The Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
January 28, 2018

"We invite everyone to share communion around God's altar. 
We strive to be a welcoming and relevant Christian community doing what matters through prayer, worship, teaching, outreach, fellowship, and service.  
We will demonstrate the real life application of scripture, tradition, and
reason by providing a safe place to respond to each other's needs,   
hurts, joys, and interests." 
Resurrection Episcopal Church
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571


"The Episcopal Church in White County"

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In This Issue
Pastoral Care Corner
Pledge Today for 2018!
Guest Preacher This Sunday
Christian Formation
Altar Flowers
Super Bowl Squares
New Beginnings
Preschool News
Women's Bible Study
Chili & Salsa Cookoff
Lenten Prayer Labyrinth & Taize
Theology on Tap
Dinner & Concert
Sunday, January 28
8:15  Holy Eucharist II w/o music
9:15 Christian Formation
10:30 Holy Eucharist II

Monday, January 29
10:00  Card Making Class
5:30 Yoga
7:30 Cocaine Anonymous
Tuesday, January 30
10:00 Exercise
11:30 WRECs' Lunch @ La Cabana
6:30 Boy Scouts

January 31
10:00   Preschool Chapel
5:30 Choir Practice
6:00 ACTS Class
8:00 AA Meeting

Thursday, February 1
3:00 Daughters of the King Meeting

Friday, February 2
7:30 Cocaine Anonymous
January 28, 2018
The Lectionary 
Click  here for full texts

First Reading
Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Psalm 111

Second Reading
1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Mark 1:21-28
8:15 a.m.

Dave Maier

Katie Lynam

Ray Gregory

Alice Wydra

10:30 a.m.

Shelby Scalia

Bryce Boman
Tanner Cash

Shelby Scalia
Don Scalia

Nancy LaForce

Don Scalia

Jennifer Smith
Larry Roland

Pat Roland
Roxanne Hall

Children's Chapel
Erika Koeppel

Madeline Braswell/Denise Dorsey
Community of Hope LEV
Joanna Moylan

Jane Maier

Nancy LaForce

Social Hour

Vestry Person 
of the Day
Dolores Chandler

If you are unable to serve in your designated ministry, please find a replacement and then contact the church office with the change .
Resurrection  Cycle of  Prayer
1/28  The Schutt family, Hillary & Will Sheppard, the Sieveking family
1/29  The Smith family, the Steele family, Betty Streeter, Gena Taylor, Ian & Catherine Tracy
1/30  Dwayne & Christy Vandiver, Don & Holly Walker, David & Holly Wall, Susan Wasmer, Suzy Wedwaldt 
1/31  Marty Welch, Diane Wiggins, David & Helen Wilkins, Denny & Alice Wydra, Steve Wydra
2/1 Paul Abele, Matt, Sophie & Lucy Alexander, the Bell family
2/2 Dottie Bardenwerper, Wayne & Geri Barrios, the Bergin family, Denise Bobo

2/3 The Bolton family, Bill & Edie Bolton, the Boman family Bernadine & Roy Brogdon
January 28-February 3
1/30 John Hardy

2/1 James Merritt

1/30 Mel & Jane Mellinger
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Welcome to the latest edition of our eNewsletter.
Wherever you are on your faith journey, may you discover God's spirit here at Resurrection. May you experience God's love and feel God's blessing as you participate in the life of the parish.
We will see you in church!
If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please contact the parish office, a member of the clergy, or a member of the vestry.  Please do not hesitate to let us know of any needs that arise.
Pastoral Care Corner

Lloyd Mills is in the hospital.

Harold Riley is now in hospice care.
Pledge Today for 2018!   

You can make your pledge online through Resurrection's secure website, . Simply Click Here and  fill out the simple form and your confidential pledge will be forwarded to the church office. It is really easy!
Church is an important part of all of our lives and your pledges support our ministry in the community. Thank you.
Guest Preacher This Sunday @ 10:30:  Barbara Brown Taylor
In celebration of Resurrection's 25th year

Super Bowl Squares
Now Available!

