Season of Thanks

Welcome Fall!

The arrival of fall also brings the season of giving thanks. What are you grateful for?

Join us in spreading gratitude in our community by sharing what you are grateful for. Click here to visit our website to write or record your message of gratitude.

ARPA Survey for Child Care Providers

CDSS has issued a revised American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) survey to meet federal requirements.

All child care providers must complete an ARPA survey, even those who completed it in the past year.

To learn more, visit the CDSS ARPA survey webpage.

To help providers understand the ARPA Survey, CDSS will be hosting two webinars. Providers may register for one of the webinars by clicking the dates below:

November 1st, 6:00 pm-7:00 pm

November 4th, 11:00 am-12:00pm

We are here to help! Email us at

Providers who are ready to do so may complete the survey now by visiting the link below:

Workforce Pathways Grant

Fall Application Period

Closes November 30th 

Are you a child care provider that cares for a child receiving subsidy? You may be eligible to participate in the Workforce Pathways program and earn a stipend.

Contact Child Action, Inc. for support in planning for how you want to grow in your career through training and workshops or visit the WPG Portal to view an orientation and apply.

High Quality Child Care - What is a Mixed-Aged Group?

Licensed family child care homes and family, friend, and neighbor caregivers can provide care for children of different ages together in a group. This is called a mixed-age group. Children build a sense of community that includes interactions with other children at various stages of development, with different interests and skills. Children can develop their self-esteem, and learn empathy and patience, while helping and learning from others. This type of child care environment is an option if families are looking for a child care setting where siblings stay together during the day.


What to look for in a high quality program for mixed age groups:

• Enough space so each age group has room to play

• Effective barriers to separate babies from rough and tumble play

• Different types of activities to meet the needs of each age group

• Inclusion of infants or toddlers in the group whenever possible.

• Caregivers who engage the children in open-ended activities like blocks that are interesting and appropriate for a variety of ages.


Explore our High Quality Child Care Guide and other publications at


REMINDER: Election Day is Coming! 

Are you registered to vote?

If you’re unsure, check out your voter status by clicking on this link: My Voter Status - California Secretary of State

Oh no! I missed the October 24 deadline to register to vote (online or via mail). What should I do?

It is not too late! You can still vote by registering conditionally at any Vote Center in the County of Sacramento. Check out this page from Sacramento County for more details: Conditional Voter Registration (

Okay, I know how to register now. But who should get my vote?

CalMatters put together this handy 2022 Voter Guide, which is a useful resource for all your election questions: California Election 2022 Voter Guide - CalMatters (English) Guía para votantes de las elecciones de California de 2022 - CalMatters (Spanish).

During this election cycle, you don’t just get to elect legislators and officials. You also get to vote on ballot measures. For information about the statewide ballot propositions, check out this helpful page from CalMatters: California Ballot Propositions 2022: What to Know - CalMatters

Additionally, depending on where you live, you may see local proposition measures on your ballot. Here is a list Sacramento County put together on qualified local measures: Current Measure Information (

City of Sacramento Participatory Budgeting

A few months ago, we shared that the City of Sacramento wanted input on how to spend their Measure U dollars.

Community members were invited to submit ideas through an open submission process during April and May of this year. After receiving 550 ideas, residents volunteering as proposal delegates prioritized those ideas to decide which projects would appear on the North or South Area ballots. 

Eligible residents can now cast their votes to select which projects will be funded through the Measure U Committee’s Participatory Budgeting Pilot Program. To be eligible to vote, a resident must be 14 years of age or older and live in a focus neighborhood.

To view the list of focus neighborhoods and cast your vote, please visit:


The winning projects will be funded in order of the total votes received until no further funding is available.

Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI)

First 5 Sacramento, in partnership with Lead4Tomorrow and Health Net, is proud to announce that they will host Sacramento’s first PLTI this spring. The PLTI model has proven to engage parents in civics and leadership in more than 60 communities in the last three decades. PLTI teaches parents who want to improve the lifelong health, safety, and learning of children how to become change agents for the next generation.


Each PLTI session includes a full-day retreat and 20 weekly workshops. Sacramento PLTI’s first session will begin in January, so they are recruiting parents now! They aim to select a cohort that is a diverse representation of our Sacramento community.

SACCounty Healthy Beginnings is an innovative new project focusing on prenatal substance exposure. The project includes education, screening, prevention, and intervention for prenatal substance exposure from substances including methamphetamines, marijuana, opioids, alcohol, and more. Its scope includes the pregnant woman, the infant, and learning about the impacts of prenatal substance exposure and perinatal intervention on the developing child.

For more information, visit

To view the wealth of trainings and workshops on a variety of topics, visit

Book Review

My Magic Breath – Finding Calm Through Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing is one of the most basic ways to calm the nervous system. This book by Nick Ortner, Alison Taylor, and Michelle Polizzi guides children to pay attention to their emotions and learn to soothe themselves with the magic of breathing.


Each year, November (AKA Movember) is a time where some men grow their mustaches and beards to raise awareness about the importance of men's health issues. Movember focuses on prostate and testicular cancer, men's mental health, and suicide prevention. reports that Mo Bros and Mo Sisters have joined forces since 2003, participating in over 20 countries and raising more than $700 million.

There are a couple of ways to join this worthy cause:

  • Set your facial hair free through the month of November!
  • Help raise funds (Visit to learn more)

It's Mo Time!

Would you like to receive our special job announcement-only emails? If so, click the image below and select the Child Action, Inc. Employment Opportunities Email List. The regularity of sent emails depends upon our job openings.

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