All Saints' Sunday
November 5, 2017

"We invite everyone to share communion around God's altar. 
We strive to be a welcoming and relevant Christian community doing what matters through prayer, worship, teaching, outreach, fellowship, and service.  
We will demonstrate the real life application of scripture, tradition, and
reason by providing a safe place to respond to each other's needs,   
hurts, joys, and interests." 
Resurrection Episcopal Church
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571


"The Episcopal Church in White County"

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In This Issue
Fall Back
First Sunday Breakfast
Altar Flowers
Consecration Sunday
Music Notes
Preschool News
Preschool Wreath Sale
Diocesan Council Volunteers Needed
BBQ Competition
Enotah CASA Run & Festival
Family Promise 5K & Fun Run
Coffee Hour Hosts Needed
Vestry Members Needed
Ministry Volunteers Needed!

Sunday - November 5
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Consecration Sunday
8:15 Holy Eucharist II
9:30  First Sunday Breakfast
10:30 Holy Eucharist II

Monday - November 6
5:30  Yoga
7:30 Cocaine Anonymous
Tuesday - November 7
10:00 Exercise
11:30  WRECs' lunch @ Rib Country
4:00 Preschool Fundraiser Meeting
6:30 Boy Scouts

Wednesday - 
November 8
10:00 Preschool Chapel
6:00 ACTS Class
6:30  Choir Practice
8:00 AA Meeting

Friday - November 10
Annual Council
4:45 Barbecue Cookoff
7:30 Cocaine Anonymous

Saturday - November 11
Annual Council
November 5, 2017

The Lectionary 
Click  here for full texts

First Reading
Wisdom 3:1-9

Psalm 24

Second Reading
 2 P
Revelation 21:1-6a

The Gospel
John 11:32-44
8:15 pm

Dennis Bergin

Ray Gregory

Katie Lynam

Alice Wydra

10:30 a.m.

Addie Bolton

Aubrey Bolton
Raegan Cash

Deb Kroll
Mike Dye

Mary Geidel

Chris Geidel

Ben Bolton
David Wilkins

Stephanie Bolton
Jaymi Hampton

Children's Chapel
Patty Kidd

Patty Kidd/Jane Mitchell
Community of Hope LEV
Mary Geidel

Susan Mills

David Wilkins

Social Hour
Gretchen Kwatra
Vestry Person 
of the Day
Chris Geidel

If you are unable to serve in your designated ministry, please find a replacement and then contact the church office with the change .
Resurrection  Cycle of  Prayer
11/5  Lana Brown, the Butcher family, Randy & Jeanette Burke, Joyce Campbell
11/6  The Cash family, George & Colley Case, Harold & Dolores Chandler, Sonya Chesser
11/7  Barbara Clark, Carolyn Clarke, Robbie Crumley, Paula & Austin Cundiff, the D'Abate family
11/8  Fonda Dodd, Denise Dorsey, Jim & Sue Duffield, Ashley Dunson, Mike & Valarie Dye
11/9  Carol & Howard Ebert, Jim & Audrey Engebretson, the Ernst family, Gene & Lin Ewert, Gene & Pat Fuller
11/10  Chris & Mary Geidel, Andy Gilbert, Pam Gilbert

11/11  Ron & Marteen Goodwin, Helen Greear, Charlotte Greer
November 5-11
11/4 Charlotte Greer

None Known
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Welcome to the latest edition of our eNewsletter.
Wherever you are on your faith journey, may you discover God's spirit here at Resurrection. May you experience God's love and feel God's blessing as you participate in the life of the parish.
We will see you in church!
If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please contact the parish office, a member of the clergy, or a member of the vestry.  Please do not hesitate to let us know of any needs that arise.

Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting.  Amen.

Altar Flowers

              Preschool News

        Ms. Beth's class had fun making slime!

Preschool Wreath Sale!
These are great wreaths - they smell wonderful and last a long time!

 24" wreath - $25
30" wreath - $35
42" wreath - $60
Centerpiece Spray - $18
18" Centerpiece Table Wreath - $18
Garland - $2.75 per foot

Order forms are now available.  The deadline to order is November 15th and the wreaths will be delivered December 7th.

