Welcome to Update - September 2023

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Working towards a truly just,

healthy and peaceful world.

In this update...

  • It's not too late to join the Wild Ride!
  • August Voices of Hope/Voix d'espoir - Read about PWRDF's support for Syrian Refugees in Jordan
  • 2022-2023 Annual Report now available

The latest PWRDF News...

  • PWRDF launches in-Canada Emergency Response Fund
  • Grant will support those with "very limited financial capacity" to handle evacuation
  • Support continues in drought-stricken Kenya
  • Planning for the unexpected: A PWRDF monthly donor reflects

Plus our latest resources and upcoming events!

The Wild Ride keeps building!

Seventeen teams and 48 participants have registered for the Wild Ride. Together we have already raised more than $23,000 towards our goal of $50,000. Funds will support our partners who work with refugees or Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in countries such as Tanzania, South Sudan, Jordan, Ukraine and more.

There's still

time to join us!

The 2023 PWRDF Wild Ride began on World Refugee Day, June 20, and will run until Thanksgiving Day, October 9.

Register today

Watch the launch webinar!

This year’s Wild Ride is dedicated to the Rev. Canon Greg Smith

Greg was a beloved PWRDF volunteer: a dedicated diocesan representative in the Diocese of Huron for 20 years, a Mapping the Ground We Stand On facilitator, and a team captain since 2014 in both the Ride for Refuge and the Wild Ride. Greg passed away suddenly on May 6, 2023.

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Voices of Hope can be shared in English or French in your parish as a bulletin insert, read as an announcement, or included in an e-blast. 

Learn about PWRDF's support for Syrian refugees in Jordan.


PWRDF launches in-Canada Emergency Response Fund

In this year of unprecedented wildfires from coast to coast, PWRDF is establishing a fund specifically for in-Canada emergency response. This is true to our roots. PWRDF was born in 1958 out of a compelling desire from Anglicans to offer assistance to families in the wake of a mine disaster in Springhill, Nova Scotia.

Read the whole story

Grant will support those with “very little financial capacity” to handle evacuation

PWRDF is responding to an evolving emergency in the Diocese of the Arctic, as wildfires continue to force people from their homes across Northwest Territories. A $5,000 solidarity grant has been disbursed to the Diocese of the Arctic. Diocesan staff in Yellowknife, Hay River and Fort Smith have all been evacuated. The grant is in place to support the Diocese as it offers care for others who have had to leave quickly.  

Read the whole story

Support continues in drought-stricken Kenya

PWRDF is extending its response to the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, caused in part by record drought, with more emergency food distributions in Kenya. For another three months, PWRDF will continue to support a food relief project with Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Church World Service. The project will provide families led by women with life-saving food rations in the form of monthly food baskets.

Read the whole story

Planning for the unexpected: a PWRDF monthly donor reflects

“If PWRDF [has] a routine budget to cover the routine costs, it is easy to manage global development and relief. However, when a series of unexpected events happen, the whole structure is put under extreme pressure. That is why I became a monthly donor.”

Read the whole story

Find this year’s Annual Report in your September Anglican Journal

The 2022-2023 Annual Report is now available. If you would like to order Annual Reports, please email [email protected]. A French version will be available soon.

Read or download the Annual Report


Praying with PWRDF returns

All are welcome to join our online parish. Hundreds have prayed with us from across Canada. Praying with PWRDF will be back in September.


Join us Thursday, September 14 at 1 p.m. ET We look forward to welcoming PWRDF’s Public Engagement Coordinator Suzanne Rumsey will be our reflector.

Friday, September 22, 3 p.m. ET

PWRDF Annual General Meeting – Join the live stream

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund / Le fonds du Primat pour le secours et le développement mondial will be held by Zoom on Friday, September 22, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. ET to consider the audited financial statements FY2022-2023 and auditor’s report, elect directors, appoint honorary associates, appoint auditors for FY2023-24 and to receive a partner update from Dr. José Bringas, Coordinator of the Comprehensive Development Program of the Episcopal Church in Cuba.

Exploring Partnership

PWRDF webinars are back! 


Join us for a webinar on September 28, 2023 at 1:00 pm EST to hear stories from long-term partners in Guatemala. 

Recently, PWRDF conducted a program evaluation with two of our long-term partners in Guatemala. During this engaging webinar, we will be showing videos describing projects, followed by a live Q&A with the partners. 


More details to follow. 

Register today

Book your Mapping Exercise workshop

PWRDF's Mapping the Ground We Stand On is now available as an online or an in-person workshop. Learn more at pwrdf.org/mapping-exercise.

Book a workshop

PWRDF coming to a church near you

PWRDF has joined scores of virtual worship services at parishes across the country. Staff can deliver a prerecorded sermon, or join live worship on Zoom or other platforms. To learn more or to book a virtual guest speaker, contact Public Engagement Officer Christine Hills.

PWRDF wants to hear from you!

Please share your fundraising success stories to inspire others and to spread the word about the good work you have done! Email Christine Hills and tell us about it. Many thanks to all of our donors.


a just generation is a series of conversations with allies, educators and folks working to bring about equity and justice. 

Join Duncan Chalmers and Robyn Sulkko in conversation with PWRDF Humanitarian Response Coordinator Naba Gurung as they chat about how PWRDF responds to humanitarian crises and disasters in Canada.

Catch the latest episode

(left) This year's placemat includes children's activities and the Prayer for PWRDF on the reverse; (top right) the offering envelope and (bottom right) bulletin cover reflect the Let's Make a World of Difference theme.

Annual Resources for 2023 now available for ordering

PWRDF’s resources for 2023 focus on the overall work of PWRDF and partners around the world and extend an invitation: “Let's Make a World of Difference.” There are pieces to support a PWRDF Sunday, such as bulletin covers and offering envelopes, as well as our popular in memoriam and in honour cards for use anytime. These beautiful educational and informational resources unite us in prayer and action for the work of PWRDF and partners. Learn more about this year's resources and order for your parishes gatherings and services.

Order 2023 Annual Resources

Creation Care: Climate Action 2.2

Climate-change emergencies and women

In year two of our Creation Care: Climate Action education focus, we are exploring the intersections between Climate Change and Gender. Learning Module 2.2 is focussed on Climate change emergencies and Women. It includes a recorded South-North dialogue with Bishop Jane Alexander, now ministering in the Territory of the People, and Mary Obiero with Church World Service Africa, as they discuss how women are impacted by emergencies caused by climate change, be they fires, floods or droughts. How are women impacted differently than men? And how are they responding? The resource includes scripture readings and questions for Bible study, as well as suggested activities for a parish group.

Go to the resource
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