The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany:  The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple
February 2, 2020
"We invite everyone to share communion around God's altar. 
We strive to be a welcoming and relevant Christian community doing what matters through prayer, worship, teaching, outreach, fellowship, and service.  
We will demonstrate the real life application of scripture, tradition, and
reason by providing a safe place to respond to each other's needs,   
hurts, joys, and interests." 
Resurrection Episcopal Church
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571


"The Episcopal Church in White County"

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In This Issue
Pastoral Care Corner
Treasurer's Report
2020 Annual Giving
Preschool Pics
Youth Blurb
Empty Bowls
Wine Ingathering
Music Notes
Family Promise Host Weeks
Soup-er Bowl Chili & Soup Cookoff
Super Bowl LIV Game Board
Christian Formation
Family Promise Reverse Raffle
Sunday, February 2
8:15  Holy Eucharist II w/o music
10:30  Holy Eucharist II 
12:00 Soup-er Bowl Cook-off

Monday, February 3
12:30 AA Meeting
5:30 Yoga
Tuesday, February 4
10:00   Exercise
11:30 WRECs' Luncheon @ Corner Grill (Backup Location:  Creekside Deli) 
4:00 Preschool Board Meeting
6:30 Boy Scouts

Wednesday,  February 5
10:00 Preschool Chapel
4:30 Choir Practice
6:00 ACTS Group
7:00 AA Meeting

Thursday, February 6
3:00 Daughters of the King Meeting
6:00 Women's Bible Study

Friday, February 7
7:30 Cocaine Anonymous
February 2, 2020
The Lectionary 
Click  here for full texts

First Lesson
Malachi 3:1-4

Psalm 84

Second Lesson
Hebrews 2:14-18

Luke 2:22-40
8:15 a.m.

Dave Maier

Steve Wydra

Jane Maier

Alice Wydra

10:30 a.m.

Clay Bolton

Raegan Cash
Aubrey Bolton

Deb Kroll
Larry Holbrook

Joanna Moylan

Roxanne Hall

Patty Kidd/Jane Mitchell

Ben Bolton
Nancy LaForce

Stephanie Bolton
Nancy Phillips

Children's Chapel
Patty Kidd

Joanna Moylan

Jane Maier

Nancy LaForce
Vestry Person 
of the Day
Ringo McCollum

If you are unable to serve in your designated ministry, please find a replacement and then contact the church office with the change .
Resurrection  Cycle of  Prayer
2/2   The Bell family, Dottie Bardenwerper, Wayne & Geri Barrios, the Bergin family
2/3 The Bolton family, Bill & Edie Bolton, the Boman family, Bernadine & Roy Brogdon
2/4 Michelle Boyce, Madeline Braswell, Betsy Brien, the Brode family
2/5 Lana Brown, the Butcher family, Joyce Campbell, the Cash family, Elizabeth Cochran
2/6 George & Colley Case, Collier & Nancy Cato, Harold & Dolores Chandler

2/7 Dinanne Colletti, Robbie Crumley, Paula & Austin Cundiff, the D'Abate family

2/8  Fonda Dodd, Denise Dorsey, Jim & Sue Duffield, Mike & Valarie Dye
February 2-8
2/2  Nancy Neel

2/4 Jennifer Scalia

2/5  Louise Savoy

2/6  Abigail McGrath

2/8  Lily Mitchell

None Known
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Welcome to the latest edition of our eNewsletter.
Wherever you are on your faith journey, may you discover God's spirit here at Resurrection. May you experience God's love and feel God's blessing as you participate in the life of the parish.
We will see you in church!
If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please contact the parish office, a member of the clergy, or a member of the vestry.  Please do not hesitate to let us know of any needs that arise.
Pastoral Care Corner

Michael Randall is undergoing a new chemo therapy for metastatic colon cancer.

Jan Kay is home recovering from kidney stone surgery.

Our condolences to Kevin & Nancy LaForce on the death of Kevin's brother.
Treasurer's Report of 2019 Pledge Income

For the calendar year 2019, $229,640 was pledged to Resurrection.  As of December 31, 2019, we had received $206,622, leaving a shortage of $23,018.    
Shining our Light:
2020 Annual Giving Campaign

Thank you for being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God.  What a blessing and honor to be stewards of what God has given to us!  Thank you for supporting our ministry and mission at Resurrection and allowing Resurrection members to be beacons of light in our parish and out in the community. No matter what amount you pledge to Resurrection, your commitment makes a difference in the ministry and mission we do. As part of your spiritual discipline, we hope you will make sure to joyfully turn in your pledge so we can continue to shine our light in the parish and in our community. 

You can pledge by filling out a card found in the narthex, or the easiest and most secure way to offer your pledge is by going to 

Thank you for being a blessing!

Preschool Pics

The youth group wants to thank everyone who supported our fundraising efforts last Sunday. We had so much great help setting up, cooking and cleaning up. 
Your donations will send Shelby Scalia to Washington, D.C. in July to the National Episcopal youth event. 
No youth group this week. 

Christy Harris


This Sunday's Communion Hymn:

Squares on sale THIS SUNDAY between the services and after the 10:30 service!  There will be a winner at the end of each quarter and a big winner at the end of the game.  Half of the proceeds will benefit Resurrection's Outreach program.
Christian Formation
Begins February 16, 2020
There is no Christian formation this Sunday, and we will finish our Revival series the following week,  so this new Lenten series will begin on 2/16.  

The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571

The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop
The Rev. Scott Kidd, Rector
The Rev. Sue Duffield, Priest Associate
Luanne Wedd, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Brandon Nonnemaker, Minister of Music
Cassie Fincher, Preschool Director
Christy Harris, Director of Youth Ministry
Paula Cundiff, Sexton 
Christina Ernst (2020) - Participation
Ringo McCollum, Junior Warden (2020) - Compassion
Emily Nonnemaker (2020) - Administration
Joe Cash, Senior Warden (2021) - Formation
Katie Hardy (2021) - Compassion
Katie Lynam (2021) - Participation
Marika Csatary (2022) - Administration
Denise Dorsey (2022) - Administration
Mary Geidel (2022) - Formation
Dr. John McClatchey, Treasurer 
Patsy Kiessling, Recording Secretary

Patsy Kiessling
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection