Child Care Payment Assistance

If you or someone you know needs assistance paying for child care, please contact us by calling (916) 369-0191, emailing [email protected], or visiting our website.

Week of the Young Child

Get Involved!

Reminder! Week of the Young Child (#WOYC2023)

is April 3rd-7th.

There are several ways YOU can get involved.

  • Do you sing? Love to dance? Play an instrument? Share videos or photos of your musical talents in celebration of Music Monday! 

  • Do you love to cook? Share videos or photos to highlight your culinary skills in honor of Tasty Tuesday!

  • Do you paint? Draw, sculpt, or have other artistic talents? Share videos or photos of your artistic talents on Artsy Thursday!

*To submit videos or photos, use the built-in video recording program available on our website. If you have questions, email [email protected].

Videos/photos may be shared on social media so please ensure you have permission to share photos or videos that include children.

We hope you’ll find something that interests you so you can join the festivities!

Make Change Through Advocacy

Would you like to learn more about public policy, DE&I and how the two focus areas intersect? Join Heidi and David for a virtual Child Care Advocacy through a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Lens event. See below for times and registration details.


12:00-1:00 PM


6:00-7:00 PM

Finding High Quality Child Care

School year changes often lead to changing child care needs. If your family needs assistance finding child care, contact us. We are here to help!

Raising Awareness

We have all seen information about awareness days, weeks, or months for social issues or health conditions. But why does this matter?

Being aware of certain causes can bring us together and lead us to join forces to act and create change.

Check out these awareness opportunities for April:

Child Abuse Prevention Month

As a leader in child care, Child Action, Inc. serves as a member of Sacramento County’s Child Abuse Prevention Cabinet.

This county-wide cabinet offers cross disciplinary expertise to help reduce child abuse. Access to quality child care can aid in this effort. Our agency recruited a child care provider to share her unique perspectives, which are invaluable to the group.

The cabinet also analyzes child fatality/near-fatality data; collects social determinants of health data; reviews current screening and investigative policies; and uses data to implement a strategic plan towards accomplishing their vision to eliminate child abuse and neglect deaths and critical injuries in Sacramento County by 2030.

We encourage parents and caregivers to plan time in their daily schedules to spend time with children to help bring joy to their lives. Quality time with children builds their sense of self-worth.

Click here to visit the Child Abuse Prevention Center to learn more.

Autism Acceptance Month

Autism is a complex brain disorder that often inhibits a person’s ability to communicate, respond to surroundings, and form relationships with others.

National Autism Awareness Month raises awareness for Autism and Asperger Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during April.

Please join us in shifting our efforts from Autism Awareness to Autism Acceptance. Let us join together to create connections so the Autism community can live fully and celebrate their unique talents.

Reminder: If you have concerns about your child's development, it can be overwhelming to navigate services or even know where to start. 

Contact Help Me Grow Sacramento. They will help you understand your child’s development and connect you to the agencies and services that best meet your child’s needs. 

UC Davis and MIND Institute, an institute respected internationally for its groundbreaking research into therapies for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, are holding a series of free, inclusive events in recognition of the month-long observance. 

Click here to learn more.

Book Reviews

The Circles All Around Us

by Brad Montague and Kristi Montague

Using rhyme and soft illustrations, this book shows children how each person’s circle of community expands as they grow.

Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy

This book provides encouragement and strategies for when parenting feels challenging. Explore family dynamics, building relationships with children at any age, and recognizing inherited beliefs on parenting.

Reminder: Big Day of Giving 2023 is May 4th!

Please consider supporting the community-wide goal of raising unrestricted dollars for Sacramento’s nonprofit community. Big DoG is an annual event, but 2023 is CAI’s first time participating.

Will you join us?

·Help us spread word! Share our social media posts to expand our audience reach.

·Make a donation to Child Action, Inc. or another organization of your choice on May 4th


Learn more about Big DoG by visiting

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