Your monthly Underserved Grant Resource Email

May 2019
This product of the ALSO Underserved TA Project is designed for Underserved grantees to provide them with regular and concise information including resources, training opportunities, open solicitations and more.

You can always find more resources on the Underserved TA Tools and Resources page on ALSO's website or through the Online Private Portal for OVW Underserved Grantees.

Happy Resource & Opportunity Finding!
Your Underserved TA Team
Image Description:  Downtown Atlanta skyline from an aerial view.
Underserved Summer Institute
We are excited to see those who will be attending the 2019 Underserved Summer Institute from July 16-18 in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Institute will focus on three main skill building topic areas: 1) data collection and evaluation; 2) training and education; and 3) service provision.

Each grantee organization is required to send two participants. If your organization does not have two individuals registered, please contact the Underserved TA Team as soon as possible . All participants should have received a registration confirmation email with instructions for making hotel and travel arrangements.

The agenda and materials will also be posted online soon. Keep checking our  Underserved TA page  for updates. 

If you have any questions regarding the Institute, please reach out to Program Coordinator, Zarena Leblanc, at
Upcoming ALSO-hosted Webinar

This webinar will take place on
Wed. May 29, 1:00 - 2:30 PM CT

Physical space can affect survivors of violence and abuse, as well as those who are working to provide them support. With the guidance of experts in design and survivor services, this webinar will explore components of trauma-informed design, collaboration between designers and survivor service providers, and lessons learned from their efforts. This webinar will include discussion of large and small design ideas that can positively improve the environments in which we hope to provide support, healing, and safety for survivors of violence and abuse.

This webinar will be facilitated by ALSO consultant Lisa Gilmore and will feature presenters, Jennifer Sobecki from  Designs for Dignity   and Neha Gill from   Apna Ghar, Inc . 
Image Description: OVW Program Manager Kara Moller sitting at her desk with numerous posters on the wall.
OVW Corner
Info from your OVW Program Manager Kara Moller:

I encourage you to make sure all people involved with the project have a copy of the grant awards conditions. This includes those in charge of administering the grant as well as all people implementing project activities (direct service staff, trainers, project partners, etc.).

There are over 40 special conditions on your grant award, and many refer to other documents or regulations which contain even more requirements you may not realize are applicable.
Here are a few examples of grant conditions:
  • Grant funds can NOT be used for activities and services for victims under the age of 11.
  • Any training or training materials developed or delivered with funding provided under this award must adhere to the OVW Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgrantees.
  • All materials and publications (written, web-based, audio-visual, or any other format) resulting from award activities must contain the OVW disclaimer.
  • Any anticipated addition of, removal of, or change in collaborating partner agencies or individuals who are signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding submitted with your application must receive prior written approval from OVW.
  • Grantees must report on subawards (i.e. partner compensation) of $25,000 or more to the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS).

Grantees are encouraged to explore the After Receiving OVW Funds section of the OVW website. Subsections include “ Grants Management ” and “Information and Resources for OVW grantees .” This section of the OVW website, along with the Solicitation Companion Guide for your applicable Fiscal Year, contain more detailed guidance on post-award requirements.
FY 2017 Solicitation Companion Guide : see “Post-Award Information.”

FY 2018 Solicitation Companion Guide : see “Post-Award Information.”

If you have any questions, you can send them to Kara Moller at .
Image Description: MBTA ad featuring woman with visual disability calling the T police when overhearing sexual harassment on the MBTA.
Grantee Spotlight
This month we're excited to highlight BARCC & MASS Collaboration!
Movement for Access, Safety & Survivors (The MASS Collaboration) is a Boston-area partnership working to create healing, empowerment, and safety for survivors of sexual violence with disabilities. Our partnership is composed of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (grantee), Boston Center for Independent Living , Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) , and the Transit Police Department . We work to make changes within and between our organizations to increase accessibility and improve services for survivors of sexual violence. We do this by improving policies and processes in our organizations and increasing the knowledge and skill of service providers and first responders. The MASS Collaboration recently celebrated our progress in this timeline video . We would like to highlight a few examples of our collective work.

Boston’s public transportation system is one of the oldest in the country and is widely used by people with disabilities. National and state findings indicate that people with disabilities experience sexual assault twice as often as those without disabilities. The MASS Collaboration developed and launched a disability inclusive MBTA anti-sexual harassment campaign-- a public information effort to enhance passenger safety and encourage the public to report incidents of sexual harassment. Advertisements were posted on trains and buses. The MASS Collaboration also created an online website to make the information accessible to those who are blind or have low vision. 
Image Description: Photo from criminal justice guide that shows participants at police department interview.
Our collaboration works to empower survivors with disabilities and educate the professionals responsible for providing legal and crisis responses. While this phase of healing is difficult for all survivors/victims, people with disabilities face additional barriers. Given this disheartening reality, sexual violence against people with disabilities often goes unreported. The MASS Collaboration developed a plain language and picture-based tool to help Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) Legal Advocates explain the process and options in the Massachusetts’s criminal justice system. People with disabilities helped create the guide by sharing information they want to know about the criminal justice process and how they best learn this information. 

