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Your Membership Benefits:

Restoring Joy to the Practice of Medicine

Did you know that as an ACCMA member you have access to free resources and educational programs to attain professional fulfillment? We recognize there are a significant number of stressors in a physician’s workplace, and you shouldn’t have to work through them alone. The ACCMA can help provide personal support, improve your practice workflows, and transform the workplace culture to boost your goal of professional fulfillment. 

  • Join us for our free online conference on April 21 and 28 with nationally recognized keynote speakers and panel discussions on practice improvement, transforming leadership for a culture of wellness, and implementing evidence-based interventions. Click here to register.  

  • Meet with a therapist one-on-one for 4 free sessions, or with a group of 3-8 physicians for 6 free sessions. Contact a therapist who is experienced in working with physicians directly to take advantage of these ACCMA Sponsored Psychotherapy sessions confidentially and at no charge

  • Access a full library of free, CME-approved educational programs. Check out upcoming and on-demand wellness programs here

In addition to these valuable resources, the ACCMA will be embarking on a new initiative this year in partnership with other Bay Area medical societies to develop a regional program to address physician burnout at the organizational and systemic level. Called the Bay Area Clinician Wellness Collaborative, this program aims to bring together wellness champions and provide them with expert guidance, a forum for sharing experiences, and a network of peers to support their work. The Collaborative will provide a road map for participating organizations to make substantive changes over a three-year period that can fundamentally change the practice environment.  


Together, we can help restore joy to the practice of medicine. For more information about any of these resources, call the ACCMA at (510) 654-5383, ext. 6307 or email [email protected]