We hope you have a wonderful
Respect Life Month!
A Prayer for Life
Father and maker of all, 
you adorn all creation with splendor and beauty, 
and fashion human lives in your image and likeness. 
Awaken in every heart reverence for the work of your hands, 
and renew among your people a readiness to nurture 
and sustain your precious gift of life. 
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, 
your Son, who lives and reigns with you 
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. 

With many thanks for your continued support of life issues,
Respect Life Office

Respect Life Parish Ministry Educational Overview Training

Now available online for Respect Life Parish Ministry Educational Overview Training. Please go to our website to start your training and gain insightful knowledge on Respect Life Issues or Concern's.

Educación en línea  construyendo una cultura de vida, Educación y Formación General Para el Ministerio Parroquial de  Respeto a la Vida

El entrenamiento en línea de Educación y formación general para el Ministerio Parroquial del Respeto a la Vida, está ahora disponible. Por favor, vaya a nuestra página del internet para empezar su entrenamiento y obtenga conocimiento profundo sobre asuntos del respeto a la vida y otros asuntos.

Personal Ways To Celebrate
Respect Life Month
Spiritual Adoption Program
The Purpose of the Spiritual Adoption Program is threefold:
  • Encourage parishes, schools and other communities to pray for
    babies in danger of abortion.
  • Educate adults and children about the development of the pre-born child.
  • Provide mothers in need with assistance at a 'baby shower' of donated baby gifts, or simply celebrate with a 'birthday party' at the conclusion of the program. For more information visit our website.
Support a Maternity Residence
Provide these residences with the help they need so that they can continue to help others.  For more information
Donate to Respect Life

The Respect Life Office is now accepting online donations for the  Maternity Advent Project and Pregnancy Support,  Post Aborting Healing and  Respect Life Care and Services. 

The Respect Life Office's relationships with a number of maternity homes, residences and hopsitals and care centers allows us to direct donations of items such as toiletries, baby supplies, clothing, food, gift cards, etc. to where there is a real need. 

The Diocese of Rockville Centre is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

Celebrate Respect Life Month
In a Group
Rosary and Adoration for Life
The Respect Life Office invites all parishioners to unite in prayer and participate in this special program for life. The program consists of having three parishes each day - one in each vicariate - offer Eucharistic Adoration and Rosary for Life beginning on October 1st through October 31st. View or Calendar 


Prayer and Blessings
Pray for Life for those in need.

Life Issues Forum: 
Infused With The Works Of Mercy
Tommy O'Donnell
OCTOBER 7, 2016

In the coming months, dozens of states will be confronted with efforts to legalize physician-assisted suicide. Under the guise of compassion and autonomy, the expansion of this practice would really mean the legalized abandonment of people who are terminally ill. Instead of being encouraged to end their lives, patients need proper pain management, care for depressive symptoms (which may be caused by their sense of helplessness), spiritual guidance, and accompaniment as they approach their final days. In other words, we should kill the pain, not the patient!

If you live in one of these states, seek out  your State Catholic Conference and, with their help, keep in touch with your state representatives, urging them to reject any legislation which would weaken society's protection of the vulnerable.
And yet the Gospel calls us to more than advocacy efforts. Pope Francis reminds us of Jesus' demand that our daily lives be infused with the works of mercy. "The Gospel teaches what Jesus' kingdom requires of us... that closeness and tenderness are the rule of life for us also, and that on this basis we will be judged," the Holy Father states in a  2014 homily . . . . Visiting the sick (a corporal work of mercy) and comforting the sorrowful (a spiritual work of mercy) are not add-ons to the Gospel, but, as Pope Francis puts it, they are the "starting point of salvation."

Read More
Diocesan Maternity Advent
Act of Kindness Program

The Respect Life Office's Annual Maternity Advent Act of Kindness Program helps support young mothers in maternity homes on Long Island who have chosen life. Please order your collection boxes and advent calendars, they are free of charge. For more information visit our website.

How to order:
How to donate:
March for Life 2016
Come to Washington, D.C. for the 43nd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Join us to witness to life."The birth of every child changes the world; let every child be born for a better world". 

  More Information
Celebrate Respect Life Month
By Taking Action

Human Trafficking - What is it?
By: Nicole Quaranto

Many Americans hold the belief that slavery was abolished in the United States with the passing of the 13th Amendment back in 1865. However, countless Americans remain unaware that modern day slavery is still present throughout the country - in the form of human trafficking.

The United States Department of State defines human trafficking as "the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion." (http://www.state.gov/j/tip/what/index.htm) It's certainly a heavy topic, so let's break it down a little. Read more

Report trafficking concerns
Visit www.usccb.org/stopslavery to learn more about how to identify a potential victim and what you can do to help. You can report tips on potential cases of human trafficking to the National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888. The text message number is: HELP to BeFree (233733).

Urge Congress to Move the Conscience Protection Act Forward!

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) commended the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the Conscience Protection Act of 2016 (S. 304) on July 13 in a 245-182 bipartisan vote. "We now urge Congress to move this vital legislation forward as part of this year's must-pass appropriations package," Cardinal Dolan and Archbishop Lori said.
In 2014, California started forcing almost all health plans in the state to cover elective abortions, even late-term abortions. Religious employers in California that offer group health plans to their employees lodged an objection with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which has oversight responsibility for enforcing federal conscience laws. On June 21, HHS declared, contrary to the plain meaning of current federal law that the California Department of Managed Health Care can continue to force all health plans under its jurisdiction to cover elective abortions.

Recommended Actions to take immediately:
Send emails to your members of Congress at 
Urge the The American Medical Association (AMA) to Oppose Assisted Suicide

The American Medical Association (AMA) is considering changing its decades-long position against doctor-prescribed suicide to one of "neutrality." Opposition by such national and state professional associations has been critical to preserving laws against physician-assisted suicide. The retreat from opposition to "neutrality" by the state medical association in California was a key factor in the legalization of doctor-prescribed suicide in that state.Therefore, it is critically important that the AMA be urged to maintain its opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia. 

Physicians and other medical professionals are the most credible individuals needed to contact the AMA and urge continued opposition to doctor-prescribed suicide. They can speak with authority about what this change will do to the healing profession and how it will undermine trust between doctor and patient. 
Please urge physicians you know who are opposed to doctor-assisted suicide to contact the AMA via this alert as soon as possible.
In addition, all individuals - who are all health care consumers - should also urge the AMA to maintain its opposition to doctor-prescribed suicide.

Please send a message to the leaders of the AMA with your message today.
Respect Life Month
Local Activities

Walk to Prevent Suicide Long Island Walk
October 23, 2016 
Jones Beach State Park
Register Online | Or Call: 516-869-4215

Exercise for Others
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Push Fitness Club in New Hyde Park
The Weight Room Plus - Wanda's Workout in Moriches

After Respect Life Month
Respecting Life All Year Round 
Local Events 

27th National Night of Prayer For Life
December 8/9, 2015,  9 p.m. Tuesday to 1 AM Wednesday
National Hour of Unity 12 a.m. TO 1 AM (EST)

Respect Life Office|  Diocese of Rockville Centre | 
| 516-678-5800 ext 626 or 381 | 516-536-3473 |