We are proud to be creating trauma-informed change in our community. This grant supports our joint efforts to create practical and accessible pathways to healing for survivors of sexual violence with disabilities.

Non-Underserved Sponsored Webinars
Choosing a Platform and Vendor for Digital Services
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2019 
Is your program looking for a vendor to offer services using chat, text, or video? This webinar will help you choose the type of technology best for your hotline, ongoing advocacy, or support groups. We'll also dive into everything you need to consider: cost, features, data security and privacy, customer service, and more. We will provide a checklist as well for you to use when considering a vendor.

Language Access Bank
Time: 11:00 am PT, 12:00 pm MT, 1:00 pm CT, 2:00 pm ET
Date: Tuesday, May 28
Legal and victim services organizations in the Washington, DC area benefit from a unique model in providing language access. The local nonprofit Ayuda runs a centralized service, which handles the language access needs of more than 90 nonprofits in the area. The model takes advantage of economy of scale, specialization, and collaboration. This webinar is part of the series "Closing the Language Gap: Ensuring Access to Justice and Healing for All."

Best Practices for Digital Services
Time: 12:00 pm PT, 1:00 pm MT, 2:00 pm CT, 3:00 pm ET
Date: Thursday, May 30
Is your program prepared to offer quality services using text, chat, or video? This webinar will cover best practices for digital services overall, as well as for specific kinds of technology. We will focus on safety and privacy, clear communication, informed consent, and planning for the unexpected. Whether you are exploring possibilities, actively preparing to launch digital services, or wondering how you can strengthen your policies and practices, this webinar is for you.

What Surrounds Us Shapes Us: Greening and Other Physical/Built Environment Strategies for Preventing Domestic and Sexual Violence
Time: 11:00 am PT, 12:00 pm MT, 1:00 pm CT, 2:00 pm ET
Date: Thursday, June 6
As evidence on community-level approaches to domestic and sexual violence prevention continues to emerge, practitioners are learning how physical spaces play a role in shaping social connections, behaviors and motivations that influence the likelihood of violence. Join us as we discuss how to leverage this growing body of knowledge to transform physical spaces for prevention.

Atención a sobrevivientes con discapacidades y sobrevivientes sordos
Time: 11:00 am PT, 12:00 pm MT, 1:00 pm CT, 2:00 pm ET
Date: martes, junio 11
This webinar will be presented in Spanish.
Las personas sordas y con discapacidades tienen tres veces más probabilidades de experimentar violencia que las personas sin discapacidades. Este seminario web discutirá los factores de riesgo y las barreras que enfrentan las víctimas con discapacidades y las víctimas sordas, y proveerá herramientas para que los proveedores de servicios exploren pasos prácticos con el fin de aumentar la accesibilidad de sus programas.

Insightful Reading
Title:  Honoring Asian and Pacific Islander Communities
Approximate Reading Time:  10 minutes
May is Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month. In recognition of this celebration, NSVRC has gathered a list of resources and national organizations that are focused on serving Asian and Pacific Islander communities as a part of their blog.

Meetings/Conferences *
Title:  The National Sexual Assault Conference (NSAC)
Date:  August 21-23, 2019
Location:  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
NSAC is a two and a half day, advocacy-based conference providing advanced training opportunities and information regarding sexual violence intervention and prevention. NSAC is an annual event which is organized on a rotating basis between the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assau lt. This year’s conference seeks to inspire the collective movement to end sexual violence as we continue to build on the momentum of this critical breakthrough.

* To use OVW grant funds for any training & technical assistance opportunities, you must submit a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) through the Grant Management System (GMS) to request approval. ALSO Underserved TA Project webinars and in-person trainings (including New Grantee Orientation) do not need prior approval.
Your ALSO TA Team
Image Description: ALSO's Underserved TA team posing
in a beige hallway at 2018 Grantee Orientation.

From L-R: Quenette Walton, Lori Crowder, Lisa Gilmore,
Cristina Damiani, Zarena Leblanc, Topher Williamson 
Have Questions? We are here to help!
  • For questions about grant administration: Contact your OVW Program Manager Kara Moller at

  • For technical assistance support related to substantive and programmatic issues: Contact your ALSO Underserved TA point of contact at their individual email or the team at

  • Remember to check out the TA Tools and Resources page on ALSO's website. Please also register for the Private Portal for access to resources available only to Underserved Grantees. Contact ALSO Program Assistant Topher Williamson at for assistance navigating these resources.
Your feedback is important to us!
Have ideas on how to improve this Resource Email, or any other aspect of our TA and trainings? Please send them to us at . If you have any programmatic highlights or noteworthy news that you would like to see in future Resource Emails, please reach out to your point of contact or email the Underserved team directly. 
Underserved TA Project   | 773.235.5705 |   Email   |   Website
This project is supported by Grant No. 2016-TA-AX-K034 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, Department of Justice.