US administration's cruelty towards Trans, Intersex and Gender Non-Conforming people is part of a religious takeover of the country. |
Dear friends,
It's a dark day in the United States as we see the blatant discrimination the new administration seeks to create.
With headlines like this, we are seeing a systemic attack on our rights. "Trump signs executive order banning federal support of gender-affirming care for anyone under 19." This article from the Advocate, like those from other outlets, exhibits an organized platform of misinformation against our community, and a misuse of Presidential power. Another executive order signed today, seeks to "targets the schools, teachers, counselors, and staff who support them."
The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 is nothing less than an attempt to give one faith tradition's (conservative christianity) the privilege of making rules and laws – which is called Theocracy. Fortunately, the ACLU and American's United For Separation of Church and State have created ongoing legal staff to address these many attempts to blur the lines. Even mainline christians are calling such actions out, as we saw with the sermon offered by Bishop Budde during the Inaugural prayer service at the National Cathedral.
Fortunately for us, we live in a state where many of our rights are preserved here, but it is little comfort to watch our siblings in the movement be put at such risk. Still, as the ACLU points out, creating a firewall at the state level can help the most right now. What can we do? Not everyone can just pick up and move to a "blue state."
I also want to remind you that we take your confidentiality serious at SPC. We added this to our website today:
Statement on our Agency’s commitment to confidentiality in our care:
We don’t ask questions of our clients around citizenship or documentation. We never have and never will. We also do not disclose any personal or contact information about our clients without their written permission. If any public agency comes seeking such information, they will be turned away and referred to our legal representation. We are contractually obligated by the County and other funders to keep HIPAA privacy laws and protect the privacy and confidentiality of all of our clients. See our “Notice of Privacy Practices” in our Center, and on the paperwork shared during intake of all counseling and case management services.
LGBTQ+ youth flee hateful states: 266,000 young people have moved to more inclusive states. Link.
"But the report had good news, as well. LGBTQ+ young people living in states with a higher LGBTQ+ policy index reported that recent politics were less likely to negatively impact their well-being. That relationship highlights the critical role of state-level policy in shaping the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ young people, the authors said."
Fortunately, our country knows deep down that the separation of church and state is a necessary part of our constitutional protections. In your sharing, this is an important point we should be making more often, and with greater sophistication. See this article entitled "Hit Trump on Theocracy, Not Hypocrisy" from the Nation.
Why are Democrats so weak in the face of Donald Trump’s attack on democracy? "In one of the worst weeks for the country, Democrats took a breather instead of pushing back against Trump." Sadly, many of our own Democratic leaders haven't found the framing necessary to protect us.
Hell, even our own two congressmen have resisted meeting with members of our community: Congressman Garamendi for the last 4 months, and Congressman Mike Thompson for the last 5 months. Neither have scheduled a meeting with us despite multiple requests to discuss the 500+ anti-Trans bills that were being offered last year.
The answer is more, not less, solidarity. But we also need to be smart and look for the times when our voices will be most heard. Demi Lovato, a non-binary person, recently spoke out in support of our Trans community. Selena Gomez broke down in tears, feeling helpless watching the ongoing immigration raids tear apart her community. And, we need to join their fights for immigration reform, protection of anti-racism laws and other fights important to all of us.
As Imra Jones shared at the Creating Change Conference I attended last week, "That modern Republican Party is one that is Christian Nationalist in nature [and its project] is white, heterosexual patriarchy, which is what they believe they are reasserting through everything that they’re doing."
If you would like an action to accomplish today, please write to your congressman and ask him why he won't meet with members of our community! Ask them when they will start speaking out to protect us, as they have promised.
We have found a way to raise money for the Center that doesn't involved you sending a check or buying a thing!
HundredX Causes is an online agency that provides feedback to companies or brands. They say, "we believe in "listening to the crowd" – that is, real customers who share unprompted feedback with HundredX – to inform the outlook for businesses and industries. Every time your supporters submit feedback on a brand they've interacted with over the last 6 months, they are providing insight into their customer experience with the leaders of those companies." Here is a link to their FAQ for supporters!
Contribute without cash! Can you opt in? It's all online, and we need 125 people from among our supporters, volunteers, allies and program members to see what brands are being reviewed, and share your honest opinions about the products online. This will help raise funds for our General fund that helps us pay for all of the things our county contracts don't cover, such as Pride, our social programs, and hard costs like rent, insurance and more!
