It is difficult to describe the shock and overwhelming news that has taken place in our AAPI community. In just less than 3 days, we experienced mass shooting one after another and the loss of lives that affected our mental health and wellbeing. We are afraid, angry, frustrated. We are also heartbroken and mourning for and alongside victims, their families, and friends.

In the addition to the Chancellor's message we have re-shared below, the APASA Steering Committee has worked with our AAPI partners to compile a list of resources for solidarity, support and healing. Please seek out help if you need, make time to talk about your feelings, and take extra good care of yourself. We will post new updates as they become available via APASA MS Teams and AAPI Coalition's Solidarity and Healing webpage. Feel free to reach out to us as well at apasa@ucsf.edu.

Healing Spaces

  • Healing Circle hosted by UC Office of the President’s APISA. Wednesday, January 25. 3pm – 4pm. Attend via Zoom or in person at UCOP's Broadway Building 5001 in Oakland. Contact Tony Yang for details

**In light of this event, APISA is postponing the documentary “Anna May Wong: In Her Own Words”


Mental Health Support for AAPI

Message from Chancellor Hawgood on the Monterey Park Shooting

Dear UCSF Community,


On Saturday evening, at least 11 people were killed and nine more were wounded in a mass shooting at a dance ballroom in Monterey Park, a Southern California community with a sizeable Asian American population. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who were killed or injured in yet another act of gun violence.


While much is not yet known, it appears that many of the victims were of Asian heritage in their 50s, 60s, and 70s, including the deceased gunman. This tragedy is compounded by the fact that it took place on the eve of Lunar New Year, which many in the Asian American Pacific Islander community celebrate.  


It is hard to make sense of the ongoing gun violence epidemic that has claimed the lives of so many people in our communities, including some of the most vulnerable such as the young and elderly. If you or someone you know could benefit from UCSF’s support services, please reach out to one of the following teams for assistance:



As more information about this tragic event becomes available, I encourage all of us in the UCSF community to look out for each other and provide comfort and support to those who need it.




Sam Hawgood, MBBS


Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Distinguished Professor

Stay In Touch
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Interested to see what the APASA Steering Committee meetings are about? Email us to let us know if you wish to join one of our open meetings!