road Windsor. The club kicks off its 2024 season of activities with a flower arranging demonstration. Annual membership £40, or £7.50 per event (cash or cheque only) and the opportunity to win the arrangements in the raffle. Never been before? Try for free on your first visit - all welcome. Any queries call 07786 703238.


  • An Etonian Collector: The Richard Amis Bequest Exhibition (Sundays 2.30pm to 5pm until Sunday 24 March) - Verey Gallery, Eton College. Free entry. For more information, visit the website.

  • Volunteer at Elizabeth House, Cookham. Elizabeth House day centre is looking for new volunteers to entertain its members. This could be anything from singing or playing music, a craft of any type, a quiz, or just a fun hour of chatting and laughter. If you would like to know more, call Dawn on 01628 527621.

If you have an upcoming not-for-profit community event or appeal for volunteers you’d like to promote in this newsletter, simply send basic information about your event to [email protected] and it could be shared with more than 21,000 local residents.

You just need to include a brief description, when and where it takes place, and a link to a website/social media page/contact where people can find out more.

To see further volunteering opportunities in the borough, or for another way for community organisations to promote volunteering opportunities, please visit RBWM Together.

Our consultations - have your say

We regularly hold consultations and surveys to get your views on proposals within the Royal Borough.

Participating, sharing ideas, and giving your feedback is the best way to ensure your views are heard.

Our current consultations are:

Local Travel Updates

Council highways works

For details of further council works on highways, visit our website. For full local roadwork details, including work by utility firms, please visit the One Network website.

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