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Monthly Update
July 2018

Meet the Team

Monthly Update

Donnell Probst

Executive Director

Michelle Ciulla Lipkin

Board of Directors

Erin Reilly
Sherri Hope Culver
Past President

David Kleeman
Vice President
Joanne Parsont

Tony Streit

Kristi Avram

Steve Hargadon

Alicia Haywood

Tori Horton

Gonca Latif-Schmitt
Cynthia Lieberman

Lynette Owens

Daniel Rhone
Nicole Starr

DC Vito

Kelly Whitney

Leadership Council

Rachel Arteaga

Emily Bailin Wells

Caitlin Barry

Catherine Burgess

Natasha Casey

Belinha S. De Abreu

David Cooper Moore

Elizaveta Friesem

Yonty Friesem

Kelsey Greene

Jaclyn Kahn Siegel

Emily Keating

David Magolis

Dee Morgenthaler

Tina Peterson

Donnell Probst

Theresa Redmond

Rebecca Reynolds

Laurie Chin Sayres

Evelien  Schilder

Julie Smith

Benjamin Thevenin

Jiwon Yoon

Student Leadership Council

Jimmeka Anderson

Nneka Gigi

Jasmin Goodman

Alexis Romero

Zoey Wang

core principles

The purpose of  media literacy education is to develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression needed by critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens in today's world.



What's new with you?  
Tell us and we'll include it in a future issue of Update. We are especially interested in updates from our student, individual and organizational members.

Email us now 
w ith the subject header "Update."

Next submission deadline:

Friday, August 10


TopIn this issue...

Media Literacy Week

U.S. Media Literacy Week
NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018

Planning for U.S. Media Literacy Week 2018 (MLW) 
is well under way! 

Is your school or organization signed up to be a partner or supporterAre your event plans underway?
Please let us know by contacting NAMLE ' s Program Associate, Nirvana Guzman!


NJ Funds Civic Information Consortium
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed into law legislation which allocates $5 million in state funds to a nonprofit called the Civic Information Consortium. The Consortium is a joint collaborative initiative among five higher education institutions in New Jersey - Rowan University, Rutgers University, Montclair State University, NJIT and The College of New Jersey. The Consortium will be in charge of funding grants for various media programs (including media literacy education) and then matching those grant recipients with partner institutions.   [ read more ]


CalendarMark Your Calendar

U.S. Media Literacy Week 2018
Nov 5-9, 2018 [ learn more]

Northeast Regional Media Literacy Conference
Providence, RI
Nov 10 [learn more]

2018 Information & Media Literacy Conference
University of Passau
Nov 23-24 [learn more]

2019 International Critical Media Literacy Conference
Savannah, GA
Feb 22-23 [learn more]

2019 NAMLE Conference
Washington, D.C.
Jun 26-28 [learn more]

MembersM-Passion ed: Meet our Members
Shayna Cook
Policy Analyst
Education Policy Program
New America

" My team's latest project entitled, Early Learning in the Digital Age: An Interactive Toolkit for Family Engagement, profiles programs around the country that have integrated technology or media into their early learning programs to help families and educators use these digital and media tools in developmentally-appropriate ways to further early language, literacy, and STEM development. Over 80 percent of the programs that we profiled were either public media partnerships or library-based.  Many programs are also creating resources to help educators and families gain skills in digital technology use so they can help young children produce video and multimedia projects. [ read more ]

Want to recommend an M-Passioned NAMLE member who should be in our next feature? Contact Evelien Schilder at

Call for Members: JMLE Editorial Board  
Editors of the Journal of Media Literacy Education are welcoming applications for volunteer members of the JMLE Editorial Board. The primary role of the Editorial Board Members is to encourage manuscript submissions, suggest special issues and promote the Journal at academic and professional conferences around the world. Service is for a 3-year (renewable) term beginning in January, 2019.  
Submission deadline: Jul 30  [ learn more ]

Free Workshop:
Portraits of America: Democracy on Film
Portraits of America: Democracy on Film is a free professional development workshop on film and visual literacy for classroom educators across all disciplines in grades 5 through 12. This curriculum explores films that focus on individual Americans, whether real or fictional, whose stories embody and reflect the ideals and challenges of our democratic society. The workshop takes place on August 14th and 15th at the Lightbox Studios in Philadelphia, PA.
Registration deadline: Aug 1  [ learn more ]

Call for Chapters: Media Literacy Book
A new book, "Media Literacy Research 
and Applications Across Disciplines" is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.) and will present current trends in research and application in the field of media literacy across disciplines, investigate challenges and solutions, and document its implications for P20 education. Media educators, activists, librarians, educational leaders, educational researchers, parents, teachers, and teacher educators are invited to submit chapter proposals for consideration.
Proposal submission deadlines: Aug 15 [learn more]
Digital4Good Livestream
On September 17, students, educators, and industry will come together at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco to celebrate student voice and digital leadership in social media for Digital4Good day. At this event, students will share their stories of success and how they made #Digital4Good happen at their schools.
Livestream: Sept 17 [learn more]
NRMLC Early Bird Registration
Early bird registration is now open 
for the Northeast Regional Media Literacy Conference. The one-day conference takes place on Saturday, November 10 at the University of Rhode Island Providence campus. [register now]


New App Spots Fake News  
Indiana University recently released a new app to help prevent the spread of false information. The game lets users test their media literacy skills and trains them to spot fake stories. The app, called Fakey News, shows a fake social media feed full of articles from both real and fake media outlets. Users choose whether to share, like or fact-check an article after viewing a headline, photo and brief summary. After each selection, the player's score will change based on whether they chose the right option.  [ learn more ]
PBS Film: Quest
Organizations and educators across 
the country are invited to screen QUEST through POV's film screening program. The $20 DVD includes a discussion guide, standards-aligned lesson plan, and a suggested reading list to provide context and support group discussions around the film. 

iCivics: Democracy At Play
iCivics' "Democracy At Play" campaign 
is designed to encourage conversations about civics and politics between parents and their kids in a fun, informative way. Activities and games are available in both English and Spanish. Join the discussion by using the #DemocracyAtPlay hashtag! [ learn more]
METC: ISTE Certification for Educators
Midwest Education Technology 
Community (METC), the EdTech program of EducationPlus in St. Louis, Missouri, is now one of four ISTE Affiliates designated as an Authorized Delivery Partner. Educators can participate in an eight week blended learning cohort based on the ISTE Standards and transformative pedagogy and then submit a competency-based portfolio for review, leading to ISTE Certification. [ learn more]
Six Kid Friendly Podcasts for Summer
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has compiled a list of six kid-friendly 
podcasts as an alternative to screen time during summer holidays. The list includes podcasts of short stories, trivia, biographies, and more! [ learn more]

EmploymentEmployment Opportunities 

Visiting Assistant Professor - Communication
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC [ learn more]
Assistant Professor of Communication Arts - Media Studies
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Mahwah, NJ [ learn more]
Media Literacy and Technology Teacher
High Point Academy
Aurora, CO [ learn more]
Youth Documentary Workshop Co-Director
Educational Video Center
New York, NY [ learn more]

For more listings, visit our organizational 
partner The Alliance's  job bank
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