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The Responsible Connecticut Retailer
September, 2023 | Issue 15
Check your Mail!
This week, retailers can expect a postcard, as seen above, to arrive in the mail. Intended to be displayed for customers to read the "Because we care" side, helping them understand that the cashier is only following the law while requesting ID for tobacco, E-Cigarette, gambling, and alcohol purchases. The other side has information to assist staff in verifying an ID and ensuring the customer is of legal purchasing age. The goal of this mailing is to support staff and customers. Remember what you do matters!
Updated Tobacco 21 Stickers
This fall will also see the release of updated Tobacco 21 stickers. Intended to be posted anywhere tobacco products are sold.

Order for free at-
 Cannabis Law, and Retail Guidelines for Convenience Stores and Tobacco/Vape Shops
  • Cannabis products cannot contain more than 0.3% THC.
  • Packages must feature QR codes. Packages without QR codes are illegal to sell in Connecticut.
  • Retailers should scan QR codes to verify that the THC levels in their products do not exceed 0.3%. Compliance officers have found that some packages list the THC levels as 0.3% but the scanned QR codes reveal the THC levels are much higher.
  • Edibles that look like candy or other commonly sold snacks are illegal to sell.
  • All products must be kept in locked display cabinets.

We encourage retailers to check their inventory to make sure they are compliant with Connecticut laws. We also recommend that retailers return any illegal products to their distributors, so that they are not cited for non-compliance with cannabis laws. Inspectors have found that QR codes on the packaging do not always work, leaving the THC content unknown. If this is the case, we recommend not selling those products at all. The current penalty for non-compliance is seizure of the products by law enforcement or the Department of Consumer Protection.
Statewide Compliance Inspections Are Underway
Remember 7 days a week
Tobacco Merchant & Community Education Steering Committee Meeting
Please join us at our next meeting!
Get updates on legislation, meet with other retailers, and have an open dialogue about current topics pertaining to tobacco and e-cigarettes. Help us help you!
TMCE Meeting

10/10/23 1:00pm - 10/10/23 2:30pm

Checking Connecticut Drivers' Licenses:
A Helpful Tip
Retailers can make a preliminary verification of age by looking at the orientation of the customer’s driver’s license (vertical vs. horizontal) when selling tobacco products and/or e-cigarettes. 
Vertical driver’s license

Means that the customer is under 21 years old – or was under 21 years old when the license was issued. Retailers should still check that the photo matches the customer and that the date of birth places the customer under 21 years of age. If the customer is under 21, do not sell tobacco products or e-cigarettes to them.

Horizontal driver’s license

Means the customer is 21 years old or older. However, retailers should still check to make sure the person buying tobacco products or e-cigarettes matches the picture on the license – that he/she is the owner of the license and is not using someone else’s ID. If the person matches the photo on the license and there is no evidence of tampering, then the retailer can safely make the sale.
FDA Resources and Tools
Free FDA Trainings
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products offers a series of webinars on federal tobacco regulations to provide compliance education and information to retailers. For the latest webinars, visit their website: FDA Tobacco Compliance Webinars | FDA.