Dear Colorado Women’s Chamber Members and Supporters,

I write to you today with deep concern regarding the recent Supreme Court decision to gut affirmative action in college admissions.

As the CEO of the Colorado Women's Chamber, an organization dedicated to improving business in Colorado through advancing women's professional success and economic inclusivity, I believe it is crucial to address the potential impacts of this decision on workforce diversity.

Affirmative action has long been an essential tool in fostering diversity and inclusion in educational institutions. By considering race and ethnicity as one factor among many in college admissions, affirmative action has helped level the playing field for historically marginalized groups, including women and people of color. It has enabled talented individuals from underrepresented communities to access higher education opportunities that were once out of reach, opening doors to better career prospects and economic mobility.

The Supreme Court's decision to dismantle affirmative action undermines the progress we have made in building diverse and inclusive workplaces. By limiting the ability of colleges and universities to consider race as a factor in admissions this ruling deprives employers of the benefits of a diverse workforce, including increased innovation, creativity, and better decision-making.

Workforce diversity is a business imperative.
Research consistently shows that when organizations bring together individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, they create an environment that fosters innovation and complex problem-solving - and drives competitive advantage.

Moreover, the elimination of affirmative action in college admissions disproportionately affects women, particularly women of color. This decision threatens to exacerbate existing gender and racial disparities in the workplace. It undermines our collective efforts to close the gender pay gap and dismantle systemic barriers that hinder women's advancement in traditionally male-dominated fields.

As an organization committed to championing women's success, the Colorado Women's Chamber will redouble our efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in the workforce. We will collaborate with our members, partners, policymakers, and other stakeholders to recognize the importance of affirmative action in cultivating diverse talent pools.

At the Colorado Women's Chamber, we remain steadfast in our commitment to advancing women's professional success and empowering a more equitable and inclusive workforce. 

Together, we will work towards a future where every individual, regardless of their background, has equal access to educational opportunities and the opportunity to thrive in their chosen careers.
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