Seventh Sunday After Epiphany
February 24, 2019
"We invite everyone to share communion around God's altar. 
We strive to be a welcoming and relevant Christian community doing what matters through prayer, worship, teaching, outreach, fellowship, and service.  
We will demonstrate the real life application of scripture, tradition, and
reason by providing a safe place to respond to each other's needs,   
hurts, joys, and interests." 
Resurrection Episcopal Church
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571


"The Episcopal Church in White County"

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In This Issue
Pastoral Care Corner
Annual Giving Campaign
Women's Bible Study
Resurrection Party Gras
Christian Formation
Music Notes
Preschool News
Theology on Tap
Resurrection Worship Meeting
Pancake Breakfast
Family Promise Reverse Raffle

Sunday, February 24
8:15  Holy Eucharist II w/o music 
9:30 Christian Formation
10:30   Holy Eucharist II

Monday, February 25
12:30 AA Meeting
5:30 Yoga
Tuesday, February 26
10:00 Exercise
11:30 WRECs' Lunch @ Sheilah's Village Market (backup: Creekside Deli)
6:00 Theology on Tap
6:30 Boy Scouts

February 27
10:00 Preschool Chapel
4:30 Worship Meeting
5:30 Choir Practice
6:00 ACTS Class
7:00 AA Meeting

Friday, March 1
5:30 Party Gras
February 24, 2019
The Lectionary 
Click  here for full texts

First Lesson
Genesis 45:3-11, 15

Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42

Second Lesson
1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50

Luke 6:27-38


8:15 a.m.

Steve Wydra

Steve Wydra

Dave Maier

Suzanne D'Abate

10:30 a.m.

Shelby Scalia

Amari Ernst

Shelby Scalia
Brandi Cash

Joe Cash

Brandi Cash

Denise Dorsey/Mallory Nonnemaker

Helen Wilkins
David Wilkins

Mike Dye
Valarie Dye

Children's Chapel
Katie Hardy

Joanna Moylan

Joanna Moylan

David Wilkins
Vestry Person 
of the Day
Don Scalia

If you are unable to serve in your designated ministry, please find a replacement and then contact the church office with the change .
Resurrection  Cycle of  Prayer
2/24   Jack Prince, Peggy Puryear, Tom Raaen
2/25 Michael & Hilary Randall, John & Bobbi Rees, Harold Riley, Herb & Nancy Rish, the Roberts family
2/26  Larry & Pat Roland, Christine Runkle, Terry & Louise Savoy, the Scalia family, Becky Schacht, Helen Schlaefflin
2/27  The Schutt family, Hillary & Will Sheppard, Mike & Marianne Seitz, the Sieveking family
2/28  The Smith family, the Steele family, Gena Taylor, Dwayne & Christy Vandiver, William Walden, David & Holly Wall, Don & Holly Walker, Luanne Wedd, Suzy Wedwaldt, Marty Welch, Diane Wiggins, David & Helen Wilkins, Denny & Alice Wydra, Steve Wydra
3/1 Paul Abele, Matt, Sophie & Lucy Alexander, Brad & Alyson Alexander, Jenna Bailey

3/2 The Bell family, Dottie Bardenwerper, Wayne & Geri Barrios, the Bergin family
February 24-March 2
2/24 June Krise

2/26 Tera Johnston

3/1 Terry Savoy, Mattie Sieveking

2/27 Bill & Linda Perry
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Welcome to the latest edition of our eNewsletter.
Wherever you are on your faith journey, may you discover God's spirit here at Resurrection. May you experience God's love and feel God's blessing as you participate in the life of the parish.
We will see you in church!
If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please contact the parish office, a member of the clergy, or a member of the vestry.  Please do not hesitate to let us know of any needs that arise.
Pastoral Care Corner

Michael Randall is undergoing chemo-therapy for liver cancer.

Harold Riley  is in New Horizon @ Limestone for rehab.

Alice Wydra  will have thyroid surgery next Tuesday the 26th.

Gil Pollitt will be having back surgery on April 16th.

2019 Annual Giving Campaign

Our 2019 Annual Giving Campaign is under way.
We would like to provide you a way to make your commitment easily and securely. Simply click here, and you will be taken to the secure giving tab on Resurrection's web site. There you can submit your confidential commitment.
Thank you for your Christian generosity!
Women's Bible Study
1st & 3rd Thursdays
6:00 p.m.

A video Bible study of  Follow  by Andy Stanley has begun   
The next meeting is Thursday, February 21, 2019.
All ladies are invited to join us!

Hope to see you there!  If you have any questions, please contact Jane Mitchell at  
Last chance to pay for your Dinner and Concert ticket is this Sunday, February 24th.  
Please bring your check to church on Sunday.

Be sure to check out our Silent Auction items after church this Sunday.  
There will be several items to bid on:  
Wine tours, restaurant gift certificates, photography, artwork, quilts and other items.

Christian Formation

Bishop Michael Curry has invited all Episcopalians to join together in exploring The Way of Love, an outline of a Rule of Life which includes 7 practices designed to help participants center themselves in Christ's love so that they may be freed to live more loving, abundant lives, following the way of Jesus.  We will begin our exploration during Christmas Formation in the parish hall at 9:30 a.m. on the following dates:
  • 1/13:  The Rule of Life & Turn
  • 1/20: Learn
  • 1/27:  Pray
  • 2/10:  Worship
  • 2/17:  Bless & Go
  • 2/24:  Rest
This Sunday's Anthem:

We Are Called
David Haas

1. Come! live in the light!
Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!
We are called to be light for the kingdom,
to live in the freedom of the city of God!

Refrain: We are called to act with justice.
We are called to love tenderly.
We are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God.

2. Come! Open your heart!
Show your mercy to all those in fear!
We are called to be hope for the hopeless,
so hatred and violence will be no more!

3. Sing! Sing a new song!
Sing of that great day when all will be one!
God will reign and we'll walk with each other as sisters and brothers united in love!
"We are called" (1988) captures the energy and enthusiasm of the folk song style. Each of the three stanzas exhorts the singer with an imperative verb: "Come! Live in the light!" "Come! Open your heart!" "Sing! Sing a new song!" Folk songs, especially those growing out of the 1960s and 1970s, urge us to action. The action here is inspired by Micah 6:8: ". . . what the Lord really wants from you: He wants you to promote justice, to be faithful, and to live obediently before your God." 

The first stanza invites us to "Live in the light" of God's grace and freedom and to reflect that light with "joy and . . . love." Stanza two, following naturally in the spirit of the first stanza, invites us to "Open our hearts" to "mercy" for all who live in "fear," "hatred," and "blindness." The final stanza invites us to an eschatological vision of the future when "all will be one!"
Preschool News

Making log cabins

The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571

The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop
The Rev. Scott Kidd, Rector
The Rev. Sue Duffield, Priest Associate
Luanne Wedd, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Brandon Nonnemaker, Minister of Music
Leanne Kinney, Parish Musician
Sonya Chesser, Preschool Director
Paula Cundiff, Sexton 
Jan Kay, Senior Warden (2019) - Compassion
Nancy LaForce (2019) - Participation
Michael Randall (2019) - Formation
Mike Dye (2020) - Administration
Christina Ernst (2020) - Participation
Ringo McCollum, Junior Warden (2020) - Participation
Katie Hardy (2021) - Formation
Barbara Overton (2021) - Compassion
Don Scalia (2021) - Administration
Sophie Alexander (Youth Rep) - Formation
Dr. John McClatchey, Treasurer 
Patsy Kiessling, Recording Secretary

Patsy Kiessling
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection