Coronavirus (COVID-19): Understanding, Preparation
and Response Toolkit in Spanish (with VIDEO)
Coronavirus: What can we all do to help?

To help our area business community that includes a substantial Hispanic workforce be prepared and respond responsibly to the coronavirus outbreak we have put togethe a toolkit in Spanish that includes video and information you can print and distribute to your employees. 

As more individuals become affected in our market and around the country, and news stories contribute to increase the concern, it is important to take the time to learn how we can all help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 and minimize its long term impact to our work, school attendance, meetings and daily routine.

The Hispanic population in Tennessee is estimated at %5, this is at least 350,000 people.

We are working closely with our local government agencies, and national organizations to inform our businesses members and Hispanic community at large of any developments and strategies to protect and avoid disruptions.

The content we present here was created by the NAHCC Foundation based on information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S Chamber of Commerce and other resources, to learn more about how employers and employees can prepare for and address the impacts of the Coronavirus.

Yuri Cunza
President & CEO
Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Novel Coronavirus Toolkit
The Coronavirus is here and its global outbreak require being proactive implementing strategies to protect our workforce while ensuring continuity of operations.

Below are links to several local, state and national resources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help educate employers and employees on how to prepare for and address the impacts of the Coronavirus. 
Difference between common cold and Coronavirus (VIDEO)
Diferencia entre los simptomas de una gripe normal y el Coronavirus
What to do if you have test positive for Coronavirus (Spanish)
Infographic: What to do at your business ( click for more )
Upcoming Events: Membership Meeting & Women Entrepreneur Panel
3/24: Women Entrepreneur and Business Leader Panel at Nashville Entrepreneur Center
Sharing Success Stories and Bringing Diverse Entrepreneurs Together.

Our Entrepreneur and Business Leaders Series showcases local Hispanic entrepreneurs who have made Nashville and Middle Tennessee their place of business, positively impacting the lives of local residents, through services, employment and economic development opportunities.

This special quarterly NAHCC Foundation series, lets you gain behind the scenes perspectives on timely topics; hear accomplished speakers and be a participant of relevant panel and round table discussions; network with local top business leaders and learn from those inspiring success stories that make Nashville the best place to live, work and visit.

When: Tuesday, March 24 7:30 am to 9:30 am at Nashville Entrepreneur Center 41 Peabody St, Nashville, TN 37210. Includes breakfast. Free parking.

*Sponsorship opportunities and exhibit booths available to NAHCC members in good standing. Questions? Please e-mail us: or call 615-216-5737
NAHCC In the News
Study: Latinos are opening more small businesses than anyone else in the US
Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
530 Third Avenue So. Ste 5 Nashville, TN 37210 Tel. 615-216-5737