MCCF continues to work closely with the Deer Isle, Stonington, and peninsula communities to advance proposals for climate resilient modifications to the Deer Isle Causeway. Maine Department of Transportation expects to have several design options ready for public comment this Fall. Stay tuned for meeting dates!
(Photo credit: Alex MacLean)
This work falls within a larger portfolio of recently-funded efforts by the Maine Community Foundation, who partnered with the Builders Initiative. Recently, as fall settled in, we gathered as a grantee group to connect our community and research efforts, so that we can also see the gaps in our cumulative efforts toward achieving our shared goal of Maine coastal community climate resilience. This type of collaboration is vital in a geographically distributed and rural state like Maine, where we have many smaller organizations that must work together - and with deep collaboration are able to have deeper impact than we could have working alone.
It often surprises those from away, that in Maine, we all know each other and each and every one of us wears several hats. We often know the different facets of what our colleagues are working on because, across the state, we are few and therefore, a small community unto ourselves. However, since the pandemic we haven’t yet seen each other in person as remote meeting platforms make our daily schedules so much more dense. The time for sharing a coffee or catching up on a walk down the hall has been lost, and with it, our chances to see the picture more holistically. Alexa, Mike, and Carla are all
thankful for the opportunity to gather, share, and reconnect with folks beyond our first circles of collaboration. They each walked away with a stronger sense of community and inspiration that shapes the direction for our work.