Diocesan Council...Volunteers Needed
This year, our Diocesan Council is being hosted by our Convocation and taking place in Gainesville, November 9-11.  We need a host of volunteers for a variety of duties. If you are available to volunteer, please email The Rev. Liz Schellingerhoudt, the Dean of our Convocation, at ANY amount of time volunteered will be helpful.

BBQ Competition - Diocese of Atlanta Annual Council
Friday, November 10, 2017

Holly & Don Walker are forming a BBQ team!  Please contact them if you are interested in helping out.  This year the Diocese of Atlanta Annual Council will be held in Gainesville.  On Friday November 10th, there will be a parish BBQ Cook-off at Grace Episcopal Church. 1st place: $5000, 2nd place: $2500, 3rd place: $1500 toward winning parishes' outreach ministries. 
Enotah CASA Every Day Heroes Run & Festival
November 11, 2017
3:00-9:00 p.m.

READY TO RUN, WALK OR SIMPLY HAVE SOME FUN?  YOU CAN BE A SUPERHERO TO AN ABUSED OR NEGLECTED KID IN FOSTER CARE when you join us for Enotah CASA's Every Day Heroes Superhero 5K, 1 mile fun run, and festival at White County Middle School in the beautiful mountains of Cleveland, Georgia! It's happening Veterans Day, Saturday, Nov. 11th, 3-9 pm. WE NEED SPONSORS, TEAMS, AND INDIVIDUAL RUNNERS. Not only will we be helping kids in need, but we'll also be honoring our vets. Christian Jones will provide entertainment, and there will be game booths for the whole family to enjoy. We invite you to grab your friends, family, and church groups to create your team, and then add to the festivities by sharing a game for everyone to play. Let's make this a fabulous community event! This is a glow run. So . . . put on your craziest Superhero outfit and come join the fun! There will be lots of prizes! To get all the details, go to  Individual runners can contact Lowell at
Family Promise HOME for the Holidays 5K & Fun Run
Saturday, December 2, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Dash your way through Piedmont College and downtown Demorest 
to help ensure that every child has a home this holiday season!
The 1st Annual Family Promise Home for the Holidays 5K & Fun Run will be held on Saturday, December 2 to raise money and awareness to support Family Promise of White & Habersham. The road race is for people of all ages. Awards will be given in various categories.

Family Promise of White & Habersham is a non-profit organization designed to assist children and their families experiencing economic hardship and crisis. Our mission at Family Promise is to mobilize community agencies and resources to help low-income families - families living in their cars, motels, campers and tents, and/ or double-occupancy - establish and sustain employment, transportation, affordable housing, and ultimately a sense of independence.

Family Promise supports children and their families in White, Habersham, and other surrounding counties across Northeast Georgia.  

For more information or to sign up, follow this link:   HOME for the Holidays 5K & Fun Run.
Please consider signing up to host our coffee hour after the 10:30 a.m. service one Sunday.  All you have to do is provide some cookies, make coffee and lemonade, and clean up afterwards.  

Your graciousness will be greatly appreciated! 
Are You Being Called?

"He shall call upon me, and I will answer Him."  Psalm 91:15a

If you feel called to serve on the Vestry, please contact Fr. Scott or a  Vestry member .


We are in need of additional people to serve as LEMs, ushers, greeters, lectors . . . 

Please consider volunteering to serve as a lay minister.  Your service of time and talent is appreciated.  

If you would like to sign up, contact the church office at (706) 865-9680 or  
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571

The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop
The Rev. Scott Kidd, Rector
The Rev. Stephen Hall, Priest Associate
(Searching) Administrative Assistant
Brandon Nonnemaker, Minister of Music
Leanne Kinney, Parish Musician
Sonya Chesser, Preschool Director
Paula Cundiff, Sexton 
Michelle Boyce (2017) - Participation
Linda Perry, Junior Warden (2017) - Compassion
Becky Schacht (2017) - Compassion
Joe Cash, Senior Warden (2018) - Formation
Dolores Chandler (2018) - Participation
Fonda Dodd (2018) - Participation 
Chris Geidel (2019) - Administration
Jan Kay (2019) - Compassion
Michael Randall (2019) - Formation
Larry Holbrook, Treasurer 
Patsy Kiessling, Recording Secretary

Patsy Kiessling
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection