Last month, our partners and supporters enjoyed a delicious meal and raised funds for HOPE and kicked off our Earth Day in the Elmhurst. We are also looking for more resident involvement and invite you and your networks to our next Community Opportunities session this month. Check out more details below!
Lianetta Oliver, Outreach Coordinator
Lianetta Oliver, Outreach Coordinator
This month, we would like to highlight Lianetta Oliver for her contributions to the collaborative.
Lianetta wants to see an improvement in health outcomes among Oakland residents and wants to get people in her community involved in making healthier changes to their neighborhood. Lianetta began her involvement with HOPE in summer 2013 when she was a participant in HOPE's food justice workshop series. She learned about disparities in food access and how the current food system affects community health. She became interested in the Healthy Corner Store Project, and soon after, took on a role as a Healthy Corner Store Project Leader. As a Healthy Corner Store Project Leader, Lianetta collected data on healthy food access in communities identified as food deserts, to be used to support the project.
Currently, Lianetta has taken on an elevated Project Leader role as an Outreach Coordinator. In this role, she is working on the development of our food justice workshop that will highlight the Healthy Corner Store Project. Lianetta is researching resources that will offer education, training, skills, and tools needed for community members to have a better understanding of our food system and to come together to develop goals and solutions to address food deserts. Planning the next series of food justice workshops will provide participants the opportunity for community engagement and personal and professional development.
Lianetta enjoys being able to share her food story and learn from other cultural backgrounds about their food values and beliefs in her work. She has gained and strengthened numerous skills in her project leader roles including communication, problem solving, research, team building, outreach, program planning, facilitation advocacy, leadership, and networking. Her goal is to recruit more volunteers for the corner store project in hopes of working together to improve the food system and build a stronger food justice movement.
Building Community in the Elmhurst
HOPE's Built Environment Action Team (BEAT) kicked off Earth Day on Saturday, April 25 in the Elmhurst neighborhood of East Oakland. The Earth Day in the Elmhurst event was co-sponsored by Acta Non Verba, Block by Block Organizing Network, District 7 (BBBON D7), and Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) and was a day for community service, outreach, and celebration. Despite chilly winds and the possibility of rain, 30 local residents and community partners came together that morning to participate in two service activities within the neighborhood after fueling up on breakfast provided by Arizmendi Emeryville and coffee. BBBON D7, CBE, and a group of residents cleaned up the community by collecting bags of litter along G Street. BBBON and CBE partners also took time to speak with homeowners about the G Street Transformation project and the need for resident involvement. At 85th Avenue and B Street, students from the Safety Patrol Team of New Highland and RISE Elementary calmed traffic for residents and cleaned up their school while Kate Gallagher, a teacher at RISE and long-time BEAT leader, worked with parents to replace unproductive dirt with new soil to support the planting of drought-resistant plants. All of the volunteers regrouped at Acta Non Verba's farm where music, fun activities including a bounce house and rock climbing wall, and food from the BBQ greeted the volunteers and Elmhurst residents. Overall, the event had approximately 100 parents, students, local residents and community partners in attendance. Bike East Bay, Build On, and engineering students from UC Berkeley also came out to support the event. After the celebration of Earth Day in Elmhurst, a crucial question remains - what does BBQ-ing, a bounce house, and trash bags have to do with 'systems change' and 'community health'? Based on feedback from attendees, community events like Earth Day are crucial ways of building community. In addition, residents said that it was nice to have a place where children could play and receive information on the work being done in the community. Systems change and community health becomes real when neighbors become acquainted, build relationships, and start working towards shared goals. To learn more about activities and plans for the Built Environment Action Team, attend our monthly meeting, visit a community opportunities event, or contact Ruben Farias at or (510) 444-4295. |
Foodies Unite for Food Justice
HOPE had their first ever fundraiser on April 19 at Pizzaiolo as part of Charlie Hallowell's Sunday Suppers project, a series of monthly dinners to help raise awareness and funds for a different East Bay nonprofit working in community in collaboration with Event Coordinator, Lauren Greis. Bay Area foodies came together that evening to support HOPE's work and of course, to enjoy a delicious multicourse meal! Together, we raised close to $7,000 in donations.
HOPE partner, Kimi Watkins-Tartt represented HOPE and spoke to guests about our mission and vision to increase food access; create safe and healthy neighborhoods; and develop sustainable economies in Oakland. HOPE's project leaders, Ayana Edgerly and Leon Davis, shared heartfelt stories about their continued involvement.
We want to thank everyone who attended for their support at Sunday Suppers. The funds raised will be used to support our work such as bringing produce racks to partner corner stores; planting, watering, and ongoing maintenance of trees in East Oakland; and hosting a monthly HOPE Food Empowerment Education Sustainability Team (FEEST) community dinner.
If you weren't able to attend the dinner, but still want to support the work we do in the community, please consider making a donation here.
Community Opportunities at HOPE
HOPE Collaborative hosts Community Opportunities on a quarterly-basis for individuals interested in getting involved in HOPE's work. HOPE works with community members to fulfill a shared vision of vibrant Oakland neighborhoods that provide equitable access to affordable, health, locally grown food; safe and inviting places for physical activity and play; sustainable, successful, local economies - all to the benefit of the families and youth living in Oakland's most vulnerable neighborhoods. If you are an Oakland resident and want better food options and safer streets in your community, attend the next Community Opportunities!
Community Opportunities
Sat., May 30, 1-3pm
Acta Non Verba's farm 1001 83rd Ave. Oakland, CA 94621
Please RSVP to Anita Wong at or (510) 444-4133. Dinner will be provided. Translator available upon request and reimbursement for AC Transit is available. |
Stay tuned for more updates from the HOPE Collaborative. You can also visit us at
or connect with us on social media for more frequent updates.

HOPE Collaborative
Upcoming Events
Eihab Kickoff Event on
Friday, May 15 from
3-6pm at Eihab Discount (6680 International Blvd.)
HOPE Healthy Corner Store Workday on
Saturday, May 16 from
10am-2pm at
Sunbeam Market (1400 Adeline St.)
Community Opportunities on
Saturday, May 30 from 1-3pm at the farm at
Acta Non Verba (1001 83rd Ave.)
Built Environment Action Team (BEAT)
meeting on
June 2 from
4-6pm at
RISE Elementary (8521 A St.)
FEEST Community Dinner on
Friday, June 5 from
5:00-7pm at
Oakland Sol (1236 23rd Ave.)
Alameda County Social Services Agency
Farm Stand every
Monday from
10am-2pm at
Eastmont Self-Sufficiency Center (6955 Foothill Blvd.)
Saturday from
10am-3pm, get fresh and healthy produce at the
Freedom Farmers Market (5316 Telegraph Ave.)