St. Patrick Parish News & Updates

October 6, 2023 | Issue 40

A Word from the Pastor

October 6, 2023

In the Catholic Church, the month of October is observed each year as Respect for Life month. It is an annual reminder and proclamation that we believe that human life is a gift from God and that only the Creator can bring our earthly life to an end. The Church teaches that human life is sacred and must be protected from the moment of conception until natural death.

All of our recent popes as well as our US Bishops have reminded us of our duty to promote a Culture of Life. Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of respecting and promoting the dignity of every human life. He has warned against the tendency to view certain individuals as disposable in our "throwaway culture" and has called on Christians to protect and care for the most vulnerable among us, including the unborn, the elderly, and those who are poor and disabled. 

Pope Francis has also spoken out against the death penalty, affirming that even a murderer does not lose their personal dignity and that God guarantees this dignity. In addition, the Pope has called for opposition to activities that contribute to a "throwaway culture," which includes practices such as abortion, euthanasia, genocide, and human trafficking. The Catholic Church, under the guidance of Pope Francis, strives to promote universal fraternity and respect for the dignity of every human being. 

The US Bishops in recent years have also stressed the need to provide adequate and sustained pastoral care for those facing life and death choices. Among these are women who choose to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. We need to provide the necessary spiritual, psychological, and material assistance. The Church also provides counseling and reconciliation for those who have chosen to have an abortion and later regret their choice. It is not enough for us to simply be opposed to abortion.

Another current issue that calls for our attention is the growing number of countries and US states that are passing “right to die” or “assisted suicide” laws. It is dangerous when we try to play God by deciding who can live and who should die. The end of our life is in God’s hands. That is not a decision that we can make for ourselves. The Church carefully distinguishes between “causing” a person to die (direct intervention) and “allowing” nature to take its course and not use “heroic” or “extraordinary” means to keep a person alive. But again, we have an obligation to provide pastoral care for those in the final stages of life – not only spiritual support but adequate medical care and pain management (e.g., through Hospice).

Let us be totally pro-life, not just on specific issues. Let us pray and act and vote in a way that shows our belief in the dignity of all human life. 

In one Heart,

Fr. Ron 

To send an email to Fr. Ron Bagley, please use [email protected]

Other addresses may not work.

Celebrating Today, Planning

for Tomorrow

Over the next couple weeks, you will be hearing about our upcoming stewardship program “Celebrating Today, Planning for Tomorrow”. This effort continues to be very important as we move forward with the mission and vision of St. Patrick Catholic Community. We, as a parish family, have changed so many lives in our community! In order to continue our mission and ministries, we encourage all parishioners to spend time in prayer and discussion with your family reflecting on the work we do. 

On the weekend of October 14-15, Fr. Ron will be sharing our plans and dreams as he asks for your help and support. Our special Commitment Weekend will be held on October 21-22

If you have any questions regarding “Celebrating Today, Planning for Tomorrow”, please feel free to contact the parish office.  

October is the Month Dedicated to the Holy Rosary

During this month of October, we are asked to remember to pray the rosary as a cherished Catholic prayer. The rosary is primarily a personal prayer but we also can pray it with others (for example, in our families). At St. Patrick’s, some parishioners gather to pray the rosary together on weekdays immediately after the 8:00 am Mass and on Saturdays at 4:00 pm.

This article by Fr. Kirby can add new insight to even the person most devoted to the rosary.

Read article here...

World Mission Sunday

The Church celebrates World Mission Sunday on October 21 and 22.

There is an envelope in your packet for this donation. There are also envelopes available at the back of the church. Please place your envelope in our one collection. You may also use the special tab in our Online Giving.

Saturday, Oct 14th Serra Meets!

Parish Center (following 8 am mass) 8:45 - 10:15 am Guest Speaker: Fr Bradley Easterbrooks, Associate Pastor of St Mark’s, ordained 2022!

Fr Bradley, grew up in the Carlsbad area, attended St Patrick Church/School…a “homegrown” priestly vocation!

*Breakfast is potluck. Please bring a dish to share or donation. First time attendees are free.

The International Part of the Synod of Bishops Begins

You remember last year when we had synod listening sessions in our parish and across the Diocese. These sessions were repeated all around the Catholic world. All that input was collated and used to prepare a working document

[] that will be used to stimulate reflection at the Synod in Rome. The meeting will extend from October 4 to 29, with both bishops, priests, religious and laypeople participating. At the end of the month, the participants will return home and continue the discussion and reflection until October 2024 when the same delegates will come together to continue.

This is a graced time for the Church. Our bishops along with members of the People of God will pray, reflect and discuss together what it means to be a synodal Church, a church that listens, collaborates and serves. The Holy Spirit will be guiding the whole process as the participants work to discern where the Spirit is leading us.

