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Resource eBlast April 2021
for families of children and youth with special health care needs
Tele-What? Who? And How? It is a year into the COVID-19 Pandemic, and while many things have happened during that year, the introduction of telehealth into all forms of health care happened almost overnight.

However, what it is, what it requires, and how you do it is still not very clear as there are so many variations in delivery depending on where you live or your doctor’s office.

Far too many families still do not have basic access to the internet or devices.  Some are not as comfortable as is needed to navigate this technology-driven world and aren’t sure where to start learning about technology (other than having our kids do it for us!). This eBlast issue shares resources to help!
Have no fear! The Nuts and Bolts of Telemedicine curriculum is here.

Learn all you ever wanted to learn about connection, devices, platforms, and “doing” a telehealth visit.

This curriculum includes four webinars: 
  1. Are you Connected? 
  2. Do you Have a Device? 
  3. Can You “See” Your Provider? 
  4. Your Family’s First Telemedicine Appointment. 
The webinar recordings are available for families to learn from directly (in English or Spanish).

OR if you are in a position to train families, the recording serves as a way to familiarize yourself with the information that you can then pass along to families using the customizable materials. There is an accompanying set of PowerPoint slides and talking points, in English and Spanish, that presenters can use “as is” or adapt to best meet the needs of the families and communities they serve.  

Trouble Accessing Technology or Telehealth?

There may be ideas or people to help! Check out this list of 14 “Barrier Busters” in English and Spanish to help you identify the barrier and ways to get around it.

What is Family Centered Telehealth?

How do I work with my child’s providers over the phone or screen?

How do I ensure that our family voice is heard, respected, and integrated as part of the team caring for my child in a way that is unique to my child’s needs, and our culture?

Family Voices has taken the concept of Family-Centered Care (the way to deliver care through respectful partnership) and described it for the new virtual environment to empower families and care teams to partner in care, no matter how, where, and to whom it is delivered! Check it out:

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