Lake Powell Pipeline Update
Rest Easy, Your Water is Safe from COVID-19
The Washington County Water Conservancy District (WCWCD) continues to monitor developments related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The health and safety of our employees and the communities we serve are the highest priorities of our organization.

WCWCD’s water is safe; customers can continue using and drinking tap water as usual. There is no reason to filter water for concerns of COVID-19.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, conventional water treatment methods that use filtration and disinfection, such as those in municipal drinking water systems, should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

WCWCD’s core mission is to provide a safe water supply for current and future generations to protect public health and enhance the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the communities we serve. We follow drinking water regulations designed to stop waterborne pathogens from contaminating drinking water. We have robust emergency operations and service continuity plans that include the possibility of a pandemic, such as COVID-19.

While there is no playbook for the COVID-19 outbreak, we’re committed to meeting our service obligations to our customers by keeping the water flowing reliably to your tap. Please make sure you are taking the extra precautions to protect your household and loved ones. 

For frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and drinking water, click here.
Planning Prevents Panicking
Planning prevents panicking, which is why WCWCD is planning 50 years into the future to provide the water resources and infrastructure needed to serve our growing communities.

WCWCD’s long-term, comprehensive water supply plan includes additional water conservation, water reuse, agricultural water conversions, projects to maximize local water sources and the Lake Powell Pipeline. This plan offers resource diversity, flexibility and reliability while considering critical factors that may increase risk and place greater stress on local water supplies, such as drought or climate change.

Protecting the water resources and infrastructure to serve our communities is a critical and ongoing challenge. We work daily to ensure our plans and investments are in sync with the communities we serve to meet your needs, today and tomorrow.

Click here for more information on the district’s water supply plan.
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Lake Powell Pipeline

533 E. Waterworks Dr.
St. George, UT 84770

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