March 5th, 2020 was our first in person Community Cafe. Together we developed 2 goals or focus areas from the recurring themes.
  1. Develop a resource document for the community that can be shared, and updated as needed. This document went live soon after. It can be found here:
  2. Bring awareness to Harnett County about the following: resilience, adverse childhood experiences (ACE's), trauma-informed care, and information concerning brain development.

August 27th, 2020 was our second community cafe and our first using a virtual platform. The following goals and focus areas came from this meeting.
  1. Building a rich, diverse, and inclusive resilient collaborative. A Goggle Doc was created to build a list of organizations and agencies that should be at the table. You are encouraged to visit this document and add names of individuals and their contact information. The goggle doc can be found here. The purpose of the document is to connect with others across our large county.
  2. Develop a mission and vision statement for the Resilience Initiative.

September 24th, 2020 our third community cafe was held through a virtual platform. The following action was taken:
  1. Developed wording and statements that would lead us to develop a mission and vision statement for our Resilience Initiative.
  2. A list of 4 different mission and vision statements were developed. You are asked to vote on which one you prefer.

All past newsletters can be found on the Resilience Initiative Harnett County website located here.