We will make it all easy for you, with an online training on Monday, February 3rd at 7 pm on zoom. (Register here.) Our campaign goes from Feb 3rd to March 4th, and you can go online anytime you desire to share your thoughts. You don't have to go to any shops, just share based on past experience.
They are looking for quality feedback for their brand and product clients, so be as thorough as possible on up to 75 products. They even give feedback on the website! We will even share some of the new swag we are creating for our best performers!
"HundredX will only pay for feedback that it can use; and HundredX can only use feedback that helps its clients make informed, thoughtful decisions. HundredX is only able to provide $ to your organization in exchange for "Eligible Feedback" as further defined in our terms."
Attend the informational meeting on Monday, Feb. 3rd at 7 pm at this link!
Our friend Michael LaFreniere, aka DJ Pocket, is bringing Drag to the Marina Lounge in Suisun City on Wednesday, February 12th beginning at 8 pm!
He writes,
"After nearly 7 years of producing these shows in Vacaville, I’m excited to be starting this new chapter at Marina Lounge in Suisun. I have a feeling we’re going to reach even more people with this move, and that’s what it’s really all about - the community.”
See you there! Will McGarvey, Terry Murray and others are going early, around 7 pm, to enjoy dinner beforehand.
SPC's Art Contest extended to this Saturday, Feb 1st! Create some ideas we’d like to put on t-shirts and other products!
Top 3 ideas get prizes! We will have a designer make it pretty. Share this opportunity with your creative friends, and let’s share how we can expand the welcome! Follow the link here!
We are hosting another See's Candy fundraiser for the Center between now and January 31st! (That way they arrive in time for V-Day!)
If you would rather get sugar-free sweets for your Honey, please buy the gift cards, and then you can use them locally or online to get the healthier sweets for your sweetie pie.
Can you help us by sharing this link ( before January 31st? Please share the link and invite others help us raise funds for the Center!
Save the dates for these upcoming events:
Thursday, March 13th from 5-7 pm will be a Supper Club at a Fairfield area Winery. We will share a brief presentation on our work! Contact for more info.
Friday, March 28th from 6-8 pm, special event in celebration of Transgender Day of Visibility, celebrating the creativity of TIGNC people from around the county! See above. Contact for more info.
Saturday, April 26th from 6-10 pm, a Prom for Adults 18+ of all identities & Allies hosted at The Saturday Club of Vacaville, 125 West Kendal Street, Vacaville! Name and particulars to be determined by the planning team. Email to join the planning team.
Will McGarvey
Executive Director
Solano Pride Center
Here is the link to our Solano County LGBTQIA2S+ Community Needs Assessment. We have only had 17 people respond so far, so we need to hear from more of you to learn what you feel are the biggest needs you have given our new post election political and legal reality. Please take the 3-6 minutes to share your voice!
We have prepared a new Parent's Survey here to help us know when works best to be able to gather parents of LGBTQ+ children for social and support needs. Please fill it out, or share it with those you know who have queer children.
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Updated Youth Programming | |
Next Up for Youth & Young Adults around the county! | |
Senior Programs!
No Senior Programs on Jan 31st.
Our next Senior Lunch will be Friday, February 7th in the Conference Room at the Center. Contact for more info.
We will be having our next Senior Zoom meeting on February 14th. Contact to get the link to join the fun!
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Upcoming Social & Support Groups! |
Interested in a book group? Let's read and discuss The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune (there's a sequel called "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" Cerulean Chronicles book 2 we can do afterwards). V.E. Schwab said of it, "I loved it. IT is like being wrapped up in a big gay blanket. Simply perfect."
Let's meet to discuss it for an hour on the first Tuesdays of the month at 7 pm on zoom (registration link here:, we will use the same link each time). Will and Colin will be facilitating the group discussion at the next gathering Tuesday, Feb. 4th at 7 pm, when we will be discussing the first 10 chapters. .
We are also adding another Social opportunity for our whole Intergenerational community this spring!
Arts & Crafts Nights will be the first Thursday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Conference Room in even numbered months, and Gayme Nights will be on the same nights in the odd months.
Our first gathering will be Thursday, February. 6th at 7:00 pm!
If you'd like to share an art project, please contact us. Just bring any games you'd like to play or share. These will be go through May, and we will take the summer off.
