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June, 2022

The Power of Personal Invitation

Rev. Dr. Sherry Parker-Lewis

Some churches offer invitations to serve in their newsletter or Sunday morning announcements and hope that someone will say “yes”. Leaders are disappointed when there are no volunteers and exclaim, “No one will help with anything in this church!”

What can be done? The practice of personal invitation. Now, there are some who will object to the simplicity of this suggestion. “I’ve asked everyone, and I can’t get one volunteer!” Perhaps, there are some questions that need to be answered before we offer a personal invitation to do ministry.

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Spotlight on Generosity

Congratulations to West Branch First United Methodist Church. We are excited to recognize you as a 2022 Wayne C. Barrett Steward Leader!

The church was selected in part due to their GAP Kids Camps. Rev. Timothy Dibble stated, " The GAP Kids Camps provides area children the opportunity to experience the love of Christ and learn about God. It also offers the congregation a way to practice stewardship and to serve God by supporting the camp with our time, money and resources."

Impact of Denomination Changes on the Foundation's Ministry

David S. Bell, President & Executive Director of the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan, was interviewed recently to gain his insight about the impact of denominational changes and the formation of new expressions of Methodism on the Foundation’s ministry. The full-length interview will be featured soon across a variety of platforms, including social media.

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