“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed says the Lord, who has compassion on you. 
All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.”
Isaiah 54: 10,13 
Praying With Your Children
You, as parents, have the dignity of being the “original and irreplaceable” person in your child’s religious journey. The family is the primary community in the faith journey of the child; it is the “domestic church,” because it is within the life of the family we find the first and privileged place of the Christian community lived. You are “the first heralds of the faith.” Home is where “faith works through love” and a relationship with God is nurtured. You have shared the gift of human life with your child, and through Baptism, you have enriched your child with a share in God’s own life. Your faith, your attitude toward others, and your trust in a loving God strongly influences the development of your child’s faith.

We offer these suggestions to help you nurture your child’s developing relationship with God.
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We continue to pray for all those affected by this coronavirus and their families; for the health workers who are courageously attempting to diagnose and treat patients, for those under quarantine awaiting results of their screening for the virus; for those groups at home and abroad who are working to provide good information, medical supplies, food and household necessities, and other assistance; for those whose daily bread is affected by these closings and for those who have lost family and friends.

We stand by our purpose to assist the involvement of children and adults in a common religious experience in which the religious values of childhood, primarily those values of contemplation and enjoyment of God, are predominant. In doing so, we live what we have learned from the children: we take a listening stance before our Good Shepherd and are a people of prayer. May we live this time of pandemic with deeper fasting, deeper prayer, deeper charity.