July 15, 2020
Dear Kenston Schools Families,

I hope you are enjoying your summer break. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.    Thank you for your patience as we worked to create plans for the return to school. We understand that Governor DeWine has announced an unexpected press conference for tonight. We do not know if this will impact our Responsible Restart Plan but we wanted you to have it now. We will make any necessary changes when we have additional information.

I am sharing the Responsible Restart Plan that was developed to address the safety protocols and instructional plan to return our students to school full time, five days a week, for the 2020/21 school year.  We are planning to return to school full-time for in-person
student instruction. The First Day for Students will be on Monday, August 17th. (Please note this change to the district calendar.)
Here is a video providing highlights of the district's Responsible Restart Plan.

To provide specifics, I direct your attention to the "Back-to-School" plans that our Principals, Design Leaders and Department Heads created to address what school will look like for students this Fall. Below you will find a summary of each building's information, which will provide an overview of what to expect in August. More information will come directly from each building Principal as we get closer to the start of school.

If you have additional questions, please contact us at .
We received the Reset and Restart Education / Planning Guide for Ohio Schools and Districts from Ohio Department of Education and the COVID-19 Health and Prevention Guidance for Ohio K-12 Schools from Ohio Department of Health . We have also carefully studied the American Academy of Pediatrics document: COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry . These documents share health recommendations and guidelines for operating school this year, especially as conditions change. We have also been working in coordination with the Geauga County Health Department and our families through our district survey .

We appreciate the partnership of Geauga County Health Commissioner, Mr. Tom Quade, who has been on-site to review and worked collaboratively to develop our plans to return students and staff to the classroom.

We know that we will need to be flexible and responsive as we adapt to meet our students' needs and the evolving situation. I appreciate the Board of Education's efforts as well as our Design Team Leaders, Department Heads and Task Force members working together to make the best decisions for our students. This plan will continue to evolve.

Working together and following the recommended safety protocols, we will welcome students back to school. I ask for your continued support and patience as we plan for any adjustments needed to return to school. While the routines will undoubtedly be different, the quality of education and the relationships that our students have with their teachers remain steadfast.

Thank you in advance for your dedication to Kenston's students and families. We will get through this together as… Bombers Fly Together!
Stay well!

Nancy R. Santilli
Superintendent of Schools
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