We know that Cardinal McElroy is a participant along with all the US cardinals. Another participant is Archbishop Paul Etienne of Seattle. Read this short article in which he describes how he is preparing for the Synod

I am a US Archbishop attending Pope Francis' Synod. Here's how I am preparing.

Healthcare Professionals Mass

October 22, 9:00 a.m. at Our Mother of Confidence Church (3131 Governor Dr. San Diego 92122). The Healthcare Professionals Mass is a special celebration to acknowledge the unique contributions made by all medical professionals (physicians, nurses, chaplains, pharmacists, mental health specialists, hospice workers, medical students, caregivers, pharmacist and lab workers). Bishop Ramon Bejarano will be the main celebrant. Reception immediately following in the Parish Hall. Please wear your white coat or uniform. For more information, go to 

Frédéric Chopin

For those with classical taste, enjoy Fantaisie Impromptu, Chopin Op. 66

Learning about the Priesthood

On Saturday, November 4, the Diocese of San Diego is hosting Explorer Day for those men who are interested in exploring a possible vocation to the priesthood. The day will be held at the St. Francis Center on the campus of the University of San Diego from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  If living a life of service for Christ and the people of God is attractive to you, take advantage of the opportunity to attend this upcoming event. Pick up an application at the parish office, or call the St. Francis Center at (619) 490-8389.

Watch Daily and Sunday Masses Livestreamed from  St. Patrick Church here:

Sunday Collection for 9/24/2023

 Envelope Collection    $7,921.00

Plate Collection             $11,270.00

 Online Giving     $13,498.03

     Total Collection: $32,689.03

  We are grateful for the generosity of all of our parishioners and visitors.

Online Giving Reminder

Please remember to log in to your Online Giving account frequently. You can increase your giving to our Sunday collection, and make sure your payment method is up to date.

For help with forgotten passwords, please contact Online Giving technical support at 800.348.2886, ext. 2.


Click on the Online Giving icon below to create or access your account.


We appreciate your support!

Catholic Trivia

"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.

  1. When did the rosary originate?
  2. What was the rosary called before it became known as the rosary?
  3. Why is it called the rosary?
  4. Why is the rosary considered a biblical prayer?
  5. Where is the world’s largest rosary?

Feel free to email Fr. Ron with ideas for future Catholic Trivia questions [email protected]

If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at [email protected] We will be pleased to add them.

Masses are available on our website

We have a YouTube channel where we have daily and Sunday Masses.

YouTube channel here...
Answers to Catholic Trivia here!
Online Giving
Read all of Fr. Ron's newsletters here

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

First Reading

Isaiah 5:1-7

The Lord compares the house of Israel to a vineyard.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 80:9,12-16,19-20

The Lord protects his vineyard, the house of Israel.

Second Reading

Philippians 4:6-9

Paul encourages the Philippians to stay faithful to the teaching they received from him.

Gospel Reading

Matthew 21:33-43

Jesus tells the parable about the wicked tenants.

Background on the Gospel Reading

Today's Gospel follows directly after last Sunday's Gospel in which Jesus was questioned by Jewish religious leaders about the source of his teaching authority. After refusing to answer their questions, Jesus tells the parable of the two sons and then criticizes the priests and elders for their lack of belief in John the Baptist.

In today's Gospel, Jesus once again speaks to the priests and elders with a parable. In this parable, the landowner leases his vineyard to tenants and sends his servants to collect the portion of the harvest that the tenants owe to him. Several times the servants are sent to collect payment, and each time they are beaten and killed by the tenants. Finally, the landowner sends his son to collect his rent. The tenants, believing that they will inherit the vineyard if the landowner dies without an heir, plot together and kill the landowner's son.

After telling the parable, Jesus questions the chief priests and elders about what the landowner will do to the wicked tenants. They all agree that the landowner will kill the wicked tenants and give the land to new tenants who will pay the rent.

In telling the parable, Jesus is clearly drawing upon Isaiah 5:1-7, which is today's first reading and one that the priests and elders would have known well. Jesus doesn't, therefore, have to explain the symbolism of the parable; the Pharisees would have understood that the vineyard represented Israel, the landowner represented God, the servants represented the prophets, and the bad tenants represented the religious leaders. Yet Jesus nonetheless explains the meaning of the parable for his audience: the Kingdom of God will be taken from the unbelieving and given to the faithful. The chief priests and elders have condemned themselves with their answer to Jesus' question.

Today's Gospel has a parallel in Mark 12:1-12. There are some notable differences, however. In Matthew's version, the religious leaders condemn themselves; in Mark's Gospel, Jesus answers his own question. Matthew names the religious leaders as Pharisees and chief priests. Clearly this Gospel shows the tension that was mounting between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders who thought that his message was dangerous. Matthew's Gospel was written about 70 years after Jesus' death and reflects the conflicts and tensions found in the Christian community for whom Matthew was writing. Many biblical scholars believe that the tension between Matthew's community and their Jewish neighbors can also be heard in today's reading.

