January 2020
Resolve to streamline your giving in 2020
Happy New Year! January offers the opportunity to examine our behaviors and goals and identify changes we’d like to make for ourselves and our families. A good resolution is specific, measurable, and often requires advance planning—not unlike charitable giving.

When making a gift, consider the specific purpose of the gift, how much of your budget you want to allocate for that purpose, and when to make the gift. Timing can be an important factor for major gifts based on your tax situation and vehicle for contributing.

Is your 2020 resolution to simplify? A donor-advised fund at CCF-LA streamlines your charitable giving by keeping all your gifts and grants in one place, with consistent and reliable reporting and communications and easy 24/7 online access. Sending money to your favorite charities can be done in one place and at your convenience.

Join our growing number of clients who have resolved to make meaningful charitable gifts this year through a donor-advised fund. It’s a resolution you’re sure to feel good about!
Families on a Mission
Featured Client: Mission Doctors Association
Angelus Magazine recently profiled Robyn and Brian Jennings, who will be serving in rural Ghana through a Mission Doctors Association long-term placement. MDA trains, supports, and deploys Catholic doctors and their families from across the U.S. to provide direct medical care and training for healthcare providers in rural communities globally.  Learn more.
Latest from the CCF-LA Blog:
The Numbers Tell a Story
We are busy closing the books on the previous year, checking the numbers and submitting materials for the audit. As the staff accountant, I often think about the stories behind the numbers. Read more from our accountant, Lilia.
O Come, All Ye Faithful
This Christmas season, I had the opportunity to visit three beautiful cities—Rome, Salzburg, and Budapest. In Rome, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of St. Peter’s and how truly at home I felt there. Finding a marking on the floor of the nave showing the length of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels in Los Angeles was a highlight.  Read more from our development manager, Maggie.
Congratulations, Archbishop!
Our staff shared a congratulatory moment with CCF-LA Board Member Archbishop José H. Gomez at our December Board Meeting. He was recently elected as President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, bringing new visibility to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and his platform of immigration reform and youth engagement.
One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessings will be enriched.
Proverbs 11:24–25
OUR MISSION: CCF-LA empowers charitable individuals and organizations across cultures and generations through professional philanthropy management solutions that allow clients to develop and sustain their philanthropy in support of Catholic values. Learn more.