The Gender Expansive Circle will meet again on Friday, February 7th at 5:30 pm, in the Conference Room.
GEC meets on the first and third Friday's of each month unless noted.
This group is for Trans, Intersex, Non-binary, Gender Non-Conforming, 2 Spirit and those questioning their gender identity or expression. The group is led by Kacen Cosmos and Cristina Zaldana! Questions can be directed to Kacen Cosmos at
Military/Veterans LGBTQ+ Social & Support Group
(The group is moving to the 2nd Tuesdays of the month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm). Next meeting is Tuesday, February 11th at the Heretic Brewery and Distillery (1052 Horizon Drive, Fairfield). We hope this group becomes a great social and support group for all active duty military or retired veterans in the queer community.
Contact the facilitators by email by following these links: Will McGarvey and Jim Dailey.
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Grief Support Group will next meet at an in-person gathering on Friday, February 14th & 28th from 10-11:30 am in the conference room at the Center’s building. Rachel Wilson and Timothy Meyer will be the facilitators for the group that will meet in person on the 2nd and 4th Fridays, and will find another time in the early evening on another day of the week for zoom meetings. Rachel can be contacted at or by phone or text at 707.681.1887.
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The QR code: Queer Recovery
A secular 12-step LGBTQ+ group for those in recovery for any addictions. The first meeting will be Sunday, February 16th at 7 pm. The group will meet in person at the Solano Pride Center’s Lobby on the 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings at 7 pm. Come to the south doors near our offices and knock to be let in. Hosted by Christopher Cortes ( with shared leadership from other members of the group. Anonymity will be protected.
LGBTQ2S+ Men's Support Group (3rd Wednesdays – February 19th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm – at the Center's Lobby – come to the south doors and knock to be let in). We will be watching Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin and discussing it. This group is for all those who identify as Male or Trans Masc, and is trans inclusive, led by Will McGarvey & Milton Heath Solórzano. Contact us by email for more info at or
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The HIV Positive Support Group will continue as a zoom group on the 3rd Thursdays of the month, but now from 4:00 to 5:30 pm. The next group meeting is this Thursday, February 20th. Contact for more information. This is the first meeting, so plan on attending to share what you'd like to see in future meetings!
Facilitated by Cristina Zaldana and Jim Jones. Future dates below.
Pan-Pagan/Magickal Support Group is normally the 4th Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm, and will meet in our Lobby on Wed, Feb 26th. For those with any form of neo-pagan, polytheistic, or non-abrahamic practice, to explore the intersections of queerness and pagan spirituality. Led by members of SPC Staff. Bring something from your altar to share about.
Led by members of SPC Staff. Bring something from your altar to share about.
Drop in Parent's group has been discontinued for now. We have prepared a Parent's Survey here to know when works best to be able to gather parents for social and support needs.
If you know you'd like to attend a Parent's Support Group, please email our Clinical Director, Colin Amato, at, we may be able to start in mid January in the closest town to the participants. Colin and board member Stephan Clifford have created a beautiful 8-week program for the families and friends of those transitioning.
A supportive gathering for those who experience Chronic Illness and Chronic Pain is temporarily on hiatus. Next group will be announced as soon as new leadership is announced.
Contact Colin for more info, and know that you are not alone. Colin can be contacted at or by phone or text at 707.408.2458.
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For teens in Dixon and surrounding areas. | |
After school, come and decorate free Valentine's Day Cookies with your favorite toppings to make them even tastier!
Friday, Feb 14th from 2-3 pm at the Dixon Library.
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Despise de clase, ven a decorar galletas de San Valentin. Tendremos tus toppings favoritos para hacerclas aún más sabrosas!
Viernes, 14 de Febrero 2:00 to 3:00 pm a la Dixon Library.
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Solano Pride Center offers counseling and psychotherapy to the LGBTQ+ community of Solano County.
There are openings available for those who wish to be seen for counseling services right now! We are able to see clients for up to six months at no cost to clients, helping you make sense of life as a queer person, get support coming out, or deepening your self confidence by talking about your past. Please call our confidential line to make an appointment at: 707-389-4520. Please contact our Clinical Director Colin Amato at for more information.
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HIV Prevention Awareness
Did you know you can get STI testing mailed to your home?
Did you know that PreP and PeP can help you remain HIV negative?
