Please take a moment and complete the Survey! It is important to see what is happening across the State.
This survey provides an opportunity for local resilience-focused community coalitions or initiatives to share information about their structure, focus, and work to address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma, and resilience. This survey has been developed in collaboration with multiple state and community-based stakeholders as part of the Resilient Communities Initiative, which is facilitated by the North Carolina Partnership for Children. You can learn more about the Resilient Communities Initiative below.
It is estimated that the survey will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes of your time. Please see the attached sample questions to provide context for the kind of information we are seeking from local community resilience-focused coalitions/initiatives.
This survey will help us in developing a statewide framework to build healthy and resilient communities across North Carolina and assist us in identifying areas for collective advocacy and targeting resources. Specifically your input will help us co-create a set of consultation and technical assistance supports for building healthy and resilient communities in North Carolina. We seek to gain multiple perspectives from community coalitions/initiatives about the following:
- Various strategies that community coalitions/initiatives are using to address adversity and promote resilience
- Strengths, challenges and opportunities for learning and partnership and resource allocation across initiatives
- Alignment of the community coalition/initiative's work with existing common language, emerging community resilience frameworks, and other literature supporting ACEs/Trauma/Resilience
Survey respondents will be asked to complete the survey individually on behalf of their coalition/initiative. If you are involved with multiple community resilience coalitions/initiatives, please submit the survey separately for each individual coalition/initiative. We welcome and encourage submissions from multiple members/leaders from each community coalition/initiative. If you are a part of collaborative resilience-focused work in your community in any way, we want to hear from you!
Please reach out to Elizabeth Byrum, Resilient Communities Officer, at if you have any questions about the survey or the initiative.
Thank you for your participation!