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How important is diversity in your organization?
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Over the past 60 years, most employer actions focused on bias, discrimination and harassment have been reactive, not pro-active. Policies have been put into place as a response to legislation or court actions. Investigations of bad behavior have been a response to complaints. Even Affirmative Action and EEO reporting are responses to federal requirement. And yet, problems remain, in the workplace and throughout our country.

As employers, we need to change the goal. We need to start playing offense instead of defense. We need to be pro-active in our diversity and inclusion efforts instead of simply reacting to forced changes. We need to give more than lip-service to equal opportunity.
Ask Us Today About...
The Respect at Work Initiative

This is a multi-phased approach to addressing societal and workplace issues including racism, sexism, ageism, LGBTQ and gender identity.
·    Phase 1: Respect at Work: Leader's Edition
·    Phase 2: Respect at Work: Team Edition
·    Phase 3: Respect at Work: Strategic Challenge
It's time to do more than we've done! Creating an environment of respect, inclusion and diversity takes more than a policy and occasional lip service. It is time to do more in YOUR organization!
For details, give us a call today at 605.335.8198!
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Sioux Falls