Contact me for more info! Thank you. Cristina Zaldana
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Calling all volunteers! If you want to be a volunteer at Solano Pride Center, please let us know!
Our next Volunteer Training is scheduled for Wednesday, February 20th at 6 pm on Zoom. If you are interested in volunteering, just for special events or on a more regular basis at the Center, please email with the best times that work for you to be trained. These trainings are necessary for anyone who wishes to volunteer at the Center, in one of our Programs, or even for short term events like our Pride celebrations being planned now! Don't miss this informative background on how to help, knowing our best practices and Community Agreements!
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There is a volunteer opportunity in the HIV Prevention dept. It involves going out to off site locations where we can table and provide free testing.
The County will do the testing and we will table at these locations such as a club (like the Townhouse in Vallejo) or youth drop in spaces. I have been looking for someone that can help me with this.
In the same department of HIV Prevention, we have the Safe Sex Packets that are put together. They involve 2 condoms, 1 lube packet & a slip of paper with info on SPC. These packets are put together at home. Pick up supplies at the center & bring back completed packets 4 days later or can depend when needed. We generally need 100 to 200 to 300. You can do 100 or 200 or 300. It is up to you. This is an ongoing volunteer opportunity.
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For the Youth Dept Volunteers:
We need Team Leaders for youth with With Q-Scouts (a special after school program for LGBTQIA2S+ middle schoolers, beginning in Vallejo/Benicia). We need 2-4 adult volunteers to help with youth ages 8-12, helping with activities as team leaders. Training provided.
After 3 pm, Weekdays the Q-Scout meetings are planned and the weekends as that allows for kiddos to participate after school.
Volunteers needed for the Senior Luncheons:
Senior luncheons are every 1st & 3rd Fridays of the Month at 12 noon.
Volunteers would come in at 11 am and help with setting up the food as it comes in, making sure everyone has what they need, helping with the presenter doing presentations, closing up making sure we leave the conference room as we found it.
Gathering the utensils needed: Forks, napkins, plates, etc
You will have help with all this so you won't be doing everything yourself.
Admin Tasks & Holding Space: There are also some admin jobs which include organizing the office a little. Consolidating some items so we have more space, etc. Welcoming folx when multiple groups are meeting at the Center.
Our next Volunteer Orientation will be on Thursday, Feb 20th from 6pm-7pm at the SOLANO PRIDE CENTER, 1234 Empire Street, suite 1560, Fairfield, CA. Library Lounge Room (come to the south doors and knock to be let in.).
I will be covering all these volunteer opportunities. If you have already attended an orientation, there is no need to attend again.
Let me know if you need more specifics! Contact:
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Future Programs around the Bay and Beyond! | |
Rustwater Kitchen & Taproom, 800 Texas Street, Fairfield. | |
Equality California is thrilled to announce the official date of our annual LGBTQ+ Advocacy Day. Please save the date and be prepared to join us at the State Capitol in Sacramento on Wednesday, March 26, 2025!
LGBTQ+ Advocacy Day is a critical opportunity for community leaders, activists, and allies from across the state to come together to raise awareness about the growing threats facing the LGBTQ+ community — especially transgender youth and their families — and build collective power to advance change. Next year’s event will be more important as the incoming Trump administration will attempt to undermine protections for LGBTQ+ people across education, employment, health care, housing, immigration, and more.
The event will kick-off at 9:00 AM with advocacy training on LGBTQ+ legislative and budget priorities followed by a press conference at the State Capitol with the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus. Participants will then have the opportunity to meet with legislators and their staff to advocate for priority bills to safeguard our rights and ensure that California remains a safe haven for the LGBTQ+ community. There will be a closing reception at 5:00 PM for participants to celebrate our successes and recharge for the work ahead.
LGBTQ+ Advocacy Day is a critical opportunity for community leaders, activists, and allies from across the state to come together to raise awareness about the growing threats facing the LGBTQ+ community — especially transgender youth and their families — and build collective power to advance change.
Register to join us today!
Participants will have the opportunity to meet with legislators and their staff to advocate for priority bills to safeguard our rights and ensure that California remains a safe haven for the LGBTQ+ community.
We will share more details about LGBTQ+ Advocacy Day soon — including our policy priorities and logistics. Make sure you sign up before the February 28 deadline!