The Super Bowl is Sunday, February 4th, so it is time to claim your Super Bowl squares for only $25 a square!  Proceeds benefit Resurrection's outreach ministries.
We will begin by filling one board first and begin on the second board when the first one is filled. If we sell all the squares on both boards, you have a chance to win up to $125 after each quarter and up to $500 at the end of the game on each board - 2 chances to win after each quarter! But most importantly, our outreach will receive $3,250!
What if each family commits to selling at least 10 squares? Contact your family and friends. It is easy to do and fun to watch who wins! Reserve your squares today!
Send a message to or call 706-865-9680 and Luanne will be happy to reserve your squares.    
New Beginnings
Camp Mikell
February 2-4, 2018
New Beginnings is a unique weekend designed to address concerns and needs of youth in grades 6-8. Every October and February, no less than 100 youth and adults come together for this spiritual retreat. The weekend includes music, talks given by high school teams, small groups, skits, and plenty of fellowship. 

This is who the weekend is for! Participants are the youth and sponsors that attend the weekend. Participants are grades 6-8. Sponsors are also considered participants. Sponsors are the adult chaperones that attend the weekend. Participants of the weekend do not have to be Episcopalian, but they must come recommended through an Episcopal Church and have an adult sponsor who attends the weekend.

The New Beginnings Team is a group of high schoolers, young adults, and adults that work together to bring the love of Christ to all participants. You do not need to have participated in New Beginnings to be on team.

To register, follow this link:   New Beginnings Registration Form.  The cost is $100 for the weekend and the registration deadline is January 31, 2018.

For more information, contact: 
Easton Davis 
Preschool News
Ms. Beth's class making slime!

Women's Bible Study
Thursday, February 1, 2018 / 6:00 p.m.
Women's Bible Study will resume on Thursday, February 1, 2018, at 6:00 p.m.  We will be starting a new study called "The Wisdom of God."  Please contact Denise Dorsey or Patty Kidd if you would like a copy of the book ordered.  The group meets the first and third Thursdays each month.  
The sign-up sheet to enter the Salsa and/or Chili Cookoff is in the narthex. Purchase as many Super Bowl squares as you want for $25 per square, located in the lobby before and after services.

People have been gathering in public spaces for ages, talking about life, philosophy, faith, doubt, and deep questions of meaning. Recently, many people are re-discovering the pub and tavern as a safe space to explore and express questions, learn from others, and engage with other traditions and perspective. Throughout time, profound insights have their origins paired with a pint. The pub is a space of freedom and a place to reflect on the technical layers of complexity in the drinks we imbibe and the philosophy and theology in which we share. 

Join us the second Tuesday of the month and bring your questions, curiosity, and readiness to engage and wrestle as we pursue the Divine in the seemingly least likely of places. 

Please contact the church office to reserve your spot or sign up here.
Limited Seating Available!  
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571

The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop
The Rev. Scott Kidd, Rector
The Rev. Stephen Hall, Priest Associate
The Rev. Sue Duffield, Priest Associate
Luanne Wedd, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Brandon Nonnemaker, Minister of Music
Leanne Kinney, Parish Musician
Sonya Chesser, Preschool Director
Paula Cundiff, Sexton 
Dr. Joe Cash, Senior Warden (2018) - Formation
Dolores Chandler (2018) - Participation
Fonda Dodd (2018) - Participation 
Chris Geidel (2019) - Administration
Jan Kay (2019) - Compassion
Michael Randall (2019) - Formation
Mike Dye (2020)
Christina Ernst (2020)
Ringo McCollum (2020)
John McClatchey, Treasurer 
Larry Holbrook, Co-Treasurer
Patsy Kiessling, Recording Secretary

Patsy Kiessling
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection