Resource eBlast March 2020
Sharing Resources for Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs
This month's eBlast is organized by five key words for families of children and youth with special health care needs to keep in mind related to the coronavirus--information, partner, plan, talk, and calm.
There is a lot of information floating around about the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. One of the best ways to handle confusing and uncertain times is with reliable knowledge and information. Below are two websites that will provide trustworthy, accessible, and up-to-date information.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics
For families:

From the CDC
Child-specific virus information:

General virus info:
You are not alone! Turn to your partners in the care of your children—physicians (pediatricians, specialists, and other providers), home health agencies (suppliers and service providers), schools, and others. Talk about what you are thinking and seeing. You have likely handled crises of one kind and another with your child with special healthcare needs—you know how to think, plan, and partner through it.
If you are not already connected to your local Family-to-Family Health Information Center or Family Voices Affiliate organization, use this interactive map to find one in your state or territory. 
Although the virus does not appear to be affecting children in the same way that it affects adults, our children with special health care needs have many considerations that need to be addressed. Even if you feel nervous, trust your gut AND your experience! You know how to plan for the little and big bumps in the road in daily, monthly, and yearly care. It is not a time to panic, but it is a great time to begin to think through what needs to be in place should infections escalate and access to supplies and services be affected. Consider using these emergency preparedness checklists to guide you:
Just as we suggested talking to your partners, consider talking with your children about coronavirus… they are already talking about it with their peers and in school. Take time to read this guide for ideas of how to talk with kids so you are prepared to explain and/or allay fears.
Extreme stress and worry are not new intrusions into the lives of families of children and youth with special health care needs, and neither are tremendous coping, resilience, and strength. The general rush of life can make finding calm challenging… and news about the coronavirus can add to our stress. Consider these articles with tips to help get yourself back on track:

From NPR

From Healthline

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