September was a great month for us-- we were able to:
- Hire an ultrasound technician for our Central Broward Pregnancy Help Center;
- Expand Pregnancy Help Center hours of operation to include Saturdays at two of our locations;
- Welcome our volunteers and clients back into the Pregnancy Help Centers for Phase Two of our Re-Opening Plan.
Thanks be to God, and to all of you for helping to make this possible-- not least of all with your prayers!
But this month is also bittersweet in that our staff at the South Dade Pregnancy Help Center have discerned a call to serve the Lord in new ways, which require them to resign from their positions at Respect Life Ministry. We are so grateful to Enid and Kathy for their many years of ministry to women and families facing crisis pregnancies, as well as providing hope and healing to so many in the aftermath of abortion.
This has been a year of changes for the ministry, both structural and procedural-- some planned and some unforeseen due to the pandemic. I am so grateful to our staff, family, friends, and supporters like you who have stood with us, remaining flexible and adaptable, for the sake of the ministry.
Respect Life Ministry has been been doing wonderful work for years, by the grace of God and dedication of many, but change is essential in order to grow the ministry and meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Miami.
Every change that has been or is being implemented in Respect Life Ministry is for the sake of increasing efficiency and efficacy in order to better serve and minister to those entrusted to our care, as well as reaching those who don't know where to turn.
The vision is that a culture of life and love will become entrenched in every facet of our parishes, schools, and communities. This is our unifying purpose and goal: the proclamation of the Gospel of Life for the salvation of souls.
Thank you for saying "yes" to this call in whatever capacity you are able-- you are truly our ambassadors in your parishes and communities, and your role in promoting the Gospel of Life is indispensable to Respect Life Ministry.
We sent many of the below resources for Respect Life Month and Respect Life Sunday to all the faithful which you should have already received, but I have included them again for you below, along with some additional resources which I think will be of interest to you. For more resources, visit the USCCB Respect Life website or our Archdiocesan Respect Life Ministry site.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.
For Life,
Rebecca Brady
Director, Respect Life Ministry
Secretariat for Parish Life, Archdiocese of Miami
PS- Happy feast of St. Jerome and feast day eve of St. Thérèse. These Doctors of the Church remind us of the importance of knowing and loving Christ, both through the prayerful study of Sacred Scripture, and child-like trust in Him.