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We rely on every donation to the Solano Pride Center to not only keep our doors open, but to serve you and those you love. Please consider how you can help support your LGBTQ+ Center today! Please mail checks to the address below, or send donations via PayPal at
Ever ask yourself, “I really want to help, but I don’t know what to do?”
Did you know that Solano Pride Center provides outreach and support. What fun things should we do this fall? These experiences are among the most important for many young people as they struggle with coming out, finding their voices, and becoming happy adults.
You can still give at the link above, through the end of the year. Or you can give through our portal on Zeffy at
A one-time donation of $100.00 or $200.00 will provide decorations, pizza, help us pay for the DJ, or other costs of our next big youth event. Donations can be made via Paypal, cash, or check.
Solano Pride Center is a 501 c (3) non-profit.
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Every year BAQWA produces an anthology of members' writing as a benefit for a Bay Area Queer charity. This year proceeds from sales of TOGETHER, the 2024-25 benefit anthology, go to the Solano County Pride Center, which provides support for LGBTQ+ people in the county, offers free HIV testing, and creates Queer Pride events in cities across the county.
If you'd like to order the book online, the proceeds also help fund our important work here.
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Vallejo Gay Network Events! | |
Next event to be announced.
#VGNForAll #VGN #LGBTQNetworking #GayVallejo #CommunityPride
Save the Dates: If you want to host, please email
February 15th VGN Valentines Potluck @ 6 pm - Hosted byJimmy and Steve
May 2025 Michael Harris
June - Pride Weekend 2nd Weekend
July - Wendell & Manny
October - Peter and Adam
November - Tom & Chris (Food Bank)
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Benicia LGBTQ+ Network Events! | |
HI Everyone, On February 8th at 9am we are going to be going on a hike/walk on the Carquinez Strait Trail. This goes from Glen Cove to Benicia in a nice 3.1 mile that is flat with a great view and is appropriate for electric scooters and other mobility aids. Its going to be more chill and relaxed than our last hike and I will be bringing some coffee and donuts. For those of you wanting a more strenuos hike we will be going March 1st to Table Rock in Napa. Message me if you plan on coming. Thanks!
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Black Embrace: A Podcast Supporting Black Families Navigating LGBTQIA+ Challenges
By Charlotte Richardson, DSW-C, LCSW and SPC Board Member
This podcast is dedicated to discussing the hard issues at the intersection of Black Family and LGBTQIA+ Youth. Historically the Black Community and LGBTQIA+ issues have been a point of disagreement and Black Family relationship breakdown. This podcast seeks to heal the wounds of family breakdown, create positive communication within Black Families with LGBTQIA+ Youth, and overall improve relationships and connection with Black Families and Community.
Our Clinical Director, Colin Amato, was one of Charlotte's first interviews! Don't miss it!
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This week marks the release of "Survey of LGBTQIA+ Older Adults in California:
From Challenges to Resilience", the first statewide survey exploring the current and future health and wellbeing of the state's mid-life and older LGBTQIA+ population. This 2024 baseline survey aligns with the goals of California’s Master Plan for Aging, a blueprint for state and local governments and their philanthropic and private-sector partners to prepare for California’s growing population of older adults.
Many of your centers participated in getting the word out and asking their older adult clients to take part in the survey. Thank you for being instrumental to this historic endeavor.
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Ever wondered if the Center is open, or how to contact the staff member you need? | |
January 2025 Solidarity Days & Monthlong Observances | |
January Monthly Observances
Whether you're looking to understand more about a specific festival or find out when key events are happening, our posts will provide valuable insights and stories. Get ready to mark your calendars, embrace diverse cultures, and celebrate the moments that unite us all. Join us as we kick off the year with joy, reflection, and anticipation for the memorable times ahead. Below is the calendar of january 2025
January has:
- January 11 — National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness
- January 12 — National Kiss A Ginger Day
- January 14 — National Dress Up Your Pet Day
January 19 — Dolly Parton’s Birthday (National Treasure)
- January 20 — Inauguration Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day (3rd Monday)
- January 21 — National Hugging Day
- January 22 — Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
- January 24 — Compliment Day
- January 26 — National Spouse’s Day
January 27 — International Holocaust Remembrance Day
- Be Kind To Food Servers Month
- National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
- Cervical Health Awareness Month
- National Stalking Awareness Month
- National Blood Donor Month
JAIN link:
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