Resources for Your COVID-19
Planning & Response
Today's national concern with the Coronavirus COVID-19 is causing people and organizations to dust off previous pandemic plans to look at lessons learned and previous planning documents.
Here at PNWER and the Center for Regional Disaster Resilience, we have had a long history of working on pandemic issues. Two key projects we facilitated were:
This exercise allowed for a cross section of governments and businesses to participate in a large tabletop exercise that looked at how a flu pandemic might impact critical infrastructures. Another key element of the exercise was looking to identify the inter-dependencies between infrastructures. To read the full report, click here .
This planning effort involved multiple planning charrettes that allowed people to dive into the details of a multi-jurisdiction and public-private response to a pandemic flu event. It is important to note that the dominance of social media that we see today was not present at the time of this planning effort and would need to be included in adapting this plan to today's situation. To read this comprehensive report, click here .
Previous joint public health pandemic planning provided an opportunity to forge memorandums of understanding. See this list Pacific North West Border Health Memoranda of U nderstanding (MOUs) Perhaps one or more of these can be useful to you. 

More recently, these Coronavirus Tips and Tidbits authored by the CRDR were distributed to local governments in Washington State by the Municipal Research Services Center (MRSC).

We recognize that we are in uncharted territory and everyone is striving to do put forward their best effort. We want to continue to encourage the sharing of information and best practices from across the region. Please feel free to contact Eric Holdeman at [email protected] or Brandon Hardenbrook at [email protected] for more information.
About the Center for Regional Disaster Resilience
The Center for Regional Disaster Resilience works on emergency preparedness and disaster resilience projects across the Pacific Northwest from its Seattle office. The CRDR operates under the umbrella of the  Pacific NorthWest Economic Region   (PNWER), and is committed to working with states, provinces, territories, and communities to create public-private partnerships, develop action plans, and undertake pilot projects and activities to improve regional disaster resilience cooperation.

Our region's interconnected economies and shared critical infrastructures are subject to far-reaching and cascading impacts from disasters. The CRDR works with key public and private stakeholders to create and implement workable solutions to local and regional infrastructure vulnerability by raising awareness of infrastructure interdependencies; providing training and education; and developing tools, technologies, and approaches that build on existing capabilities. These can be utilized across the United States, Canada, and in the international community.