February 9, 2024
The Division of Cannabis Control ("DCC" or "Division") is working to update and streamline licensee reporting of video surveillance technical data to ensure Division access as required by rule. Ohio Administrative Code (O.A.C.) 3796:2-2-05, 3796:3-2-05, 3796:4-2-07, and 3796:6-3-16, require all licensees to have a security system that is operational at all times and that uses commercial grade equipment to prevent and detect diversion, theft, or loss of medical marijuana, including the use of cameras in all areas specified in the rules.

Additionally, secure access to all surveillance systems must be provided to the Division of Cannabis Control. Therefore, the Division is requesting your assistance to ensure your surveillance systems meet the following standards and that you provide all requested information to the Division.

All surveillance systems must:
  • Have a web-based interface that is compatible with currently-supported Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. 
  • Not require software installation, codecs, add-ons, or plugin or configuration of the browser to fully function.
  • Be protected by a firewall and accessible by a static IP address from an ISP to a Division-specified IP space.  
  • Ensure external access is managed and limited to the Division and other business needs. Licensees must ensure that the surveillance system is not accessible to the public.
  • Be configured to use TCP port 443 and have a certificate issued from and a trusted root authority.
  • Be accessible to DCC without the use of any other systems, such as VPN, RDP, or MFA.
  • Be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without the need for interaction with or notification to anyone outside of DCC.
  • Have accounts created and provided to the DCC with the name DCCsurveillance or using the centralized email address DCCsurveillance@com.ohio.gov.
  • Have account passwords that comply with the state standards under section “standard” items 1 and 2 found at https://das.ohio.gov/technology-and-strategy/policies/das-its-2100-01-b-password-standard-for-non-organizational-users 

Please note, the Division reserves the right to scan all surveillance systems for vulnerabilities and compliance.

You must ensure your system is in compliance with these standards and submit this form by March 9, 2024.

Please direct any questions and other video surveillance-related communications to DCCsurveillance@com.ohio.gov, including the facility license number in the subject line.

If at any time in the future you implement a new security system or there is an update to your current video surveillance system affecting remote access, you must notify the Division immediately at DCCsurveillance@com.ohio.gov.

Non-Medical Marijuana: Breaking Down First Set of Proposed Rules
Have questions about the Division of Cannabis Control's proposed rules? Listen to the Ohio Department of Commerce's podcast here to learn more.

Initial stakeholder feedback is requested by the end of today to DCCRules@com.ohio.gov.
eLicense Maintenance
eLicense Ohio and MMCP eLicense will be undergoing scheduled maintenance and unavailable on Saturday, February 10 from 12:00pm - 12:05pm.

Additionally, the MMCP eLicense portal will be undergoing scheduled maintenance and unavailable on Friday, February 16 from 5:00pm - 9:00pm.