This Gospel reminds us of the importance of listening to God's word. God speaks to us in many ways—through Scripture, through our Church tradition, in our Church's teaching, and through modern-day prophets. Are we attentive and receptive to God's word to us through these messengers?

Ye Olde Garage Sale

This Sunday, October 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. the Ye Olde Garage will be open for the Monthly Garage Sale. We have lots of Halloween Costumes and Fall items. We would like to thank those of you that have been so generous with bringing in donations to the Shoppe. We certainly appreciate your help with this ministry. Just a reminder: we cannot take furniture, (including baby furniture), electronics, car seats, or medical items (wheelchairs, CPAP machines, etc.)

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday or come visit any Monday, Wednesday or Friday during the week.

Fall Bible Study with the Book of Exodus

God to the Rescue

The six week bible study will focus on the saving events of the Exodus, God’s greatest act of deliverance in the Old Testament.

There will be two meeting options:

Six Monday evenings, 6:45pm – 8:30pm.beginning on October 16,

Six Tuesday mornings, 10:00 am – 11:30am beginning on October 17.

Register this weekend after Mass or contact Carole King at [email protected]

or 760-434-5688

Cost is $15; (cash or check payable to St. Patrick Church).

Join us and bring a friend -

Sponsored by the St. Patrick Bible Study Team.

Next Family Mass

Our Family Mass for the month of October will be on Sunday October 29 at 9:00 am. As always, the children will play a special role in this Mass and be included in the homily. Come and bring the whole family.

Volunteers Needed!!!

Food Pantry Attendants needed at the Fr Moore Hall. One volunteer on Thursdays to receive the food delivery from Catholic Charities. One or two for Saturday mornings to distribute the food.

Scheduler for the Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry. One volunteer to manage the schedule - an hour per week, new software coming on board! 

Join our spirited team!!

Call Mark Anderson: 760-889-1327


Enjoy Pentatonix perform The Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

El viernes 20 de octubre a las 7:00 pm habrá una Misa en español en honor al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. ésta es la fiesta original elegida por San Juan Eudes. Ven a nuestra iglesia parroquial a celebrar el amor de Dios revelado en el Corazón de Jesús.

Un Saludo de

parte del Diacono Miguel,

“Entonces Jesús les dijo: “¿No han leído nunca en la Escritura: La piedra que desecharon los constructores, es ahora la piedra angular. Esto es obra del Señor y es un prodigio admirable? Por esta razón les digo que les será quitado a ustedes el Reino de Dios y se le dará a un pueblo que produzca sus frutos”. Este domingo, Jesús habla con los sumos sacerdotes y a los ancianos del pueblo de esta parábola, “un propietario plantó un viñedo, lo rodeo con una cerca, cavó un lagar en él, construyó una torre vigilante y luego lo alquilo a unos viñadores y se fue de viaje”. En la biblia, cuando se habla de un viñedo, siempre se refiera al Pueblo de Israel. En esta parábola, leemos que el propietario (Dios) ha hecho todo para que el viñedo (Pueblo de Israel) fuera cuidado, de que nada le falte y pueda dar frutos. El propietario se va de viaje y se lo encarga a viñadores (sumos sacerdotes y ancianos del pueblo) para que la cuiden y después le den los frutos que le corresponde. Al tiempo de la vendimia, el propietario envía a sus criados (profetas). Estos no respetan ni a los enviados del propietario ni a su propio hijo (Jesucristo), los golpean y los matan. Los viñadores se llenan de orgullo, envidia y poder. ¿Cómo nos aplica a nosotros esta parábola? También a nosotros Dios nos ha encargado de cuidar de su viñedo. Todos los días cuando miramos a nuestra pareja, a nuestras hijas e hijos, a nuestros vecinos y compañeros del trabajo, allí esta nuestro viñedo. Y Dios nos ha prestado el viñedo para que la cuidemos con amor y misericordia. Y así ellos también harán lo mismo, tratando a otros con amor y misericordia. La gran pregunta es, ¿cómo estoy cuidando el viñedo que Dios me ha prestado?

OTRA REFLEXIÓN: “Dios, Construye su Viña con Cariño y Ternura”. Haga clic aquí
“Que Sucedió en Mi Bautismo” - Haga clic aquí:


Hablemos de Viñedos

Estudios Bíblicos en Español del Padre Ricardo Chinchilla, cjm... clic aquí

3821 Adams Street

Carlsbad, California 92008


  • The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe is open

  • Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm

  • In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.

  • If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.

To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the address below:

[email protected]

Read our Sunday Bulletin here
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